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Now I'm pissed - Printable Version

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Now I'm pissed - Capt. Henry Morgan - 07-13-2009

Ok, I'm less than happy. I'm rather irritated. One might go so far as to say that I'm downright pissed off.

I logged into my Bowex, and on the Rheinland run, I noticed that I was getting shot at by some extremely annoying Hessian NPC's despite the fact that I take loving care of my repsheet, and the Hessians were supposed to be neutral, due to some in-RP under-the-table dealing. With that in mind, I popped up my Repsheet and had a look at what went wrong, and boy was I surprised. Not only were the Hessians hostile, but the Outcasts were too. That is the one that really pisses me off.

Bretonia is neutral to the ****ing Outcasts!

Bowex has some forum RP'd dealings with the Council of Dons that allows us to carry goods to/from Omicron Alpha, provided we aren't hauling Cardamine, and we respect Maltese law. Now, somebody comes along, installs something that ninja's Bowex's rep, without so much as the slightest courtesy of consulting us about it first, and has the end result of ****ting on established faction RP.

Why the hell can't I be trusted to manage my own repsheet? I tried to bribe things back to where I needed them, and I find that my rep has been kicked back into line.

Who the hell decided that I can't do some snazzy forum RP for my faction, such as shady trade deals, and not be able to actually do anything in-game?

I'm done ranting for now. I'm going to go do something else for a bit and calm down.

EDIT: I'd like to point out that I'm neutral to the Mollys, too. Does that mean that it's considered good RP for me to take the Chamberlain out to Arranmore?

Now I'm pissed - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 07-13-2009

Just logged on to Somerled, noticed the same thing, which is especially strange since i have under 10 kills and therefore cant be due to missions or NPC kills, but it seems i am block red to the outcasts and hessians (also, it would be nice if the rep was set to be hostile to Kusari factions). Could someone rectify this please, as it seems to cramp RP.

Now I'm pissed - Dab - 07-13-2009

I have to say, judging by the amount of times these issues have cropped up lately, why haven't the admins starting getting player feedback, at least from the official factions, before putting these into effect? These ID reps seem to harm player RP as much as help it, all because the players who are actually affected by this aren't given the slightest say.

Now I'm pissed - pbrione - 07-13-2009

Thacker's tone might not be very polite, but I agree wholeheartedly with the point he is making. Bretonia is neutral to the outcasts, has been for over year in widely accepted, well established RP. Outcasts RP it, Bretonia RPs it. We all RP it. It's practically discovery canon - there are even in-game rumours about under-the-table deals and suspected alliances. So why has this particular rep-fix-proof device been implemented, without consulting any Bretonian players?

Since when have all factions been bound by Vanilla RP?

The fact is, restraining reps without consultation with player factions is, as far as I am concerned, a direct contravention of newly established Faction Right Number 2:

Quote:RIGHT 2) Official factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided. This authority applies in forums and in-game, and applies to player faction diplomacy, and strategic and tactical direction.

Thacker is Bowex Faction leader. He should be able to carry out RP-justified Player Faction Diplomacy on behalf of Bowex. He is being prevented from doing so. This needs resolving.

Now I'm pissed - Elsdragon - 07-13-2009

Guess what? Admins Made all ID'd RepHack YOu to A Generic repsheet.Any faction ID anyway.

Crippling. I have to conform to generic faction Rep, Because admisn decided to do this without anykind of warning

Now I'm pissed - Malaclypse 666 - 07-13-2009

' Wrote:Guess what? Admins Made all ID'd RepHack YOu to A Generic repsheet.Any faction ID anyway.

Crippling. I have to conform to generic faction Rep, Because admisn decided to do this without anykind of warning

[Image: monty_python_witch-701441.jpg]

(Those are sympathetic voices raised, by the way. No pun intended.)

Now I'm pissed - BaconSoda - 07-13-2009

[Image: trial.jpg]

Now I'm pissed - Capt. Henry Morgan - 07-13-2009

I'll admit that the last two posts have helped me locate my smile again, but that doesn't change the fact that I've got some real issues with the way some things have been handled lately.

Now I'm pissed - atlantis2112 - 07-13-2009

This has happened so many times.. complete disregard for individual RP..

I'd at least support it if someone offered an explanation.

Now I'm pissed - Tenacity - 07-13-2009

yea, the admins decided to stick their filthy little fingers into everyone's rep sheets. My junker now cant travel through the tau systems or leeds without getting completely raped by Kusari Battleships, thanks for cutting off my path to gallia you jerks...

Thanks Tenacity - anymore of that and there will be issues - Laowai