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Lousy comm unit.... - Printable Version

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Lousy comm unit.... - Jakayn - 02-03-2007

The comm link crackled with static.

"Lousy piece of junk... I really have to get this heap repaired."

Incomin*** .... ncoded Transmiss**... :

"Van, big broth**.. Congradu**lations! I heard about your "retirem**nt" from the **...olice force!"

Vandiin gives the comm unit a bit of gentle mechanical aggitation with the side of his fist, hoping the static clears for a bit.

"Yeah, ha ha, real funny Kira. I keep telling you, I have no idea how that cardamine got in my ship. Someone had to have planted it there."

"Haha, riiiight."

"You sound like the captain did when he took my badge. He didn't believe me either."

"Face it, Van***.. ou didn't belong there**.. nd you know it."

"And just where do you think I belong, sis?"

"You know my answe**.... o that question."

"Fighting beside you for honor, right? Down with the corrupt government?"

"It's the right thing to do, Van**..."

"Well, the right thing for me now is to just try to make a living. There's plenty of people around Sirius that pay well for a decent fighter pilot. Gotta find some way to earn a hot meal."

"Yeah, but **..ouldn't you feel better knowing yo**...*ere making a difference?"

"I tried that route. But things are too unclear on what's right or wrong anymore. Now, I just take care of me, the only person I can count on... Well, besides you, of course, little sis."

"I'm **orry you feel that way. If you ever change your mind, you know where ** find me. I have to go now. *.. scanner is picking up an **..known patrol. Better chec***...."

"Kira? Kira?" Vandiin smacks the comm unit again, but it crackles and goes silent. A slight acrid oder and a tendril of smoke emits from the unit. "Lousy piece of junk! Guess I gotta fork out some creds for a new one." Vandiin starts up his cruise engines and points his Hawk toward California Minor.


One week later:


"Planet Honshu, this is Freelancer Alpha 12-1. Request permission to land."

"Freelancer Alpha 12-1. Standby, pattern is full."

Great, another delay.

Incoming Encoded Transmission:

"Vandiin, I must meet with you. It's important."

"Jak? Long time no see! How's my little sister treating you? She's not giving you too much trouble is she?"

"She's... well... I have to talk to you. Meet me at the bar in Honshu when you land?"

"You're on Honshu?! ... You know it's not safe for you there!"

"I know, but this is important."

"Sure, anything you say..." Vandiin was nervous. Why would Jak take a risk sneaking down to Honshu just to see him?

The bar is dimly lit, and it takes a moment for his eyes to adjust. He spots a familiar face at a table in the back.

"I took the liberty of ordering you a drink."

"Thanks, but I gave up drinking a while back, you know that."

"Ah yes, I remember. Sorry."

"So, let's cut to the chase. What's this about? Where's Kira?"

"Well, that's what I need to talk to you about. A week ago, she was on patrol. There was a police patrol in the area. She and her wingman went to investigate. It was just a couple of fighters. Nothing they weren't trained to handle..."


"But they didn't realize, until it was too late. It wasn't just a police patrol. It was an advance scout, just ahead of a battlegoup. She... she barely had time to get a message off to our base."

"Oh God, don't say it, Jak..."

"I'm sorry." The Dragon wiped moisture from his eye. "By the time we got there..."

Vandiin stared at the man. A flood of emotions came over him. Grief. Anger. Regret. "I should have been there with her. She'd been trying to convince me for months."

"She left this at the base. She always told me to get this to you, if anything ever... happened." Jak slid a necklace with a jade dragon pendant across the table.

"That was our mother's..."

"I'm sorry, Van. Kira... will be missed... I loved her so much."

"I know you did, Jak. Thanks for getting this to me."

"I have to go... it won't be long before they find me if I stick around here."

"I figured as much. Safe flying out there, Jak."

"If there's anything I can do, Van...."

"I know." Van looked down, and picked up the drink. So much for the bandwagon...

He sat there for an eternity. "I've got to get out of this place," he thought.

As he walked across the bar toward the door, he saw a Kusari Policeman walk in off duty, with a girl on his arm. "Yeah, you should've seen me out there. I was amazing! Those scumbags never stood a chance."

Van bit his tongue, and walked out the door and headed toward the dock where his Hawk was waiting. Once on board, he opened his Nav Map. He sat and pondered it for a while. He plotted his course, to a little to unknown jump hole. He put the jade neckace around his neck. "Well, Kira. You finally did it. They won't get away with this." Oh yes, they will pay.