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igiss seen this behavier - Printable Version

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igiss seen this behavier - Lt-Venom - 10-17-2005

ive just been invaded by three peaple and i was on my own i did not ask for the fight but boy did i get 1 i think these peaple should be banned for taking par in this attack they have also done it before i dont no how to post the screen shots i took but i have millons to show u of before and now i want JUSTICE!! plz :D :angry: :angry:

igiss seen this behavier - Igiss - 10-17-2005

And you should be banned for your spelling Venom.

Attach screenshots in File Attachments section of reply form. In addition to that, post nicknames of those who violated the rules.

igiss seen this behavier - Kane - 10-17-2005

I think Venom and Carnage are the same people. They type the same, and i've never seen both of them on at the same time. Come to think of it, I don't think i've ever seen someone named Carnage at all.

BTW, you keep bosting about how the FF is strong and powerful and all that. If it's true, and it's possible, where are all your members? Give me a list of all the people currently in the FF, would you please? From what I heard, you've been losing members left and right here.

igiss seen this behavier - Korrd - 10-17-2005

Hmm... I was thinking the same.
There is one way to know if they are the same person. Every time you post (dont know if invision power board log IP's too), the Source IP of the one who posts is registered. If carnage and venom have both the same IP, then they are both writting from the same machine. Given that they type the same, i guess it would prove that:

1 - They are the same person!! (<-- most likeky)
2 - Carnage and venom are brothers.

Igiss, if you read this, could you please confirm our hypothesis?

igiss seen this behavier - The Damned - 10-17-2005

This was one of my most dreadful experienses...I am spechless, my head is ponding like a drum and i don't understand how there can be people like that.
We waged war upon the FF. We occupied the NT system. WE repelled the attacks of Venom.Firstly Lancer engaged him but after that and soon after the entire fleet joined up. After the first kill i pleaded for negotiations. All i got was curses and fire.
I pleaded for negotiations 100 times.


THen i proposed directly what i have posted in the war thread. I got nothing but insults,curses attacks and a ban threat. I talked and i talked.... i tryed to explain my point.I GAVE THE GUY TIME TO GET FORCES AND MEET US.

Nothing .... but empty words and threats, attacks of desparation.

Then He sayed that he quits the FF.He wanted to join us. I cant understand that. Maybe u should ask any SPQR on Hal does he wants to join the TDK. I think not. These guys hate eachother in their guts.
I beleive that for 3weeks a man can do a lot of things. THe LS was brought to daylight in a week.
I gave him ideas. Pointers. Nothing.....

"...I want to join u guys-The LS the winning side..." - Where have i heard that?

I tried to tell him that a radical change like that is impossible.That it speaks no good for some1 if he chnges his ideals and sides all the time. No matter if its a game or real life. He says that he isnt like this in real life, although i find it hard to beleive....

And still NothinG...

I am tired of this. I tried to talk some senses into him. I tried to get his point of view, to get in his place-i gave him a big opportunity.

I failed....

I want this thing clear - this is a game , but its also on-line.U play with real people here. And i think it dosent speak good for u if u quit too easy and switch sides and insult and curse and threat....

Still NOthinG...

I bet that if Dab was on his place he would take up the challenge-put himself togerther,gather people and meet take the challenge with no argument.

Still NOthiNG...

Im tired of this...I really wanted to make things more lively...I tryed to defend the "ideals of LIberty"-the threads of players and things like that. I have had complains of threads comming from there long ago when LS was 1 person-me.I responded to those calls-the LS had grown. I was in a role... Now im not....It was too much for me.

I can't say much...

Still NOThiNG...

I might talk and talk, but whats the point? No1 listened to me...Maybe the rules are too democratic-he dosent wants a war with us and so we can't attack him.
Maybe there is a need of change in the rules. The server is turning into a trade Sim.
Is this a battle universe or a trading Sim? I think that npc are no big fun. Things are getting sleepy and boring... Ever though why i tried the EVO on Hal?
Because there is a thrill.The server is not for the wining loosers.
I got blasted. Big deal! Get on ur feat and return the favor. Things here are too peacfully. I don't know what exactly the LS is doing-right now it was helping new players get a trader ships and start trading... If u don't give battles to the warriors expect problems.

Still NOThING...

Here are pics from the conversation-u be the judges-i really dont want to be on the server now...I'll try something more chalenging-like Hal.

