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A Message To Rhienland Military. - Printable Version

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A Message To Rhienland Military. - FraserTE - 07-12-2009

Today i Encountered an RNC-Douisburg in Claifornia.

When asked what is it he was dooing he simply stated stopping all trade to liberty that helps the Lawfuls.
My reply was. What about the junkers outcast and rogues ?
He Replies They are The Enemy of my enemy and that witch is my friend. In a nut shell.
I found No reasion To engage on Gunboat dooin this at all.
A matter a fact i support this to an extect but i told him do not get in our way.

Come to find out THe navy sends every thing they have Full Force at that gunboat.
Beeing the gentlemen i am I so nicely engage the navy as i do every day.
Mind you at no time were we on good tearms Call it Nutrual Tearms for the Time Being.
But seeing as how the navy sent down.

2 Battlecruisers
1 Gunboat
9 lpi
3 mercs

With the assistance of the junkers and the rogues all targets were destroyed or ran.

All 9 Lpi were killed.
All Mercs were Killed.
The Gunboat was killed
1 battlecruiser left heavily wounded.

I am not Proposing an alliance but The Councle of dons has me in hot water. I did not ally with the RNC i merly Took advantage of the suitation

Your RNC Craft was destroyed as it was there primary target but we fought bravely.

DoomBringer Out.

A Message To Rhienland Military. - tansytansey - 07-12-2009

|::Incoming Tranmission::|
|::Com ID: Ashes Yotaka::|
|::RE: DoomBringer::|
|::Opening Transmission::|

Dear DoomBringer, and the RNC Douisburg.

The Liberty Rogues will not be aiding in Rhienland military in this futile crusade against Liberty. Further more, and RNC vessel we catch in California will be destroyed (As you may well know, as we destroyed your RNC Gunboat not two days ago).

Further more, any Outcast or Lanehacker or independent Rogue caught aiding Rhienland will have their docking privilages barred from our bases, and anyone attempting to land will be shot through the head on sight.

We are pirates, not soldiers, we will not take sides in this conflict, and you will not drag us down with you.

Thank you for your time.

Signed, Underboss Ashes "Nighthawk" Yotaka

Ashes, out.

|::Transmission Terminated::|

//also, Rhienland vessels should not be in California full stop. Your front lines are in Hudson/Bering/Texas.

A Message To Rhienland Military. - FraserTE - 07-12-2009

Com link Open
Transmission id DoomBringer
Location California Alcatraz Base

Greetings Thank you for your time
Nobody will be dragged into anything apparently this was an Isolated Incident
My Presence in California Is for the Reasion Being the Lack of rogue presence
Somebody has to Tax these traders it might as well be me.
As far as the rnc Craft i am not Helping anybody i am Simply helping my self.

There has been a growing Presence of Lpi and Liberty Navy near Alcatraz base i have been doing my best to keep them at bay.


A Message To Rhienland Military. - Guest - 07-12-2009

***Incoming transmission***
***Comm ID: Andrew Mort***
***Message begins***

How about you stick to Omicrons...before something bad happens.


A Message To Rhienland Military. - Ryan Hanson - 07-12-2009

This is Captain Alfred Hefter of the RNC Duisburg.

Our ship was part of an offensive fleet bound for Liberty, but our fleet was ambushed at the edge of the Texas system. Most of the fleet was slaughtered, but our ship survived by hiding in the Grande Negra, using the interference it generates to hide from Liberty patrols. We limped to a nearby Junkers base and arranged for Sanctionary. In return for a safe harbor and repairs to our damaged ship they recieved a number of Rheinland light arms and our word not to hit Junker vessels. We decided that, instead of returning to Rheinland to hide behind a blockade, to stay and fufill our fleets original goal: Hitting Military and Economic targets vital to Liberty.

We are not on friendly terms, or even neutral for that matter, with Outcasts, Rouges, or any other outlaws. We do not seek to fight them, as our method of warfare requires us to conserve ammunition for targets of actual importance. We refuse to return to Rheinland as the Government can not get it into there head that if we are to defeat Liberty we must take the offensive, a lesson I intend to demonstrate to those in the motherland.

We may be considered a traitor, but we intend to fight the forces of Liberty until we can no longer do so.

A Message To Rhienland Military. - starkiller - 07-12-2009

Incoming TRansmission from Cpt. Starkiller

The ship known as the RNC-Duisberg has been circling the liberty systems for some days now.

when attempting to stop it ,it fled showing its true cowardness

it will be destroyed until it leaves liberty

starkiller out

A Message To Rhienland Military. - aznremix416 - 07-12-2009


FROM: Kapitaen Auztin Engels
TO: unidentified outcast vessel "DoomBringer"
CC: unlawfuls of Liberty, the RNC ship

Since Admiral Malte and the VizeAdmirals are not available at the time being I will put my input on this situation. And will do so until they can replace me

First, I can tell you that this RNC is not under our fleet, he is considered a reserve ship, and the I do not know how the hell he is so inside Liberty since we only operate against the Liberty oppressors in the frontline.

