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BSG weaps - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 01-19-2007

This might have come up before, so sorry if it has, but i was in Cambridge last night on a patrol came across some BSG who wanted me to leave and i chose not to, so i engaged.

Anyways I'm fighting, and as I'm about to be destroyed by like 3 of them, i scan one. A total outcast load out on a Viper.

And expensive ones too, so this guy was obviously cozy with them as he would have to go to the home planet to get them.

I'm just registering a complaint/want of clarification, since i mean honestly, a lawful faction should not be friends with the outcasts.

And i cant remember what his tag was but it was green in my HUD, and i only have Junkers, Hessians, Bunchush, Unioners, and Outcasts as green. So what ever he was he obviously wasn't a lawful. However, i realize the issue with misplaced tags as it has happened to me, but the weaps are what kills me.

If possible id like an explanation for the weapon load out. seems a tad unfair.

BSG weaps - Koolmo - 01-19-2007

I too have noticed such odd loadouts on BSG fighters, class 9 outcast guns on the lot of them.

BSG weaps - Malaclypse 666 - 01-19-2007

' Wrote:I too have noticed such odd loadouts on BSG fighters, class 9 outcast guns on the lot of them.

Ditto. Seems a bit strange, when they have all those Kusari Elite wrecks loaded w/ level 8 and 9 weps right in their own back yard.

..and not quite sure that "for RP we must shoot a lot of corsairs, so that's why i'm friendly w/ outcasts" really tells the story either.

BSG weaps - onca - 01-19-2007

Agreed. Still, yet again, players go for Outcast weps -- Kraken II has been beefed and does more damage than a Nomad gun, even rivalling a coded.

And of course not forgetting the ol Tozona.... can't wait to find some punter with both these weps mounted:dry:

BSG weaps - Nightfall - 01-20-2007

Sorry guys, but the Kraken IIs have been nerfed actually. And I thought the BSG corrected the Outcasts tags as I told every single one of them that I saw with one ingame (though I think it may have been the [CR] can't really remember)

BSG weaps - romer - 01-20-2007

I'm sure the explanation is simple.

Equip to win at all costs...regardless of RP. Come on, you know this one guys. It's the name of the game here recently.

BSG weaps - McNeo - 01-20-2007

On that note, d'you guys reckon that i should introduce a rule of BHG only guns...i mean, i must admit that my loadout is conforming with Romers "equip to win".

2 Archangels - looted
2 Wyrm type 2's - looted
2 adv Debilitators - bought in New York

and all the required peripheries.

BHG guns are quite good, but theydo around 100 less damage for the same energy usage, all for a bit extra range. I know it sounds like im whining and part of this is that i am whining but i understand also that BHG only guns rule may discourage others from joining the bounty hunters. Like i dont get enough recruits anyway, there are just too few pirates willing to turn on their mates these days....:lol:

BSG weaps - Yngen - 01-20-2007

This has been discussed. I have asked everyone specifically for feedback on our weapon loadouts.

The responces were:

Nightfall: everything should match, though 'relatively ok with guns'

Aeon and Nussebull: everything should match (I find this funny comming from the SCRA "capture any ship you want to fly" philosophy)

Hoodlum: ship should match, weapons more lenient

Quote:Personally, I don't get mad at people who use out-of-faction weaponry, as there isn't all that much choice in the matter. If your faction doesn't have good guns, thats it you don't have good guns.. Bundschuh only have level 8 guns, which is why I use 4 Salamancas to go along with the Outcast ships they use...We need stricter ship restrictions.

Quintinous Virginix: write a story to explain it, "Its alot hard to restrict weapons, because I have noticed that for example, the Liberty class 9 guns are sold on Rochester base, andA few Liberty Battleships. So I don't think weapons should be restricted as much as ships if at all. Its up to the player to chose their weapons wisely for their RP choices and ship."

Creampuff: the Necromonger "keep what you kill"

Mcneo: ship should match ID, weapons friendly only

Olsav, before he was destroyed in Cambridge:
Quote:AS to the BSG, i feel they are fine roleplayers and need not worry about it. though it is odd about the outcast thing. Though i have noticed that they dont powergame, and for a relatively new faction they should be commended, as i have seen hordes of new players tagged as navy and flying tottally corsair outfitted outcast sabres. (hyperbole and exageration but i felt it was merited)

Now lets consider BSG as a faction: pretty much pieced together from a variety of things. The only purely 'faction' ships there are available are the Battlestars and the Viper. The Battlestar has possibly the lowest base armor rating in the mod and the Viper, aside from the Titan, is probably the slowest turning VHF after it got nerfed. If anyone else believes they could run this faction with just these 2 ship types, step up to the mic please.

I can appreciate purist philosophy with role playing and indeed, I count myself as one-even with my inferno/kraken viper-which by the way gets destroyed daily by collada/nova whores. So, we play a purist this means we equip civilian weapons... Let me say that again, civilian weapons.
Option 2 is Bretonia Armed Forces weapons...ok maybe, but even the SF doesnt do that. Ok codenames, some of us do that anyways. Outcasts...I dont see any of them in Bretonia, which is where we spend all of our time. I suppose we could make the occasional trip up to Alpha to shoot at them just so we aren't allowed to buy their weapons but jeez man, isnt the mod supposed to work FOR us in this regard? =BSG= has no faction weapons to use.

Until server rules are implimented limiting weapons by ID I cant ask my pilots to castrate their ships when there are so many more power players on the server now- and they ALL visit Cambridge constantly to prey on our noobish pilots. Olsav is the exception, he met up with our best fighter pilot-bad luck man.

BSG weaps - Malaclypse 666 - 01-20-2007


I believe you put that to bed nicely.



)In me Greyhound with two Solaris and/or two Nomie Cannon and/or two Coladas, and a Nova I can't even hit my own arse with.)

(All taken from under the false floor in the Church grainary, of course.)

(..yeah, I'm a whore too.)

BSG weaps - Nightfall - 01-20-2007

Yngen, I was reffering to the Outcasts tags, not the guns, though, RP guns would be better, but whatever, it's not an ideal world.