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Bringing the War from Rheinland To Liberty - Printable Version

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Bringing the War from Rheinland To Liberty - Ryan Hanson - 07-08-2009

This is Captain Alfred Hefter of the RNC Duisburg relaying message.

Last week Rheinland decided to go on the offensive against Liberty. Using a lengthy route that I do not care to discuss, they navigated a fleet of ships through the Tanner Asteroid field and managed to make there way to the very edge of the Texas system. The plan was to spread out and hit Liberty Commerce and make them realize Rheinland wasn't taking a backseat in this war.

However, it seems that Rheinland is not as cunning as they believed. In our arrogance we allowed ourselves to be ambushed by Liberty forces while making our approach on Grande Negra. at first we thought it was nothing but a light patrol, nothing we couldn't handle. A Fleet comprised of gunboats and cruisers piloted by Rheinland finest, we were invulnerable. However while engaged in combat several more vessels approached. Large, powerful ships that flanked us and prevented us from escape. They slaughtered the fleet, the battle lasted only minutes. Over 2,000 loyal Rheinlanders were killed in the battle.

By blind luck, our ship, the RNC Duisburg, managed to survive by using the Grande Negra's intense radiation that interfered with navigation systems to hide. We looked like a piece of debris. We could do nothing but watch as the brave men and women in our fleet died.

When the fleet left half an hour later, we broke our cover. We were alive only by cowardliness, we refused to fight and die for Rheinland. We were alive, not by our skill, but by our inability to fight.

So that asked the question of where to go from there. We could navigate the risky path back to Rheinland, but our return would bring only shame. We wold have lost our honor, been stripped of our rank, and thrown into a prison cell or shot immediately. So we picked the only option that remained: Fight for Rheinland.

While limping away from Grande Negra, we came upon a Junker ship. The vessel wasn't interested in how or why we were there, but led us back to one of there bases, Beaumont. We had no credits to our name, and were forced to sell off what light arms and military vehicles we had to pay for repairs and resupply our vessel. We had civilian maps of Liberty systems, but little else.

We decided to use what he had, acquire any information we could, and bring the fight to Liberty. We would hit them wherever we could. We couldn't simply kill anything, we were Rhienland, we were better then that. If a ship carried goods towards Liberty, that would supply them, we would demand it., or force them to turn back. If they refused... there deaths are unfortunate. Do everything we can to hurt Liberties economy, and it's military. We have the firepower to take on any smaller ship they throw at us. We also must evade the Liberty outlaws: Outcasts, Rougues, Xenos, things we aren't using to fighting.

This is a message to the citizens and military's of Liberty. Our ship may be alone, but you will pay for the crimes you have committed. You will suffer, and die. This is Captain Alfred Hefter of the RNC Duisburg, ending transmission.