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Becomming a real nomad - Printable Version

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Becomming a real nomad - Ordens - 07-13-2009

Hi. I wanted to know how to become a real nomad. For now I got a nomad Trial ID. Could you please help me?

Becomming a real nomad - Guest - 07-13-2009

Keepers are currently not recruiting, but you dont need to be a Keeper to RP a nomad, you know.

Becomming a real nomad - Treewyrm - 07-13-2009

That is incorrect information, Sindroms. Recruitment has been open for some time. Ordens, see the faction status post for more information in respective section of the forums. Be sure to read it and the necessary supplemental roleplay material linked in status faction post. If you'll have questions remaining - PM them to Exile.