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=BSG= Decision time is closing fast - Printable Version

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=BSG= Decision time is closing fast - OrrinDymas - 02-03-2007

Good people of Discovery 24/7

=BSG= are now in private discussion regarding our future on this server. I will summarize what is being said.

The decision before us is between Discovery 24/7 and Blueknights Fiber Line (BK) servers. We have found no reason to play on Disco while the PvP is turned off, but all of our characters remain there. We have built a trade fleet on BK and are poised to buy a system and write ourselves into that server's books. Our plans and desires at the Disco server are publicized and well known but remain in a holding pattern at the request of the admins.

We have pause now...Disco is showing signs of ideas and rules are being produced...the Mod creator himself is speaking...we have a dedicated server coming... We have many ties and bonds here that we do not wish to seperate, one of them is with the ELF, who's leader has been tarred, put on display, then erased here on these very boards, but even he feels the bonds with the community and doesn't want to leave.

As it stands, =BSG= is composed of 2 long standing members of the community and 15 people who have been here for roughly 2 months, dedicating all of their FL time to this faction. The 2 [CR] veterans have closer bonds with this community then the rest of them. Even with that dicotomy, all of our members see possibilities in Disco that we won't lightly cast aside.

I will start with our reasons for wanting to leave:

1) Regard of our faction and Role Play as second rate by the community and its leaders. We feel this way both out of comments in the boards and resistance to the 'non-vanilla' elements we add to the community. Our requests and suggestions for mod development have been ignored by all the admins except Korrd. We have met with, at times, biting criticism for our style by many highly regarded members of the community.

2) Absentee Factions. There are old established factions on this server who do not play with any consistency, whos members are spread over 4 or 5 other factions, and who still own large and strategically placed systems. While we see the quality of concept in a faction and its members, we feel this damages server play and leaves newer but just as qualified factions with little to do but follow the rules of ghosts.

3) No proper or valid place to call home. Most of the likely systems/tags are spoken for, some by the afore mentioned absentee factions.

4) Peak server activity leaves us with no slots to join in the fun.

5) Double standard in server rules. We believe there should be a set of rules that everyone follows. Not 1 set for upper class players and 1 set for lower class. Either the 'Gentlemen's rules' need to be adopted, augmented or eradicated completely. We don't care which way it goes, only that everyone is expected to follow whatever rules are set up and not berated for not following some unofficial set. This includes standards in equipment, ships, bases, faction creation and membership.

And now our reasons for wanting to stay:

1)Deep history and role playing texture in many of the members/factions. We sit in awe at times with the depth of some of the role play here. And I must admit the criticisms and groans for our flavor or RP are at least equalled by accepting and even complimentary individuals.

2)Afore mentioned relationships with many factions/individuals.

3)Peak server activity is unequaled by any other disco server.

We are torn. We only wish for a server that is a good fit. So we will watch the boards and the server for a while and see what happens....then decide.

=BSG= Decision time is closing fast - pchwang - 02-03-2007

I cannot say much Orrin, but I must say that your faction is perhaps one of the most dynamic of all the factions in Disco.

Personally, while I'm a bit of a martinet when it comes to weapons and ship RP restrictions, I must also profess my opinion that this is a player run community. True, we do not want to spoil the original content of FL, but w/o this community, disco is non-existant. I think your RP is fine, and perfectly legal.

I believe that the exodus of BSG would be a great and calamitous loss to disco.

=BSG= Decision time is closing fast - wedge antilles - 02-03-2007

OrrinDymas their meeting a few days ago . Yes it was called on real short time . Am sorry none of your member were on at the time . My typing skills arent the best but would some one like to fill him in .?

=BSG= Decision time is closing fast - Wolfpack98 - 02-03-2007

' Wrote:1) Regard of our faction and Role Play as second rate by the community and its leaders. We feel this way both out of comments in the boards and resistance to the 'non-vanilla' elements we add to the community. Our requests and suggestions for mod development have been ignored by all the admins except Korrd. We have met with, at times, biting criticism for our style by many highly regarded members of the community.

I don't know if that's a slap in the face to me or not, as I've never seen ANYTHING from you guys regarding this. I have ZERO control over additions, fixes to the mod, but what I did control was server operation, and that was the extent of my authority.

Quote:2) Absentee Factions. There are old established factions on this server who do not play with any consistency, whos members are spread over 4 or 5 other factions, and who still own large and strategically placed systems. While we see the quality of concept in a faction and its members, we feel this damages server play and leaves newer but just as qualified factions with little to do but follow the rules of ghosts.

I agree there is some issue with this, and it is being fixed.

However don't smack the "absentee factions" just cause real life gets in their way. Real life comes first and foremost before any game, and that is the way it i

=BSG= Decision time is closing fast - OsoRojo - 02-03-2007

For the love of God can we keep personal sensitivity out of the conversations. I wish to play and explore. All perspectives, and storylines, are legitimate and should be allowed to flower. I have a special spot in my heart for the BSG due to their steadfast friendship with the SA. If it weren't for them our very existence as a House would've been consumed by the void.

We are in a new era, and all bumps and bruises should be allowed to heal. Forgive and forget!

My compliments

P.S. BSG please remain

=BSG= Decision time is closing fast - Exile - 02-03-2007

well since we have putted alot of time in BK, i wouldnt mind if we all went there,
and since the pvp here is turned of, and all the new chat rules ( NO IM NOT A PVP WHORE)i wont like it here much, its true that we have friends here, ships and an empire, but i think it is time for a change,


Veers out.

=BSG= Decision time is closing fast - wedge antilles - 02-03-2007

those that leave will go down in my book as PVP WHORE . sorry old friend just b/c pvp get truned off for few days dosent mean end of the world

=BSG= Decision time is closing fast - McNeo - 02-03-2007

you guys cant leave the torch alone for a little bit can you. Always gotta start a flame somwhere in the dry woods eh?;)

=BSG= Decision time is closing fast - Exile - 02-03-2007

' Wrote:those that leave will go down in my book as PVP WHORE . sorry old friend just b/c pvp get truned off for few days dosent mean end of the world
i'm not going cuz the pvp got turned off, there are sevral reasons, the new rules,all the players who dont follow them, the list go's on.

call me a pvp whore if u want, me and the rest of my m8's know im not one of those... things.

now back to the topic, stay or leave

=BSG= Decision time is closing fast - OsoRojo - 02-03-2007

Ya know, I may just cut bait and advocate for the SA to join ya BSG. I am getting disgusted.