Now to the rogues and the Liberty unlawfuls, we have no quarrel with you, Our only conflict is with the Libertorian forces, You may either stay out of this war or we will have to use force against you all if you get in our way. This war is not yours to fight, and you will not assist us as we will not assist you.

To this RNC, commander Alfred Hefter is it? You will come back to Rheinland immedietly mein herr and be prepared for questioning. You said you attacked 'economic' targets from Liberty. I hope to gott that you did not mean innocent civilians. We apply by the standard rules of war, we will not deteroite ourselves down to the Libertorians and murder innocents. Also you do not get the point, our goal is not to win the war, it is to hold back the Libertorians from keeping them to doing any harm to our beloved fatherland. You will get a chance to destroy Libertorians soon, but you will not do it like this. You will explain your actions when you come back, and you will come back, or I fear that you may be marked as a traitor, the Government has full command over the Rheinwehr and you will follow orders herr Hefter

The Admiral will soon respond as well, as she makes the final decisions

Auf Wiedersehen,
Auztin Engels
Kapitaen of the Rheinwehr Militar


A Message To Rhienland Military. - starkiller - 07-12-2009

the duisberg has been sighted in new york but was chased out by libertonian forces and nearly all other liberty systems

A Message To Rhienland Military. - Malexa - 07-12-2009


FROM: [color=#33FF33]Admiral Malexa Malte

TO: RNC Duisburg, Commander Alfred Hefter
CC: any illegal parties inside Liberty; outcast vessel "DoomBringer"

Commander Hefter, you are hereby ordered to return to Oder shipyard and get you ship into the drydocks.
You and your crew will report in on Planet New Berlin. I expect your first officer, your weapons and navigation officers and of course YOURSELF in my office. Double time!

Reports indicate that you left your unit, your men, your honor and your duties behind, when leaving the battlescene without the proper orders. I want a full report on every single incident that happened during the fleet battle, afterwards and on your trip home to my office.

Rheinland is in need of every vessel to form a defensive line inside Bering, Hudson and Hamburg and for counterattacks on the Texas system, to harm the Libertonian fleet there.

All Libertonian illegal parties inside Liberty space are irrelevant. The dont exist in this war, unless they choose to aid the agressors in the Libertonian government.
Every challenger of Rheinlands might, will be crushed under the Kanzlers iron fist.

Rheinland will not be active flying alongside criminals like the outcasts or any libertonian illegal organization.
If any vessel attacks a Libertonian ship when Rheinlanders are present, we will ignore the so said vessel.
It is our duty to protect our beloved Rheinland, even if someone decides that Libertonian ships are the higher priority to kill.

Admiral Malexa Malte


//I hate to add this OORP line, but it feels necessary.

No, I repeat, NO Rheinland ship WITHOUT the tag [RM](means the player is independent) is under my or High Commands direct command, unless they harm server gameplay, Rheinland, Rheinland Military Independent Rules and Procedures, our faction, any other faction or player, the serverrules or the roleplay on this server.
(breaking something of above will have some sort of similar transmission as a consequence.
It will be totaly in roleplay)

If any commander or pilot decides to disobey a direct order from Rheinland Military High Command(RMHC), the accused commander or Pilot will be gulty of treason on the Vaterland Rheinland.
So said treason will be dealt with accordingly by a firering squad.

If Pilots or Commanders play inside the listed rules and inside of roleplay, RMHC will not and CAN NOT hand any specific orders to them, unless the pilot or commander wishes to follow the [RM] Rank system on his own free will.

A Message To Rhienland Military. - schlurbi - 07-12-2009

---Incoming Message---
---ID Code:58793-1---
---Callsign: Hole In The Wallet---


Here Danny White. My long range scanners showed up the Rheinland ship in California, and i ordered the -bored- Outcasts and Rogue to take out the Gunboat floating around. I couldnt assist them, because i was getting a new shield. That isnt done in a few seconds so i hit the bar.

I didnt know it's gonna be a huge fight like that.

Lack at Rogue activity? Are you insulting me? I am the one bringing slaves to Malta, i am the one bringing Cardamine to our Bases, i am the one pirating a Mining Ship with a Battleship as escort, i am the one sitting everyday in California. Dont come with a lack of Rogue Presence.

Danny White
---Message Ending---