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A Discovery without Capital Ships - Pinko - 07-07-2009

I thought about it for a couple of seconds, due to the major argues about them.

And I realized something.

Capital Ships bring not too much to this server.

To get a Capital Ship, you need to powertrade. Powertraders argue that Pirate whine too much and vice versa. Sanction war ensues.

Capital ship captain themselves mostly are lolwutters (Not ALL of them. But many are). They bring sanction on themselves.

The first question most newbies ask is ''What is the cheapest BS?'', and it shouldn't be the mentality they have when they join the server.

My proposition?

#1- Remove all Cruisers/Battleships from discovery. If possible, refund those who had them.

#2- Lower the profits of trading. Getting a Gunboat would be as much of a hard task than ''saving up for a cruiser', and would be rewarding, while not being as... ''Uber'' than a Cruiser or a BS.

Now, I can't really think of any more... but I want to know the community's opinion. Lets do this together, listen to everybody's opinion and respect them.

EDIT: Someone posted a thread similar to mine in the mean time, but less specific.

A Discovery without Capital Ships - Lunaphase - 07-07-2009

Some people cannot fly smallcraft due to their connections or locations in the world, or just prefer roleplaying larger ships. Capital ships are not the problems, the problems are those who do not respect others roleplay or dont roleplay at all.

A Discovery without Capital Ships - Galacius - 07-07-2009

Im new here but honestly cap ship rp seems to be the most fun out of anything, yet you here of how they can be wtfpwned by good bombers. In all Honesty I almost feel they are to hard to obtain leading to more powertraders and annoyances, some of the whole "hur hur gonna get one and own everything" people might pick one of them up, learn the horror I hear about and instantly go to a bomber or gunboat.

cap ship=high price= power trader

2cents from a newb.

A Discovery without Capital Ships - Robert.Fitzgerald - 07-07-2009

People are the problem, not ships. Voted no.

A Discovery without Capital Ships - Monk - 07-07-2009

Flying in ships bigger than a freighter is a big draw to disco. Cutting out all the great models we have would kill it. I know I've suggested killing off all battleships in the past but I mostly say it to play devil's advocate and to remind some how much we actually like them (even if we never pilot them). Freelancer was never meant to be a roleplaying game. Therefore, that requires us, the community, to implement it into a game that isn't designed for it. Freelancer servers are dying off left and right and many people are coming here b/c it is the biggest, most popular, server. A good chunk of them are not interested in RP but are here b/c their PvP server up and died.

A Discovery without Capital Ships - centauri5pirate - 07-07-2009

Voted NO. Despite the fact that caps spawn lolwhores, many people who do fly them are deserving of them. A few bombers have no issues with taking down a cap ship. If you dump the caps and the gunboats, you have no use for bombers, and if you keep the gunboats, no matter how expensive they are, people will get them....a lot of people. Bombers are made for anti-cap work, and as a result, can be dropped fairly quick by a VHF.

Besides, it would get rather tedious after a while with nothing but fighters and trade ships flying around. I find it quite enjoyable actually when I'm stopping traders and a cap shows up. The whole situation has just changed and if I'm alone, I need to think carefully about what to do next. Get out of there? Quite possibly, unless I have a few drinks in me and I'm feeling frisky.

And cap V cap can be quite a good time actually, especially thrown into a big battle.

I like having those options.

A Discovery without Capital Ships - Pinko - 07-07-2009

And also people, I would ask you not to take one person's opinion and try to make him show he's wrong. (Such as in, let's say:

X person, you can't be right, because of XYZ.)

I want everyone to express themselves freely, without fearing to be trolled.

A Discovery without Capital Ships - Benjamin - 07-07-2009

What would all my bombers do?!

A Discovery without Capital Ships - Spear - 07-07-2009

Well I voted "No"

Discovery would not be the mod it is without it's great ship line. Removing caps not only removes a lot of good RP, it takes away from the mod.

Removing the Caps would be a knee jerk reaction to a problem, not a solution.

A Discovery without Capital Ships - Guest - 07-07-2009

Remove all ships.