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im bored... - Printable Version

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im bored... - Errant.Venture - 07-02-2009

as many of you know system shock 2 is my favorite game....

so how the bleep do i roleplay an intelligent, learning, computer virus?

im bored... - Cosmos - 07-03-2009

you join the harvesters and Eat people


im bored... - Elvin - 07-03-2009

As Cosmos said, Harvesters are... -erm- in fact "intelligent, learning, computer virus", and they even have growing ships and use * a lot.

im bored... - Fletcher - 07-03-2009

Watch a budget film called Virus. Enough said.

im bored... - Errant.Venture - 07-03-2009

virus is the complete opposite of what i want to do...think skynet....but not homicidal...

think of an artificial intelligence entity, that is in its learning stages, and curious, stumbles across different types of information and becomes that recent movie about that wacko US GOvt program, but again not violent....yet

im bored... - Unseelie - 07-03-2009

I'd argue, as I long have, that the harvesters do a very poor job of roleplaying intellegence or capability to learn. What they seem to portray are decision trees based on simple if/else loops.

What I'd suggest is that you come up with an allegory for the internet, digital cortex, neural net, or whatever you want to call it, of Sirius. I've used something of a Fairyland for my Queen Anne program. Anything will do. This is the world as your computer program sees it, the world of the databases and servers and nodes, etc, of sirius. (ships may or may not be directly controlled by such an organism, I'd lean towards not unless the ship was heavily modified)

Your virus then lives in a world beside the human world, and only observes humans through observation devices such as webcams or streetcams, etc.

Ships I would explain as small boxes, which disconnect from worlds and float to other worlds. Worlds, stations, are huge nexuses (sp?) of digital worldspace, disconnected from one another by the distance between them. (tradelanes use ftl, and would connect everything in the tradelane nexus along a network, but remember, everything is attenuated by time...even a planet, though it only takes nanoseconds to travel from one end to the other. Ship traffic is also rather fast, and connects stations and worlds which are not connected to local tradelanes).

Also, any computer program of complexity worthy of the monicker 'intellegent' should probably be able to pass the turing test, at least for a while.

(shameless plug) My own attempt at roleplaying a digital intellegence, in the rp story, Flickers.
Contemporary fiction writer who deals with much the very same stuff, Charles Stross.

im bored... - Errant.Venture - 07-03-2009

thats almost exactly what i want to do....ill have to work on a way to rp it

im bored... - Dejavu - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:you join the harvesters and Eat people


Like Cosmos said, you ACTUALLY do get to eat people........ Mmmmmm........BRAINS.....

im bored... - Weedalot - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:Like Cosmos said, you ACTUALLY do get to eat people........ Mmmmmm........BRAINS.....
They are only lubricant for us, nothing more nothing less. we need "People" so all the wires and what not in our AI ships will run smooth:P

im bored... - Dejavu - 07-03-2009

Next person I shoot down as a Harvie Im gunna get them to grease ma ship!!