Discovery Gaming Community
Is the Server down ? - Printable Version

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Is the Server down ? - SOLiDWiNG88 - 06-30-2009


Is the Server down ? - dr lameos - 06-30-2009

I think you might be banned,

I'll point you towards the thread... holdon

It's there if that's indeed you.

Is the Server down ? - SOLiDWiNG88 - 06-30-2009

This server is completly SICK... that mentally ill person who reported me.. dude i could have reported him on 5 instances in the same dialogue... with the extremly awfull and hiddeous not to say cunning evil ways he was behaving agaist me two days in a row would have got a year bann if i screened and reported it, he just got mad because i proved him to be a complete evil "punk or prick" just a total wacko , if this is what this server is representing a bunsh of completly mental pricks i quit for good.

I was not even able to read the sanction report or even asked to defend my self , people who get humilated and exposed for the awfull human beeings they are on this server are taking advantage of their possition in the game , cleerly the admins belived him since he was a KEEPER lol ... and he took advantage of it like a mentally ill person he set this up and edited it so i would get banned.

I feared he might be this sick in hes head to go ahead and do this and im just laughing at how manny twisted induviduals that are on this server i dont even want to see the sanction reports or screens he manipulated and set up a false story to get me banned .. im fed up and ashamed to be apart of this comunity , you guys are messed up in your heads im quitting.

Ill be giving all my fortunes to a lucky someone after the ban is over im never gona spend a minute more at this server filled with such low class people bye to all the true freelancers out there keep it real peace.