[attachmentid=84] [attachmentid=85] [attachmentid=86] [attachmentid=87]

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[attachmentid=96] [attachmentid=97] [attachmentid=98]

I told my story.... I give myself for this server...

And Still NOTHING.....

igiss seen this behavier - lonewolve - 10-17-2005

wow >_> this guys pathetic and just yesterday hes begging me to join.
he offers me money and stuuf and i told him no. this guy is just a kid who wants out of hard stuff

igiss seen this behavier - Constantine - 10-17-2005

Well done with your post Vlad. :)

I agree with all of this.

*************Admiral Lancer out**************

igiss seen this behavier - Korrd - 10-17-2005

Well done with your post Vlad.

I cant really believe Venom's behavior. he is a coward!! and a traitor to his own people!!!
Also he does not know the meaning of ROLE-PLAY.

And i was one of FF members once..... That's one of the reasons why i quit the FF.....

A leader cannot surrender that way. And definitively cannot betray his troops by passing to an enemy faction!!!!
A leader has THE OBLIGATION to defend it's people.
A leader has to put the example of valor and honor. Definitively, Venom lacks those cualities.

VladiC, dont disband LS just because a guy like him. Just ignore him, or blow him to pieces...

Venom, you are about "2 words of distance" to win N enemies, or a ban. (where N is the number of players on Discovery).

When i meet venom in game for the first time (that was before he registered on forums), i tought he was a good person, a person with a terrible grammar, but a good person. But, after reading their threads and posts, i no longer think it.
I was hoping you would start behaving properly. learning from your mistakes. But i see i was grong.

|Admiral Korrd - Asgard Warriors.|

igiss seen this behavier - The Damned - 10-17-2005

I'll change the subject for a bit:

I must report something that made me very happy(and its not because i won that 1)

Kane A.K.A. Phantom leader Dark_Star just attaked one of the LS members in liberty while he was in his trader. Unfortunatelly for the pirate all Nearly All LS members were in NY too.
In the short skirmish the pirate and renegade showed fearsome fighting will and abilities, and the only thing that stopped him from killing the trader was the LS.
2 fighters( me and Serenity) and Dark_Knight in his cruser engaged the outlaw in a fieriece fight. The Fortuna was shining upon me amd wit the help of my teammates i succeeded in lowering the renegade's sheild and greeting him with a cannonball.

I really want to thank Kane for the trill that he gave me and i hope the others (the trader was really screamin' there :) ). I honour his deed although it was a clar piracy, and wish to say that:

I really want to thank again Kane (hope u didnt lost anything Kane) and to say that this is no BAN-crime!

I also want to suggest a that there can be permission to attack players above a sertain level without asking for a duel.The duel is another thing.There should be some thrill after all!The level i propose is 30.By that LV every1 should have gotten a desent ship and equipment(one advise-don't leave any weapons un-eqipped).

Thats all - and really thank u Kane - the thrill was like the 1 i felt while i was hunted by the TDK on Hal!!
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

igiss seen this behavier - lonewolve - 10-17-2005

VladiC,Oct 17 2005, 05:40 PM Wrote:I'll change the subject for a bit:

I must report something that made me very happy(and its not because i won that 1)

Kane A.K.A. Phantom leader Dark_Star just attaked one of the LS members in liberty while he was in his trader. Unfortunatelly for the pirate all Nearly All LS members were in NY too.
In the short skirmish the pirate and renegade showed fearsome fighting will and abilities, and the only thing that stopped him from killing the trader was the LS.
2 fighters( me and Serenity) and Dark_Knight in his cruser engaged the outlaw in a fieriece fight. The Fortuna was shining upon me amd wit the help of my teammates i succeeded in lowering the renegade's sheild and greeting him with a cannonball.

I really want to thank Kane for the trill that he gave me and i hope the others (the trader was really screamin' there :) ). I honour his deed although it was a clar piracy, and wish to say that:

I really want to thank again Kane (hope u didnt lost anything Kane) and to say that this is no BAN-crime!

I also want to suggest a that there can be permission to attack players above a sertain level without asking for a duel.The duel is another thing.There should be some thrill after all!The level i propose is 30.By that LV every1 should have gotten a desent ship and equipment(one advise-don't leave any weapons un-eqipped).

Thats all - and really thank u Kane - the thrill was like the 1 i felt while i was hunted by the TDK on Hal!!
:yahoo:&nbsp; :yahoo:&nbsp; :yahoo:&nbsp; :yahoo:&nbsp; :yahoo:&nbsp; :yahoo:&nbsp; :yahoo: