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New rules for in-game chat - Printable Version

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New rules for in-game chat - Igiss - 02-03-2007

One of my first intentions regarding the server rules is introducing strict & simple rules regarding abuse of in-game chat, both public and private. In my opinion, civilized chat is one of the most important things that we should care about.

Rules that I'll be proposing are:

Using coarse language in chat, public or private, is prohibited under any circumstances.
Sanctions: first offense - immediate 7-day ban.
second offense - immediate 30-day ban.
third offense - ban forever.

Flaming and insulting (in any form) other members, factions, server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited under any circumstances.
Sanctions: first offense - immediate 7-day ban.
second offense - immediate 30-day ban.
third offense - ban forever.

All messages in chat must be in understandable English, unless the chat is private and both members know the language being used.

Out-of-character (OOC) chat should not be used for system and group chat.

That's all. And one more thing to remember - there's no 'self defense' rule regarding the chat. If you are answering with insult to an insult, you also violate the rule and will be treated accordingly.

New rules for in-game chat - Vtec - 02-03-2007

Nice and strict, I can agree more.:)

New rules for in-game chat - Alpha 429 - 02-03-2007

Agree with you there vtec m8. I like the harsh punishments that come with it. These are what we need. Good job igiss.

New rules for in-game chat - BestFlyerHere - 02-03-2007

I'm glad this rule is being put into place, it will reduce the crap by a tenfold. But what if it's RP? Such as
" You coward, running from the Hellfire Legion"

I really hope this wouldn't be interpreted as insulting, when it's just RP.

New rules for in-game chat - supernova - 02-03-2007

I agree with Flyer..if its Roleplay comments that people take as "mean" then whats the point of RP?

New rules for in-game chat - Alpha 429 - 02-03-2007

The trouble with insulting in RP is that people can use that as an excuse when they are seriously insulting someone deliberately.

New rules for in-game chat - pchwang - 02-03-2007

I have an idea. Before entering an RP event or even meeting up with some people, all parties must agree on whether or not explict language is allowed or not.

New rules for in-game chat - McNeo - 02-03-2007

For RP insults, you can use a larger array of less harmful words like.

You can run, but the mighty Hellfire Legion will destroy all you posses and take your soul into the depths of Hellfire!

or somthing like that. Just none of the "conventional" language

New rules for in-game chat - Igiss - 02-03-2007

It's quite easy to distinguish what insults were RP-related, and what were not. Besides, I don't see why "explict language" should be used for RP at all. I mean, even enemies follow some kind of diplomatic conventions.

New rules for in-game chat - pchwang - 02-03-2007

By explicit, I mean by Disco standards, not curse words.