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Transmission to Synth Foods Regional HQ, Planet Stuttgart - Printable Version

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Transmission to Synth Foods Regional HQ, Planet Stuttgart - farmerman - 07-16-2009

From: Eva Morgenrot

Location: ---censored---

[Image: eva.jpg]

*transmission begins*

Good day to you, Synth Foods. Or shall I call you Synth Fiends? We all know that is much more accurate a description.

Now then, pastemongers, down to business. As my associates explained to you the other day, we would like to have a real meeting addressing our concerns. You've claimed to want the same at times, but it always ends up the same - with you encroaching further onto our lands or destroying our planet. So this time we have some insurance.

If you cooperate, these VIPs here won't face any harm. Well, beyond seeing how wonderful real food is. I imagine that will harm your image. Actually, even if you don't cooperate, we won't harm them. Now the Hessians or Unioners, well, we don't have any control over them. Space is quite dangerous after all.

So, yes, I'd like to arrange a meeting between our two organizations. The luxury liner called the Hawaii should be a good place for it. I hear OSC lets most anyone visit, and it's supposed to have a nice view. Not to mention it's outside of House space, giving us more latitude to, hmmm, discuss things.

What do you say?

*transmission ends*

Transmission to Synth Foods Regional HQ, Planet Stuttgart - Zapp - 07-16-2009

Wesley Richter sat back in his Wrath as he listened to Eva send out the transmission. If Synth Foods agreed to the meeting, he would definitely be glued to her side. He didn't trust them as far as he could throw them, and he didn't trust most anyone else to run security for something like this.

After all, he had shot down two RM fighters to make sure the other LWB could capture the VIPs and get them to safety, and he wasn't going to not see this through to the end.

Transmission to Synth Foods Regional HQ, Planet Stuttgart - Elsdragon - 07-16-2009

THe TRansmission comes in on a secure comm line, the voice disguised,The form blurred out

When It comes to the safety of my employees, i have no choice but to execpt your offer.I Hope you realize no crime goes unpunished. YOu would do well to remeber that.....

The transmission terminates suddenly

Transmission to Synth Foods Regional HQ, Planet Stuttgart - Ironwatsas - 07-16-2009


"Frau Eva! Die Synth zombies are scarink me!" Udo Ackermann announced as he ran up to Eva, apparently concerned.

"Do dey habe nice ladies? Was do ich do with dem? Dey seem nice, are dey tryink to trick me? Do dey want me back in Vierlande!?!??! NEIN! Mein bottom!"

Udo, despite the fact that the Synth employees were 'probably' kept under watch, began panicking, seeking comfort from Eva or herr Richter or someone. He had never actually been this close to Synth employees before. Terrified, he ran about the station trying to find someone to comfort his irrational terror.

Transmission to Synth Foods Regional HQ, Planet Stuttgart - Elsdragon - 07-16-2009

The transmission starts again

Perhaps we can have A Place.....Closer to home?

Mayhap.....PLanet Baden Baden?

Transmission to Synth Foods Regional HQ, Planet Stuttgart - farmerman - 07-16-2009

As Udo ran around, he happened across Karl Kuerbis. "Oh, hallo, Udo," he said cheerfully. "I brought you another sandwich."

He handed him the sandwich, put his arm around his shoulder, and the two began to walk down the hallway. "Don't worry about the Synth people," he said as they walked, "Herr Richter is watching them. You're safe from them and-" he paused to take a bite of his own sandwich, "-from Vierlande."


Eva Morgenrot sat in her office, having received the two messages from Synth Foods. While she wasn't sure it was the best option, Baden Baden did offer some opportunities for such a meeting. Knowing the other members of the LWB were there to help in case anything happened, she sent a reply.

From: Eva Morgenrot

[Image: eva.jpg]

*transmission begins*

It is good to hear you care about their safety. I think Baden Baden may work. But if such is the case, we need assurances you won't try and bring the Police in with you. We will send two of the VIPs to a non-disclosed, third party location during the meeting. If you try and double cross us, know they will face punishment.

*transmission ends*

Transmission to Synth Foods Regional HQ, Planet Stuttgart - Elsdragon - 07-16-2009

YOu have no need to fear us bringing the police......We would never be so dastardly.You however is another matter.I have No assurance you will not kill them anyway, And I have seen Such savagery from your "terroists" in the past. How can i trust that they will still be alive?

Transmission to Synth Foods Regional HQ, Planet Stuttgart - farmerman - 07-18-2009

From: Eva Morgenrot

[Image: eva.jpg]

*transmission begins*

Now why would we do that? It isn't at all condusive to negotiations if we did so. Half of them will be available to participate at the meeting, so you'll have proof they're fine.

Now then, how about this meeting occurs two days from now? We are looking forward to seeing you then, and showing you the error in your ways.

*transmission ends*

As the transmission ended, Eva Morgenrot stood up from her chair and walked down the hallway on Darmstadt. She hoped to find someone who could convince her that they had taken the correct course of action. While there was a lot that could be gained, there was a lot that could be lost, as well.