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Guardian Loadout - rayne - 07-03-2009

I have tried many many different loadouts for my Guardian but cant find one I'm happy with, anyone got any solid advice for me?

Guardian Loadout - Guest - 07-03-2009

All magma hammers and a MR

Guardian Loadout - Nightmouse - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:All magma hammers and a MR

But only if you can aim well, otherwise, I'd say Vengeances (maybe a debby or two, depending on your preferences).

Guardian Loadout - Walker - 07-03-2009

Firestalker - Cball - Magmas - MR.

Guardian Loadout - frozen - 07-03-2009

1 cannonball, 4 magma hammer 9s, 1 magma hammer class 5 turret, razor/CD
2 debs, 3 class 9 vengeances, 1 class 5 vengeance turret, razor/CD
1 deb, 3 class 9 vengeances, 1 missile (cannonball/sidewinder), deb/vengeance turret, torp/razor/CD

That's what i can think off the top of my head. if your aim is excellent, I suggest a full magma hammer load out + razor/cd. that will rip other bombers/fighters to shreds if you can land most of your hits. (i believe 1 hit from 5 class 9 hammers + class 5 turret takes off something like a bar of hull off bombers, and a bit more off fighters. not sure)

Guardian Loadout - Walker - 07-03-2009

Cannonball Missile
Three Magahammer Class 9
One Magmahammer Turret Class 5(Or 4, whatevers top)

As I shall repeat myself... The only time I died in that was to a Rogue GB that chased me halfway around Liberty, and to Jihad Joe.... Otherwise that set up kills all other fighters instantiously... Drop shields with the Missiles, Magmahammers take care of Regens, and just MR the hull.

Guardian Loadout - Unseelie - 07-03-2009

Guardian Codenames. Mmmm. Mini, and pulse cannons.

Guardian Loadout - Derkylos - 07-03-2009

CB, SW, Paralyser, 2x Imp Deb, vengance/imp deb turret, MR/Sunslayer.

Aim? what is this concept?

Guardian Loadout - D56 - 07-03-2009

Do NOT turn that man to a missile whoar. D:
You can try with 2 imp debbies, 3 vengance class 9 and one code/missile. Trust me, if you have 3 missile launchers (including TCD) you will fight only for a reduced amount of time. So I recommend MR instead. That could improve your aiming skills!:happy:

Guardian Loadout - Guest - 07-03-2009

All veggies, a deb turret and you are good to go.

All debs and a MR.