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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Printable Version

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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Eppy - 07-01-2009

I've been trying to RP Powertrade a lot lately (two or so weeks - I've been on the couch a lot because I had my wisdom teeth out) for a new Outcast Dreadnought for this big RP I've been planning. I won't go into it, but let's just say I am frustrated - very frustrated - with trading for this ship. Simply put, it's taking ages. I'm trading very much in-RP, with my royal liner, and I've discovered that I'm not making much - only 650 million credits. I'll be blunt. It's boring, doing this five, six hours a day. I'm willing to work for this kind of thing, but honestly, is it really worth it? I mean, I'm putting all this work into this dang thing when I could be flying a fighter that cost 20 mil to set up (even though I hate them) and doing a fair bit of what I could in the Battleship. Xoria's not going to make trade routes more profitable for those of us who wish to avoid the 5K cargo vessels, so the only other thing to is drop the prices of Battleships and armor. These grossly inflated pricetags were originally instituted to keep The More PvP Inclined Players Among Us (MPVPIAU) from going out and buying a Battleship in four days and trashing everything (it used to be you could buy and outfit one of them for 500 mil. That's what Fantasia cost to make in 4.82-83). The problem here is that it hasn't really done that - a powertrading MPVPIAU isn't going to let a price increase stop him, as we've consistently observed on the server, and, as we've also consistently observed, this causes problems for those of us who want to RP a Battleship but are getting sick and tired of having to trade ungodly amounts to get one, especially considering a Battleship will never deliver the kinds of firepower or survivability proportionate to its price. I think it's hurting legitimate RP and not deterring the PVP-inclined much. So, what I want to do is this:
  • Lower the prices of Battleships 150-250 Million
  • Lower the prices of Cap Armor proportionate to a 250 Million decrease in the price of the MK VIII
I think this will help those of us who want to RP with our Battleships actually get them, and I don't think it will significantly increase capwhoring (which is still prevalent despite the price increase).

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - ProwlerPC - 07-01-2009

Well actually to be honest I was taken back at the price tag for the RM BS when I looked at it last week. Faction members got together pretty fast with some hard trading and I just finnished purchasing it today. Yeah it is expensive but we didn't find it hard to acquire. Mind you there is still the matter of equiping it........
Still I don't mind the price too much since it's a group effort for the faction.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - .:Mongoose:. - 07-01-2009

' Wrote:I've been trying to RP Powertrade a lot lately (two or so weeks - I've been on the couch a lot because I had my wisdom teeth out) for a new Outcast Dreadnought for this big RP I've been planning. I won't go into it, but let's just say I am frustrated - very frustrated - with trading for this ship. Simply put, it's taking ages. I'm trading very much in-RP, with my royal liner, and I've discovered that I'm not making much - only 650 million credits. I'll be blunt. It's boring, doing this five, six hours a day. I'm willing to work for this kind of thing, but honestly, is it really worth it? I mean, I'm putting all this work into this dang thing when I could be flying a fighter that cost 20 mil to set up (even though I hate them) and doing a fair bit of what I could in the Battleship. Xoria's not going to make trade routes more profitable for those of us who wish to avoid the 5K cargo vessels, so the only other thing to is drop the prices of Battleships and armor. These grossly inflated pricetags were originally instituted to keep The More PvP Inclined Players Among Us (MPVPIAU) from going out and buying a Battleship in four days and trashing everything (it used to be you could buy and outfit one of them for 500 mil. That's what Fantasia cost to make in 4.82-83). The problem here is that it hasn't really done that - a powertrading MPVPIAU isn't going to let a price increase stop him, as we've consistently observed on the server, and, as we've also consistently observed, this causes problems for those of us who want to RP a Battleship but are getting sick and tired of having to trade ungodly amounts to get one, especially considering a Battleship will never deliver the kinds of firepower or survivability proportionate to its price. I think it's hurting legitimate RP and not deterring the PVP-inclined much. So, what I want to do is this:
  • Lower the prices of Battleships 150-250 Million
  • Lower the prices of Cap Armor proportionate to a 250 Million decrease in the price of the MK VIII
I think this will help those of us who want to RP with our Battleships actually get them, and I don't think it will significantly increase capwhoring (which is still prevalent despite the price increase).

In my opinion the battleship should be hugely expensive and take some getting.

2 reasons

1/ There seems to be the desire of lots of players to get the biggest and best ship and I have noticed more and more cruisers popping up lately, and not for RP just because they want one. Even saw 2 yesterday who didnt have the relative guard ID but bought one because they could and then had to sort out the id etc. 'I fancy a cruiser anyone lend me 200mil', 'ok, pay me back later', you get the idea. If the price of battleships is lowered I honestly believe there will be dozens of new battleship showing up in no time and not because people have a genuine desire or Idea for some great rolplay but because they desire the best and most powerful ship possible. Lets be honest it doesnt take long to gain 300 million and thus there will be a big surge in battleships. Frankly there are too many cruisers flying around doing missions and generally very little rp. It would be far worse if it was battleships

2/ I believe battleships should be for big rp events, invasions of systems, defending the homeworlds against large invading forces etc. If they were too cheap they would be 2 a penny. I recall reading in the forums a comprehensive guide about battleships, why you should buy one, things to consider etc and it all made pretty good sense to me. If I recall It even talked about seeking the approval of official faction leaders if you are going to suddenly show up with a Corsair, Outcast etc battleship in the home systems which to me sounds like the way ot should be.

