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Infections... - Pinko - 06-29-2009

If I understand well, Das Wilde is mostly composed of nomad infected Rheinlander soldiers/officers/politicians and a minority of Kusarian Soldiers/Officers/Politicians.

Does that mean...

A) Bretonians never were bugged by the Nomads?

B) Every infected people left their former planets? Or some infected politicians/officers could fake being fully human and wait for a proper moment to "strike"? (Including Liberty!)

C) Can an infected infect/pass his infection to someone else without the help of a Nomad?

D)Can artefacts infect human?

Deeply sorry if these questions were answered in the Nomad Lore...

Infections... - johnpeter - 06-29-2009

A) Bretonians never were bugged by the Nomads?

Yeah, note it's position- it's the farthest house from the nomad systems.

B) Every infected people left their former planets? Or some infected politicians/officers could fake being fully human and wait for a proper moment to "strike"? (Including Liberty!)

I don't know about this one, I thought they were forced to leave.

C) Can an infected infect/pass his infection to someone else without the help of a Nomad?

The Nomads go inside your head, so the infected are having the help of a nomad, they come out of your head to infect someone else.

D)Can artefacts infect human?

No, they are Dom Kavach artifacts, not Nomad artifacts, so they can't.


Infections... - Boss - 06-29-2009

They sort of are, but here's a recap:

A: The first contact was by Rheinland. Bretonia is on the far side of Sirius. The major crisis was averted before Bretonia was hit hard. Not implausible that some were, in fact, infested, given Tekagi was.

B: Remember the Chancellor and his two amazingly stoic guards? Yes, they can, and quite easily. The Slmon K'hara has total control over the host, including all of his or her memories.

C: Again, remember the Chancellor and Jacobi scene.

D: No. They are tools. Though a Power Cell once infested a Wraith.

Infections... - Elsdragon - 06-29-2009

A) There is a bretonina cell of wild,But they are by far the weakest. SEE NOMAD LORE

B)The most infected are In rhineland, and most of the others, whom failed to Escape, Or disguise themselves, were slain.But there still is DIvision 18 in Liberty, ( with no players).Aswell as a bretonain cell.

C) Easily. The nomad Plants a nomad seed, Which grows into a new one

D) Artifacts are Daam K'vosh, BEcasue nomads Dont really bulid that much, other than bases.A Nomad artifact might Be infective,But your bog standard artifact is Clean, And of the nomads masters

Infections... - Cellulanus - 06-29-2009

' Wrote:If I understand well, Das Wilde is mostly composed of nomad infected Rheinlander soldiers/officers/politicians and a minority of Kusarian Soldiers/Officers/Politicians.

Does that mean...

A) Bretonians never were bugged by the Nomads?

No, as Orillien said, every house was infected, if not the leaders then key military units in the feilds.

B) Every infected people left their former planets? Or some infected politicians/officers could fake being fully human and wait for a proper moment to "strike"? (Including Liberty!)

Any one's that weren't IDed would have remained where they were, the rest would have run

C) Can an infected infect/pass his infection to someone else without the help of a Nomad?

I point to SP where the Kanzler was about to infest the Liberty President, they are fully capable of infesting new hosts.

D)Can artefacts infect human?

'Tis was not the artifacts themselfs that infested the humans, but the Nomads. It is possible that some artifacts held nomad "eggs" or whatever nomad infants are within them, but other then that they are only as dangerous as what they were originally built to do, and how the Nomads could use them.

Deeply sorry if these questions were answered in the Nomad Lore...

Infections... - Boss - 06-29-2009

' Wrote:But there still is DIvision 18 in Liberty, ( with no players).

Incorrect. There are a few.

Infections... - chovynz - 06-29-2009

' Wrote:If I understand well, Das Wilde is mostly composed of nomad infested Rheinlander soldiers/officers/politicians and a minority of Kusarian Soldiers/Officers/Politicians.

Does that mean...

A) Bretonians never were bugged by the Nomads?
They are and have been "bugged". Every human is in danger or can be a target for whatever nomad reasons. Now that Gallia has been opened they will possibly see some things in the future too.

B) Every infested people left their former planets? Or some infested politicians/officers could fake being fully human and wait for a proper moment to "strike"? (Including Liberty!)
Incorrect, Yes, Depends on the goals. Stealth and hidden are still best (one way of many) at the moment.

C) Can an infested infect/pass his "infection" to someone else without the help of a Nomad?
Depends. There are different types of "infection". Many people go *aaaahh im infected* when they are not and don't understand. A nomad exerting mind influence over someone is not "infection". I see too many people going ***Ah lol! look I'm a nomad now...they spoke to me***. "Speaking to someone telepathically" does not equal "infection". Direct contact with a nomad in any of its forms, might produce "infection", but not necessarily. THAT depends on the nomads goals and the RP between the two people. Why would nomads bother "infecting" a nobody that cannot influence anything nor further the nomads goals? That is a waste of energy and they'd probably just kill the "nobody" and move on. Nomads are very practical.

D)Can artefacts infect human?
Not that I'm aware of.

Deeply sorry if these questions were answered in the Nomad Lore...
Go read it:)
Note: Its infested, not infected.

Edit: The nomad is not a disease, even though that other term does apply. Infested is a better understanding of what they are, even though infection in it's current form explains WHAT they do. Make sense?

Infections... - BaconSoda - 06-29-2009

' Wrote:A) Bretonians never were bugged by the Nomads?

Bretonians were the least hit house. They were infested, yes, but not to the effect of any of the other houses. The government was hardly affected. Also, there might be some of it now...

EDIT: Changed infected to infested for Hyung :)