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shipsales - and RP - Jinx - 07-02-2009

its obvious that "shipsales" have increase from zero to quite a lot recently. - i find that slightly alarming in some cases.

here are a few thoughts i got about it. - selling a ship is not just a piece of equipment you re selling, but also a background, a RP and all the circumstances around it. i m slightly concerned that soon we re not only selling weapons anymore - but entire RP stories, well prepared and ready to be used with the least bit of brain activity.

its a bit like characters that are prepared, equipped and sold on popular mmorpgs like WoW. - while the original idea of the game is to create a char and "guide" that character from a weak nobody up to a hero with great popularity - many a players take the shortcut and simply buy a char that is high level and equipped.

they don t see that the actual FUN of the game is to work on the char themselves.

but there are two kinds of ship deals. - there are the ones that are inRP - and those that are ooRP.

inRP is a shipsale that only does logical shipdeals - which EXcludes many factions and ships. - a military captain cannot sell his ship. - he cannot even hand it down to someone else. - a pirate or independent captain however CAN sell his ship. - but a pirate can only really sell / hand it down to logical people - like his own kin, sometimes only within his own family.

i do know that the "sirius exchange" is not really ** roleplayed ** as such. - but it gives me a little itch to see military ships sold and purchased. - cause its not inRP at all. - one is not bidding on a rheinland battleship. meanwhile - i am aware that of course - a player doesn t want to loose so much money selling his ship, when there is a chance to get more. - but recently there are just quite a lot of those deals.

originally - we also had in mind that by fixing a reputation, one gets a feeling of the faction one wishes to roleplay. - so if you want to fly a corsair cruiser, you have to become a corsair guard. - in the process of becoming - you get a feeling for it, mostly, cause you simply spend a good time in gamma.

but by buying a cruiser PLUS fixed reputation - you get the whole deal without any idea what you re about to get... .

that is for those that offer and those that buy those ships to think about it for a minute.

shipsales - and RP - Tommeh - 07-02-2009

You are absolutely wright.This selling and biding ships has got out of hand a bit.Some posts are good and in RP but it doesn't matter when they are selling Liberty Navy battlecruiser or Order carrier,that pretty oorp,no one can sell their ship except freelancers and similar people.If you are part of Military organization,when you want to leave it you can't sell your ship or plane or whatever vehicle you were using.
People don't want to lose half of money they give for ship,I understand that,but how was it before command /movechar?This command should be used only to transfer chars on your accounts,but there is no way to control it.Maybe forbid public sales? :$I didn't say that
It is ok,when you sell ship to someone from same faction as you,that is not so bad.

shipsales - and RP - Athenian - 07-02-2009

I think there is absolutely no way that any ship purchase bought in this manner should count as a RP'd acquisition of technology.

shipsales - and RP - carlabrams - 07-02-2009

Actually, I have a ship that I acquired from purchasing from another player that would PERFECTLY fit being within RP.

The controlling network of a harvester cruiser was damaged. Due to acquired (harvested components) on my harvester drone, the control network of the drone was copied into the cruiser.

I didn't change any factions by the acquisition of this ship - I'm already a member of the Harvester faction, it was just someone who'd been in for a while decideing that he wanted to do something else, and keeping it all within the family.

I would not have any issues if someone had a Mako Battleship and decided to sell it to one of the members of the BHG|, for example. But that's keeping it within factions.

It would be totally OoRP for, say, Rand to sell me his Order battleship - and for me to keep it completely, name and all.

I think if someone RP'd that they were retiring and that the new crew needed to come onboard - and THAT was what the sale was all about, then that would be acceptable.

shipsales - and RP - Captain - 07-02-2009

well I think ship deals should be made inRP,

now I ask you your opinion about this thread

shipsales - and RP - Tenacity - 07-02-2009

It also annoys me when I see battleships or cruisers and the like for sale... guys, militaries dont just let you take THEIR ships and sell them at a whim. If you retire, another captain is given the ship by the head of that military organization, you dont get any money out of the deal at all.

shipsales - and RP - Tomtomrawr - 07-02-2009

The reason i'm selling my Outcast Destroyer is because the instant I bought it I regretted it seriously, it emptied out my bank for some big hunk where the role-play I dish out no-one listens to, and I don't really like the cap-ship role-playing now anyway. I'm never going to use it again, why not sell it.

Whats the point of it sitting in my account not being used when I can sell it to someone who will use it.

(P.S. Anyone want to buy it? I'm getting desperate to sell it here)

shipsales - and RP - Treewyrm - 07-02-2009

Nomad Battleship for auction... :-) Bid starts at 2bil.

"BorderSquid Exports would like to make you an offer you can't refuse: One Nomad Deathbringer, in top condition, flexible tentacles included. A joy to watch it play freely on the modern battlefield, and a lovely huggable companion in those lonely nights when you just need some tentacle love." - courtesy of Enchy.

Joke aside I can see small personal craft for sale to civilians, transports, gunboats too perhaps. But cruisers and battleships? Ships that require a whole crew to maintain them? May be as ships no longer functioning, weaponless. Dunno.

shipsales - and RP - Varyag - 07-02-2009

At the same time, you could say it is oorp for a captain to have to buy the cap in the first place. Call it a departmental transfere.

I will give ya 30 mil for it amused.

shipsales - and RP - Tomtomrawr - 07-02-2009

' Wrote:Joke aside I can see small personal craft for sale to civilians, transports, gunboats too perhaps. But cruisers and battleships? Ships that require a whole crew to maintain them? May be as ships no longer functioning, weaponless. Dunno.

That is what ruins the concept of selling cruisers and battleships. Only if entire factions buy the ship can it be shown as a role-play purchase. If a lone Mercenary buys it, how the hell is he going to fly it? A system of strings perhaps? But there is one logical way, using AI to do most of the work.

' Wrote:At the same time, you could say it is oorp for a captain to have to buy the cap in the first place. Call it a departmental transfere.

I will give ya 30 mil for it amused.
Your comment fails to amuse me, better luck next time.

How about adding 200 mil to that? Then we'll talk.

And the name is not being amused, it is NOT amused. Do I really look amused to you?