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Diary of a Crime-Fighter - Printable Version

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Diary of a Crime-Fighter - Asgardian - 07-03-2009

You open a small, tattered book, the cover reads only "My Diary". Inside, you find the thoughts of an ex-Navy Marine, who still serves his nation long after he was terminated.

Decided I'd start up a log of my encounters and such with the local scum that inhabit Liberty, eating away at values and beliefs like a slow, painful cancer. Although the Navy abandoned me early on, I can not and will not allow Liberty to be eaten away by corruption and pirate filth.

A while back, the Zoners allowed me a stay on Freeport 2 - Mind you, they'd allow a slave-running fiend to stay there as well...But anyway. That's my base of operations, for the time being. Although, the Zoners weren't too pleased when killed three filthy slave-runners when they landed there. However, they soon got distracted helping those poor sods and forgot all about my killing them.

Have to admit, I'm not squeaky clean...everyone knows the Navy was just covering their ass by blaming me for that incident. How the hell could I know they were innocent?!

Anyway, I launched from the Freeport and headed straight out to Texas. I knew they'd be some smuggling scum there for me to apprehend - There always is, since the LPI are about as useful as...well, the LPI. No sooner than I got there, there was a Xeno patrol waiting for me. Not to mention the Navy. Fortunately, I still possess a Navy IFF, which distracted them for a while, allowing me to destroy the remaining Xeno's and high-tail it out of there. Sure, the IFF is illegal - But I see it as a parting gift from the Navy.

The Navy soon left, and low-and-behold a smuggler comes straight through from Bering. Didn't catch the name of the Captain piloting this piece of junk. However, it went by the callsign "Free.Trade"-ProjectX. Caught him red-handed with a full load of Cardamine. Probably delivering it to Manhatten for distribution, either that or the Junkers - They'll accept just about anything for a bit of cash. With my time in the Navy, they told me that evidence is everything, so I thought I'd print out some photo's of these encounters - Never know when they can come in handy.
[Image: projectx.jpg]
Well, he refused to drop the Cardamine, so I promptly opened fire on his ship - Its much more clear what the correct decision is when you're not constantly having ridiculous protocols running through your head. He attempted to bargain with me - $2million credits for him to walk, or rather "fly". I could've done with the money, but then I thought of the teenagers on Manhatten - How many of them would die from this one shipment. Dodging his petty turret fire wasn't too hard, it was doing damage to his shields that was the bloody problem. Maybe I should've opted for a bomber from that dealer on Pittsburg...on second thought, I doubt I could've made it out of the Navy armoury with a Supernova cannon - <strike>We</strike> They guard those things with fierce force. Nonetheless, my weapons proved sufficiently powerful and I managed to fend him off to Bering. At least there no Navy would pester me. Eventually I managed to overload the ship's reactor, igniting the Cardamine and making a very large explosion.
[Image: projectx2.jpg]
That's one Cardamine dealer out of space for a while. I know he'll have survived - I think I saw an escape pod floating off somewhere.

I continued and made a close encounter with the Mississippi - Grand old ship that she is. I was heading up the tradelane towards New York when I found a small-time slave-runner. Seemed he simply bought the slaves from Sugarland and was planning to ship them for profit. The cold-hearted bastard didn't even consider them as human, merely "cargo". This got my blood boiling, however since I couldn't possibly save all those hostages myself, I persuaded him to take them back to Sugarland.
[Image: ibz.jpg]
Bloody LPI probably slipped them out of there for a few donuts or something. The Navy can be honourable, but the LPI'll stab you in the back for a few bucks any day.

After making sure the slaves were released back to Sugarland, I continued on to New York. I promptly exited the lane approaching Norfolk - They'd shoot me on sight. However, this turned out to be the best, as I found two GST transports looking very shady. Sure enough, both had full loads of Cardamine aboard. I can believe they'd have the cheek to approach Norfolk with that kind of cargo. I kindly asked them both to cut their engines and open their cargo bays. Their cheek continued as they wished me a "nice day", as they both sped away into the distance. I shouted a few profanities and chased after them to Fort Bush. After exiting the lane, I realised I'd lost them. Shouting over the public comms for them to confront me, I soon picked up the attention of the Navy, so I had to cruise into the nearest debris field. From there, I drifted South, towards the badlands - Thinking they'd be there...
[Image: gst.jpg]
Damn, I was frustrated at that point, racking my brain to try and figure out where they'd be going...Fortunately, I bumped into them at West Point. Have to say, a grin swept over my face and I was once again in hot pursuit. Once again the cheeky sods got away from me! Furious, I chased them to Pennyslvannia, California and onto Magellan. At that point I couldn't catch up to them and reluctantly pulled off the chase. At least now I know their little smuggling route - From what I understand, these "GST" fella's are former politicians, creatures of habit and they feel safe in their common routes. Next time, I'll be waiting for them with a small surprise.

Gonna sleep here on this IMG base in Magellan for tonight. I hope those Zoners don't cook up my dog while I'm away. The bed's here are a little more luxurious than what I'm use to...I hope I can pay them in the morning.


Diary of a Crime-Fighter - Asgardian - 07-05-2009

Managed to scrape together the pay for my stay at the IMG base - Can't believe they charged me for a wash & clean job for my Eagle...considering I didn't even ask for one. Oh well, I suppose Charlie will be getting Grade E dog chow again.

After I launched from the base, I witnessed two pirates fleeing towards Bretonia. One of them was in a gunboat, so I decided not to pursue them. Went straight for California after that. Surprisingly I didn't come across one Hacker patrol - Probably lurking around until the big bad Eagle had gone, so they could continue their annoying ways.

