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Transmission to the Colonial Remnant - Printable Version

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Transmission to the Colonial Remnant - Niezck - 07-15-2009

####Incoming Transmission####

Comm ID: Guild Command Ship Comoros
From: Guildmaster David Masterson
To: Colonial Government

I doubt this message comes as a great surprise, but it needs to be sent regardless. Owing to recent diplomatic events involving the Colonial Remnant and the Outcast scourge, and especially considering the stated plans of the Colonial Remnant, we hereby revoke any and all docking rights given to the Colonial Remnant in the Tau sector. We will not have our bases used by those who would stand by as the Outcast plague spreads, while focusing their military strength against Bretonia. Limited rights will still be given on the Hood, Freeport 4 and Freistadt, as they are to every faction who would wish for them.

I hope this can change in the future, as our joint past has proven to be fruitful, but we cannot allow this to continue.

Masterson out.

####End Transmission####

Transmission to the Colonial Remnant - swift - 07-16-2009

[font=Palatino Linotype]It is so very touching to see the IMG's enormous care for the welfare of the BMM.
There's an actual tear in my eye. True story.
You seem to have overcome years of conflict and fight for power, been given a chance to be rid of your biggest competitor in the Taus, and refused it.
Such nobility in you, Mr. Masterson. I am truly taken back. Honest.

And to that, a stunning display of gratitude for the Colonial Republic standing beside you and defending you when you could not do it yourself for years, saving many of your own property to little gain for itself. If it were not for our military, you would not be in such an illustrious position you are in now. Not by a long shot.
But oh well. I must say. You are an.. exceptional man.

Let's just hope you are not digging a hole for yourself.

Transmission to the Colonial Remnant - Encheta - 07-16-2009

*****Incoming Transmission*****

COMM ID: IMG Battlecruiser Pathfinder
FROM: Director Nickolas Hargreaves
TO: Colonial Remnant

..And what chance are you specifying exactly, Mr. Colonial? From what we've seen now and have seen in the past, there hasn't been and will not be a chance to completely rid the Taus from BMM without our own subsequent destruction. There have however been opportunities to stunt or even halt their growth entirely in the Taus, and if these are what "chances" you are talking about I must say, on the contrary, we have already taken initiative and come out successfully without a single life lost.

With the signing of the Tau Pact, we are now officialy recognised by Bretonia and have been given full ownership of all current IMG fields as well as any future discovered fields in Orkney and the Tau sector. Sure, BMM can mine in future fields, but they will have to pay royalties - to us. Will they conduct new operations under these conditions in the foreseeable future? Not likely.

While in your eyes your dealings with the Outcasts is sound, to everyone else around you it is the complete opposite. Yes, we have overheard your transmission between the Corsairs and other members of their "Council", and by the looks you may in fact be jeopardising your own and our survival and giving BMM exactly what they want. All of our hard work beating them at their own game - through Bretonian beauraucracy - may be all for nothing. This is the reason why our current relationship with you (which is probably your strongest relationship to date) is so strained.

You have been clamouring for independance for some time now, but the truth is that you have had it for as long as you have been wanting it. When you came to us and we helped you, we did not ask for your aid in defence against the Outcasts and BMM, nor did we order you to actively take them on in any militaristic way. These were the decisions and methods made using your own free will and as such we respected them, though not always agreed with. Again we allow you to exercise your free will by not impeding your talks with our enemies, though it must be known that the IMG are very strongly against the agreements you are discussing, and once they are finalised we're no longer inclined to help you should your circumstances turn for the worse.

Before I cut this transmission I will part with this information which I suggest you heed, though I expect it to fall upon deaf ears. The Outcasts are not to be trusted. They are a sly and fickle folk that will just as quickly betray you when they no longer need your assistance as they would accept your diplomatic offers. Not only that, they are always conveniently unavailable should you turn to them in dire need of help. Have you ever wondered what happens to those smugglers or Outcast pilots caught by house forces, particularly in Liberty? They end up dieing in prison, waiting for a freindly breakout operation that is never comes.

I pray that you know what you are truly getting into dear colonials, for the path you are taking makes it so that you will not find a second chance at rebuilding again with us.

