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The family lives on - AaronKoss - 07-08-2009

As per family tradition dateing back to the dark ages, my father, Sabien Methos, is no longer the only one with a child. A few years back I met this beautifull woman who went by the name Riley King. I fell in love and we actually got married. However once I told her what I was, she got pissed at me and started ranting about how it wasn't fare that she have to grow old with a man who never ages.

Next I new she was moving to Manhaton and filling for a divorce. This was all 23 years ago now.

What makes me recal all of this is because not but a week ago I was aproched in the bar I frequent in my home town on Malta by a man who claimed to be looking for an "ex-pilot who often goes by the name, Aaron Koss"

I told him I new the guy and inquired what he wanted with him and iddly he told me he didn't need to meat the guy as long as I made sure I gave him a message. I of course assured him I would pass it on and here's what he told me.

"I'm here on request from his ex-wife to give him this note. I've not read it but she assured me only Mr. Koss would understand it's meaning."

He then handed me a small piece of old fassioned paper which had been folded over and obiosly kept in a pocket for some time, I asked the man when it had been written and he said it had been about 6 months since he'd been given the task of finding me.

I opened it and all it said was, "She's like you." I instantly stopped the man from leaving and asked him if he would return a message for me.

"So, you are him. Thought as much."

"I'll pay good for the serves, I just need her to know..."

"Don't worry about pay, she figured you would want to reply so she payed for a two way dilivery."

That was my Riley, always thinking and planing ahead. "Ok, tell her I'll find her when it's done."

"Ill make sure she gets the message sir" and he turned and left.

I now had a very daunting task layed out infront of me. I now had to insure the survival of a child I never new I had and would probably get pissid at me for calling a child even though to me she could still be a babby for all 23 years matters to me. But it didn't matter, she was mine and I had a duty to inshure her survival. The only problem with that was that now I had to kill some one who wouldn't be to keen on dying.

By my estimations I had 6 months left at minimum to complete my task and 8 at most. I wasn't keen on finding out which though. Of all the people I've killed in my time, this one was going to be the most difficult, and for more than the meer fact that he's my father. Killing an imortal is a hard task to complete, first you have to were them down to the point that they can't even lift their sword anymore, this is doable but a real pain in the rear, espesially since he's had alot more combat experiance than I have.

Second you can't just run him through and look away, you have to execute him via severing his head from his shoulders.

Third, and his is he part that catchs most people up short is that it has to be done by the hand of another imortal.

I desided I could figure out a plan on the way so I went home to my villa but instead of going in as I always have after a nigt at the bar, I went around back to the shed I had constrcted behind the house when I baught the place. Inside I found my old equipment just as I had left it almost two years prior.

The sword just as sharp as the day it was forged back in the original London of old Earth. And my beautifull Ellizabeth, a Saber class. She had a thin layer of dust on her now but nothing a little bath wouldn't fix. She and I had been through alot together inclueding the Nomad War, but I thought retired her for good only to now need her to fly me faster than I've probably ever pushed her.

The next day Elizabeth was pollished up and sitting at the landing deck in town ready for my departure, I was just geting a few more suplies before shoved off. I didn't know how long I euld be out so I was stocking up for a 6 month jurney just in case.

When I got to the pandit pad were my ship was there was some large comotion going on, aparently someone had snuck through the docking ring under a freighter and was now resisting arrest. I figured the police could hendel it so I just went over to my ship but as I was climbing up to the cockpit, the man causing the comotion sceamed out a name I never expected to hear and almst believed I'd imagined it until he repeated it.

"Captain Conner Blackwood!"

this was a name I hadn't gone by since I served on the sleepership "Liberty", only one man could know me by that.


hope you injoy:)

The family lives on - AaronKoss - 07-08-2009

His name is Daniel, Daniel Koss, my brother. I new he would find a way out of his situation if I just left him but I have to admit, seeing him there was a kind of relief. So I went over and convinced the authorities he was ok and about to leave anyways.