Using some radiation residue equipment (or something like that) I managed to track quite a few signatures culminating to one central location. Seems it was a jumphole to somewhere.
[Image: texasjh.jpg]
I unlocked my snazzy weapons, primed the missiles for deployment and headed into the unknown - I didn't know what was waiting for me, better to be prepared than sorry. Somewhat of a Navy tradition drilled into me I suppose. Well, diddly-squat was waiting for me on the other side - It was just a small pocket of space debris, probably left over from the Texas project. What a calamity that was!

Headed on through some debris field, started getting elevated radiation readings, so I veered off towards Planet Housten - The radiation died down after that. I know the Rogues must have some sort of jumphole that heads directly from Texas to New York - I have there's a backdoor entry into New York, otherwise, how is all that Cardamine making its way into our teenager's veins on Manhatten? Bloody drug-running pirate lordsd making a cheap buck off the suffering of our children.

Anyway, after a quick check of Texas, I made my way to the New York jumpgate, hoping there weren't any Navy patrols around at the time. Lucky for me, they must've been on a shift change and I made it all the way to West Point without any dramas. From there, I used the tradelane down to the Pennsylvannia gate - Trapesing through the Badlands, <strike>even</strike> especially as an Ex-Navy officer is suicidal at best. Why goto Pennyslvannia? Well, its a good system for mining, which means plenty of miners would be there. Where there's miners, there's bound to be pirates extorting them for every last dollar they have.

Soon after entering Pennsylvannia, I heard some strange mutter over the system comms - I was curious enough to inquire directly to the pilot. Seems he was being pirated by some Cartel Don. This was it - One of the big pirate lords had come out to play, and now I had the chance to eliminate him. I charged my cruise engines and headed deep into the cloud those miners use for Hydrogen (My Nav computer is acting up again, making it impossible to find the name for that stupid cloud. Its only a cloud, why does it need a damn name?!). Anyway, after a little guidance from the miner under attack, I found the culprit - Don Buccalleto, piloting an Outcast bomber. Seen these little buggers before, they're nippy and damn hard to pin down in a fight. But I knew this could be my one chance to take down this fat sucker, so I quickly prepped my weapons and had him sucking plasma in no time.
[Image: bucca.jpg]
After a short little duel, some Hacker in one of them fancy transports came along, "Yachts" I believe they're called. Well, the Don was complaining about some Ion interference or something and ordered this newest scum-sucker to fire his cannons at me.
[Image: exploit.jpg]
Boy, was that the wrong decision! Made that drug-running, pill popping, death bringer...well, you get the idea, made him regret ever firing his pathetic cannons at me. Then, when I've just about brought him down, what does he do? - He tells me that if I destroy him, all the civilians he has on board will die. I do believe the temperature rose in the cabin, thats how angry I was at this Hacker - At least I gave him a costly repair bill though...I do hope he doesn't harm those civilians.
[Image: expolitruns.jpg]
After that coward ran, I re-focused my attention on the Don - But not for long. Seems he'd had enough of my Ions (Lousy excuse if you ask me) and ran with his tail between his legs - Not literally, although I wouldn't be surprised if some of those pirates had some dark deformities on them, what with all those drugs they take and what-not. He carried on complaining about how my aim was terrible and how I was going to regret being so "insolent" - I stopped listening to his doom-day blathering after a while. However, I was pleased to know he had to destroy his bomber, thats one less pirate ship in Liberty space. However, sometime it feels like that old saying "One down, 'X' to go". Where 'X' is out of reach for the ordinary man. I hope I'm not just ordinary. I do make a mean Chicken Casserole, when I can afford chicken...and an oven.

All in all, my ship was still looking quite well after the little scuffle with a <strike>fancy transport</strike> Yacht and bomber. I remember a few rattles coming from the missile bay...and the engine compartment, but I chose to ignore them - I find it better not knowing what vital system I'm gonna lose next. Makes it ever so much more fun when they fail during battle. Little did I know, I was gonna land myself in the laps of two vicious Xeno's before I could make my way back to Charlie in Bering.

Just as I was heading down the tradelane to the Texas jumpgate, two Xeno fighters spotted me - I crossed my fingers that they didn't see me. But of course they did, and they seemed intent on making my ship into a million sharp splinters. Before I'd even unlocked my weapons, they'd started pelting my ship with fiery red lasers.
[Image: xenos.jpg]
Naturally, I returned fire and was just about to call for backup - But then I remembered the small fact that I wasn't in the Navy's top-books at the moment. However, it seems an officer must've heard about this scuffle and made his way down to help. Fortunately he made the decision to fire on the Xenos and not me - As any good Navy officer should do, I suppose. After one of the Xeno fighters was taken down, I slipped out of there. By that time, more backup had arrived and I was worried their next target was gonna be me.

High-tailing it through Texas, dodging Navy patrols, I managed to make it to Bering unscathed. However, that rattling noise had now become more of a pounding metal noise and I could physically see one of my missile bays coming loose of its holding. Just as I though I'd made it safely to the Freeport, I encountered some rookie Unioners - No doubt they were there to harass Liberty traders. Well, I doubt they expected encountering me, as they soon felt the power of <strike>the Navy's</strike> my experimental weapons. Boy, do they pack a punch alright! Took all of them down without even breaking a sweat.
[Image: unioners.jpg]
As I carefully maneuvered my way into the landing bay, I saw the Zoners covering their ears at the screech of my metal-on-metal action I had going on. The mechanic didn't seem too troubled by the sound, in fact he seemed to almost smiling - More money for him I suppose. I really don't know how I'm gonna cover this next repair bill, it looks to be a doozy.