*****End Transmission*****

Transmission to the Colonial Remnant - swift - 07-17-2009

[font=Palatino Linotype]I can see why you think the way you do, but I am trying to tell you that as soon as you start doing things their way, you have already lost. They will give you crumbs off of the table, and you will be satisfied with not knowing all you could have had.

As for the Outcasts, I'm a bit insulted if you hold us for such fools to think we'd trust them.
Your members have tried to pervert the sense of this treaty. This is not an alliance, not a .. collusion, as miss Siana tried to spin it.
This is a cease fire, from a war that has tormented us for too much, while you threw in an occasional ship into the fray, hundreds of our men and women died. And you have repaid us thusly, provoked by nothing.

I am inclined to think that you were just waiting for a cause to show your true nature. But I would not like to be pessimistic like that, I trust that you can come to your senses.

But I still do not see why you insist with this kind of movement. Our relations do not need to be going the way they are, we were once allies, and we should not forget all that we've done for each other in the past.
I'd like to ask you to restore access to at least non-capital Colonial vessels to Java Station, and in return we will do our best to prevent the Outcasts from major hostilities towards you, as well as assist you in all ways but militarily.

I await your answer.

Transmission to the Colonial Remnant - Encheta - 07-20-2009

*****Incoming Transmission*****

COMM ID: IMG Battlecruiser Pathfinder
FROM: Director Nickolas Hargreaves
TO: Colonial Remnant

One only loses doing things another person's way if that is what they were expected to do. BMM didn't expect us to use the beauraucratic channels of Bretonia and did not see this agreement between us and the government coming. All we met was a flimsy and hastily made objection, which was easily beaten in a matter of hours. I assure you we did not merely get "crumbs". In fact, we took most (if not all) of the loaf and left the crumbs for BMM.

It appears that we think of eachothers actions differently and I doubt either of us can be swayed. At least we still think alike in some key areas, namely in that the Outcasts cannot be trusted in the slightest. However, your recent actions did bring some doubt to that of late. I suppose only time will tell who is right and wrong, or perhaps whether we're both right or wrong.

Only the Guildmaster can restore station docking rights. I shall bring up the issue next time I set foot on the Comoros, though I expect an immediate change would be doubtful. We shall see..

*****End Transmission*****

Transmission to the Colonial Remnant - finaldragons - 08-05-2009

****Incomming transmission****
*****Upload location : BattleShip Valkyrie*****
******to: IMG: Leaders *****

As you might already know....
We the Colonial's have imprisond our former leaders that brought us to this painfull conflict.
And i can note all our time and effort have returnd into defending the Tau's from the Outcasts and smugglers.

Commander of the Valkyrie
James Fossil

Transmission to the Colonial Remnant - Encheta - 08-08-2009

*****Incoming Transmission*****

COMM ID: IMG Battlecruiser Pathfinder
FROM: Guildmaster Nickolas Hargreaves
TO: James Fossil, Colonial Remnant, Battleship Valkyrie

Greetings Commander Fossil,

Yes, I have heard of the recent arrest of the previous CR government, along with the renewed hostilities between you and the Outcast horde. Likewise, I assume that the Colonial Remnant has word of the recent loss of our previous Guildmaster along with the IMG Battlecruiser Bahrain and the resulting leadership shuffle within the guild. I have now taken the position of guildmaster, and am currently on my way to take command of the Comoros. Also, our R&D director Syana Kyan has taken on directing the economic departments (mining and trading) of the IMG on top of her normal duties. While I still direct the defence department, due to the increased paperwork associated with GM duties, a Wing Commander has been appointed to control guild fighters in space. He shall be introduced publicly once the outfitting of his gunship, the IMG|Montserrat[D], is completed.

In light of recent events for both our factions, I beleive it is no longer relevant to maintain full refusal of CR docking rights on IMG bases. I hereby reinstate Colonial Remnant docking rights as per Edict 63, with the proviso that our bases will not be used as a base to launch hostile activities that may affect the relationship between the IMG and other parties. Hopefully this is as agreeable to you as it is to us.


Nickolas Hargreaves.

*****End Transmission*****