I personally am for Increasing the price of battleships or adding some approval process for buying one, for example detailed and progressive rp on the forum etc. I would also increase the price of cruisers while I was at it


Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Cellulanus - 07-01-2009

I must admit, high prices don't seem to dissuade lolwuters who just want a big ships, these are the same breeds as WoW players who can grind away for hours and lets face it, WoW playing and Disco playing shouldn't really be anything alike, since disco has an emphasis on RP more so then WoW does.

The way I see it, it just makes people who do want one to RP in loose interest when faced with the trading, so the ratio of lolwuts to RPers actually increases.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - swift - 07-01-2009

I have talked about this a great deal before already, and I remember seeing Xoria say that the trade profits will not rise, and I understand why, because the bloke spent a *lot* of hours doing it, and it would not be fair to him.
He also said that if we had complaints we should try asking for ship prices to be reduced.

I agree with Eppy here. As much as it can at times stop people who can't perform up to the minimum level of RP from getting their big beasts, it also deters people from RPing what they want to RP.
I never had a battleship. Not because I didn't like them. But because I simply don't and can't have that much money.
I am utterly *swamped* with constantly writing RP, playing the game, assisting Panzer in leadership of the Colonial Remnant, and plus, I've got that thing we call 'Real Life'.
Look me in the eye (Figuratively.) and tell me that I, and all other players on this server who wish to RP, do not deserve to be rid of at least a portion of grinding.


Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 07-01-2009

Im afraid i dont agree.

I have recently bought my own BS (a kind of flagship idea for the whole story i have been developing), and it has made me more inclined to try RP things that i wouldnt in a smaller ship. This i would say would be a good thing, as it sems to be working, and i can land in iron fist of RP on any PvPwhores without getting lolpwned!

On the other hand, it seems that there has been an increse in lolcaps recently (strangely most of these new PvPwhores dont know how to fly their ships), but as i am restricted to the edge worlds, this might not hold true throughout the rest of sirius. The thing is though, that most of these lolcaps and PvPwhores are restricted to cruisers/BCs/carriers, because a BS is so expensive and they seem to be to engaged in PvPwhoring to want to trade enough to get one, this is also good because if they do pop up, they can easily be 'discouraged' by those who do know how to RP. Now, imagine if the whole price of a BS and equipment were reduced, then everyone who had acess to a 5k cargo transport would be within striking distance of a BS (imo a ship which should be rarely seen apart from in home systems), and omicron delta (the edgeworld PvP hotspot) would all of a sudden be flooded with BHG BSs, order osirises, and corsair legates wanting to kill all that moves.

It is really a matter of the lesser of two wevils, would you like to have PvPwhoring BSs everywhere, and 'lol ima pwn u' being heared every 5 seconds in highly populated systems but have your BS and be a veretable 'bastion of RP in a PvP world', or go without your sweet capital ship, which would no doubt help enhance the RP of whatever faction let you have one, in the name of RP and general sanity?

I know which one i would choose...

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Bass_masta992 - 07-01-2009

Change the way people get battleships and things.

I take for example, the barge. The Naval Research Center does a great job at RP, and making it enjoyable to have that one around. The reason i love it so much is that it is only accessible through Bastille, by means not available to the normal player. If people had access to it the way they could get any other ship, the metagamers would freak out over the 25000 cargo space, and it would just become another lolwut commanded ship. Yes, its not a viable trader, but the buyers don't care, its big and stuff.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Lunaphase - 07-01-2009

instead of reducing battleship PRICE, perhaps reduce weapon costs? 10 million credits for a battlerazor which isnt even that good, wheras 4 million for a missle that does insanely higher amounts of damge... seems strange. Basic battleship turrets cost 750k Per turret. Zoner turrets cost 2100k TELL me thats fair, when theres only a 5 dmg increase and a 30/ms increase in speed. its just not worth paying the cost of 3 turrets for the essencially same gun.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - swift - 07-01-2009

Bass Masta, I'd be the happiest person in the world if a system where people who do good RP would be rewarded with paying less for ships, for example.
I fear that it would be too big a job for the admins, and that people would not have confidence in anyone but the admins to do that kind of thing, because there'd always be someone who'd feel a decision was unjust.

Disco's not ideal, and I am utterly sorry for it.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Weedalot - 07-02-2009

they should be increased