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Instant RP Faction - Nightfall - 01-30-2007

I didn't know where to put this, it's not like it is Role-Play per se...

It started from out of the blue, a part of the chat with kilerpoodl, I think this faction has a more believable RP than a lot of current ones, more logical and whatnot else. It took some 10 minutes until we began powergaming but it was out of a joke anyway, I just mentioned the goldfish syndrome.

Quote:[19:43] Nightfall: at times I suffer from the gold fish syndrome
[19:44] killerpoodl: i bet they have really good memory
[19:44] killerpoodl: but pretned to be stupid
[19:44] killerpoodl: so they can watch you play with your self with out being attack/killed
[19:45] Nightfall::)
[19:45] Nightfall: The Goldfish Conspiracy
[19:45] Nightfall: I like the sound of it, makes a great title
[19:47] killerpoodl: yep
[19:47] killerpoodl: *makes fraction on discovery usign that name *
[19:47] killerpoodl: well it would have a better RP than some fractriond
[19:49] Nightfall: how true
[19:49] Nightfall: lol
[19:49] Nightfall: sad, but true
[19:49] killerpoodl: in another diamension
[19:50] killerpoodl: were fish were waging war
[19:50] killerpoodl: agaisnt amercains
[19:50] Nightfall: lOL
[19:50] killerpoodl: were the world is at it knees
[19:50] killerpoodl: the great haddock allience
[19:51] killerpoodl: is ready t ostriek a death blow to the
[19:51] killerpoodl: we are fat amercians group
[19:51] killerpoodl: they used a weapons
[19:51] killerpoodl: so powerful
[19:51] killerpoodl: it transported all the fish
[19:51] killerpoodl: to this dimenison
[19:51] killerpoodl: and gave them the ablity to fly things
[19:52] killerpoodl: and turned there flippers into limbs that could hold things
[19:52] killerpoodl: now the fish are ready for war agian
[19:52] killerpoodl: ready to kill fat ugly people
[19:52] killerpoodl: all over
[19:52] killerpoodl: agian
[19:52] killerpoodl: none can stand agisnt them
[19:53] killerpoodl: you like?
[19:54] killerpoodl: well what do you think?
[19:54] Nightfall: interesting
[19:54] killerpoodl: and better than TBFs
[19:55] Nightfall: better than a whole lot of them
[19:55] Nightfall: maybe post that in the Flood
[19:55] killerpoodl: and it's not from a TV show
[19:55] Nightfall: like mock faction or something
[19:55] Nightfall: or if you want, make stories in the RP
[19:56] Nightfall: not in flood
[19:56] killerpoodl: and we can use no ships
[19:56] killerpoodl: cause the fishies
[19:56] killerpoodl: cn abreath in space
[19:56] killerpoodl: i can call them space fishiies
[19:57] Nightfall: yep
[19:57] Nightfall: make them invisible while you're at it
[19:57] Nightfall: powergame to the max LOL
[19:57] killerpoodl: oh didn't i mention them
[19:58] killerpoodl: thier scales are so tough they can fly though suns
[19:58] killerpoodl: and thier guns can kill battleships quicker than a instand
[19:58] Nightfall: rofl good one
[19:58] killerpoodl: instand*
[19:58] killerpoodl: infatc there so fast
[19:58] killerpoodl: the ships
[19:58] killerpoodl: are blown up
[19:59] killerpoodl: before the guns are evne fired
[19:59] Nightfall: that's what I wanted to say
[19:59] killerpoodl: : P
[19:59] killerpoodl: but we need to think of one weakness think of it
[20:00] Nightfall: I got it
[20:00] <killerpoodl stopped playing Freelancer>
[20:00] <This user is now offline>
[20:00] <This user is now online>
[20:00] <killerpoodl is now playing Freelancer>
[20:00] <High latency detected between you and the server. Your last few messages may not have been received.>
[20:00] Nightfall: they're scared of non-RPers
[20:00] killerpoodl: none they'd be dead in an instand
[20:00] Nightfall: so they react by shooting those fast guns of theyrs?
[20:00] killerpoodl: yes
[20:00] Nightfall::)
[20:01] Nightfall: they're unkillable otherwise
[20:01] killerpoodl: i was thinking they could be lethally alergic tp space
[20:01] killerpoodl: yes
[20:01] Nightfall::)
[20:01] killerpoodl: but we must brainstorm
[20:01] Nightfall: lol thinking of posting the chatlog
[20:01] killerpoodl: lol
[20:01] killerpoodl: do that

Instant RP Faction - thekillerppodl - 01-30-2007

ah the wonders of makign a fraction lets see if we can get igiss soe, fish NPCs

Instant RP Faction - MrSns - 01-31-2007

HAHA sound Like an exelant idea, if it becoumes a real fraction may i join?? if so i would love to be your first member:);)

Instant RP Faction - Malaclypse 666 - 01-31-2007

' Wrote:HAHA sound Like an exelant idea, if it becoumes a real fraction may i join?? if so i would love to be your first member:);)

Hey, wait now..

Mal gets first dibs on any new "fishies".

Those scrubbies are gonna replace domestic servants and boron as the hot new commodity!

Instant RP Faction - thekillerppodl - 01-31-2007

afteruch talking (to my self) i belive we should make this a real fraction ( i'll post a proper RP if theres any intrest ) so who's up for it?

Instant RP Faction - Koolmo - 02-01-2007

I so am, I'd love being a fish. The name of My fish:


Instant RP Faction - JonatanRaven - 02-01-2007


This is just ridiculous. And seems to me as a bad attempt to get back at the non-RPers (or others for that matter).

Not cool..

EDIT: Please tell me that's not the purpose..

Instant RP Faction - MrSns - 02-01-2007

Im up for it:)

Instant RP Faction - Koolmo - 02-01-2007

Raven, I'd like to reference you to another post I made. You know what I mean.

Instant RP Faction - thekillerppodl - 02-01-2007

no it's not it's a way to have fun and an attempt to stop all the flaming