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Legionnaire - Seh'ect - 07-09-2009

LPI Sugarland, Texas System


The grey haired man in uniform asked the younger, thinner man in a flight suit standing in front of the desk.

We lost him, he made it to Pequena Nega, the radiation scrambled our scanners we couldnt get a lock.

The gray haired man sighed.

That will cause problems with the Navy, they wont like this one bit and how did he manage to get out of his cell?

It looks like he hacked into the mainframe through the cables under a floor panel in his cell, from there he appears to of got hold of a uniform and..

The younger man shuffles nervously gritting his teeth loudly.

Made his way to the Bays and hijacked a civilian ship

The grey haired man stands up and makes his way from behind the desk.

So you are telling me not only did he get out of his cell because of a lose floor plate, walked through a maximum security facility past guards, retinal scans, pass code controlled doors, into the bays and flys of into the sunset but in a ship that shouldnt even of been allowed to dock let alone take off as well? Is that what you are trying to tell me?

He Um

The gray haired man raised his voice. His rage rising to the surface.


YeYes, but he must have had help, he couldnt off done this on his own

The grey haired man sighed again and slowly regained his composure.

Really? It would seem so, have the prisoners he had regular contact with put in the scrubber

For how long?

Until they talk or die

What if they dont know anything?

Then start with the guards on his cell block, now go and dont come into my office until you have something.

The younger man salutes and exits the room quickly. Leaving the grey haired man to return to his desk, He hits a button on his comms panel.

Private get me a secure line to Willard Research Station

Meanwhile at a bar on Alcatraz

The lane hackers were on there ninth round and starting to get bored and very drunk.

When do you think hell get here?

How the hell do I know Steve? It not like he has been visiting his mother or something!

Dou sou flink ee was bought Barty?

Nice hes wasted! James how fingers am I holding up?

Marty reaches across the table and extends his middle finger.

Give him a break Marty, we have been sitting hear for the best part of sixteen hours

Yea alright, but it isnt my turn to fly him back to Mactan, hey heads up I think this is our guy

A man in a prison guard uniform stands in the doorway looking round the bar, ignoring the staring of the assorted riff raff until he spots them and strides up to the table.

You Marty?

Yea and by the looks of you, youre Carl Danton. Sit, before one of those rogues puts a blade in you back.

Carl pulls up a chair and glances at James, who is now leaning of his chair at an odd angle unconscious.

I see youve been here a while, your brother sends his love and this

Carl drops a data file on the table in front of Marty.

Well Ill be sure to send him a birthday greeting this year. Didnt happen to tell you what the hell he is doing on LPIs payroll?

No but he mentioned somebody called Gilmore and ask me to tell you that you have already missed his birthday.

Barty? Bll bet bhe bardi

James falls flat on his face while trying to stand up.

Ahh hell, Steve pick him up, get him out of hear before he throws up!

Steve helps James to his feet and chuckles to himself as he drags him towards the exit. Marty returns to his conversation.

Yea well birthdays are overrated. So the Legion, eh? You know with your training I could use someone like you on my team.

Lets just leave the banter for now, you got what I am after or not?

Not interested then, ah well. Yes I have got what youre after; the Sabre is in the Bay.

And the codes?

Programmed into the comms system just like you asked, they will give you access to their comms channels but that doesnt mean they will answer

Theyll answer, I think were done hear.

That we are, hey its good to meet you Carl, if things dont work out like you plan, you know were to find me

Without another word Carl stands up and leaves Marty to his drink.