They let him go and I escorted him to my Ellizabeth, the ground police had confiscated his ship and I didn't have time to help him get it back.

"What are you doing here Danny?"

"Well I sorts herd about your little problem, I knew what you would be looking to do when you found out. So I came here to find you first."

"If you try to stop me Ill through you right back to the gards and I'm rarely certin they aren't too happy about a bounty hunter slipping onto thier nice little home!"

"Don't worry, I'm not here to stop you. Listen your not the only one who's wanted a kid. I've wanted to settle down for a while and well, if I want one that means I have to partake in the... Well you know... Anyways, he'll kill you if you go alone, you know that. Then I would have to try by myself and more than likely he'd kill me too. We stand a better chance of sucsess if we do this together A."

"My god you make it sound like we're going to just kill any old hit. But yes, I saw your point before you made it but I never expected you to volunteer for this. Do you even have a sword?"

"Um, ya, about that. I've never gotn' around to actually forging one, you know how I've always preceded modern weaponry."

"Ya, I do. Okay, we'll pick some materials up along the way, but let's get some carbon composit titanium here before we lift off so you can start on the blade."

"Thank you A."

After we got under way I had him begin forging the blade by the heat off the engines. An Imortal isn't complete without his sword, a lesson Danny never seemed to learn, but then he's never had to go up agenst another one before. Normally this is a task for the new kildare and thier parent to do together but that tradition ended when Danny was born.

Traditionaly the first 23 years of an imortals life is spent training for the hunting of their grandparent with thier parent. The last 3 years of that time is primarely spent forging thier sword which they will keep with them untill thier child repeats the process on thier own. The hunt is considered a right of passage that without you are never truely imortal.

Dad never knew what to do about that when Danny was born, we had already acomplished the hunt when I came of age. Dad had his theory that Danny was and always would be less resilient agenst death than he or myself but we never wanted to test it. I didn't much care about making my daughter compleatly impervius, her mother would probably have me killed if I did.

The family lives on - AaronKoss - 07-09-2009

This brings us to today, we're now in Rhineland space with my brother flying so as to lower the risk of an unwanted fire fight. Although that is still proving dificult do to the natural suspician given to any Saber class ship flying around these days.

My brother and I have hit a cross roads here, he wants me to head up through New York to pick up my daughter on manhatan because he doesn't want her to be deprived like he was but I jet want her to stay a pure soul untarnished by bloodshed so my prefered rout is strate through to Britonia from here. Not to mention I'm not eager to try and run the blockaid in Texas.

He trys to lesser my worry by telling me it will be easy and that he knows a way in but as he always does he slips up and mentions the fact that the blockaid would be the least of our worries since in liberty, even he is a wanted man. I've always found our wanted status there rather humorus seeing as how much we sacraficed for that colony.

He and I both came to serious on that sleeper ship over 800 years ago and we both helped found the first Liberty Navy shortly after. I served that navy loyaly for almost 500 years but then the new president at that time dicided I was too much of a liability and ordered his scientists to try and find a way to put me down. It took me 30 years of horable deaths including a couple of atomizations to finaly escape that place. Ever since I've aorta heals a grudge.

Danny had it Easter since he had the good idea of dying off and coming back a deferant person every 10 years or so, but eventually they caught on when one of their LSF agents was lookig through old historical photos and started to recognize a man who seemed to be in quite a few of them from all throughout Liberty history and then he even found his picture as a current officer of the Navy.

It took that LSF agent 2 years to compile a case that his superiors would believe. The key came when he recieved permition to acsess a secure file that contained my serves record, that was the end of Danny's militairy life, only 135 years after mine ended.

In short, Liberty is a bad place for us.

I finaly convinced Danny to just fly to Britonia when I mentioned that I would let him let off some steam on some Corsaires along the way.

Oh and for those of you who don't know my father, Sabien Methos prefers Britonia space as his refuge because it is his first and oldest home. It's were he feels the most comfortable.

Well, I guess that's all for now, I'll wright again when I have news on my fathers location.