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Rin Arteria, of the Avalon - Printable Version

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Rin Arteria, of the Avalon - Lunaphase - 07-16-2009

In ages past there were feelings of honor, of nobility, of chivalry. Also of ages past, has there been terrible deeds commited. Rin, in her days was forced to do many things she regretted, that scarred her till the day she died. But a restless soul knows no bounds. Forced back into life, not in Sol, but in Sirus, an eternity of writing down the deeds of those she wittnesses, unable to die, to release from her prison.

Each time she and the ship are destroyed, they reappear again in sirus, to roam anew. An endless journy, an endless task, Sanity only being kept by a thin margin of will and determination to Atone for ones acts. Taking the guise of an AI, she has joined the Zoner way and follows their path, as it is the closest to that of the way she once knew. Nothing matters to her, no mortal has ever shown her compassion, exept the one known as Malaclypse, leader of the strange group of the Zoners known as the [TAZ]. True nature known only to Mal and those deemed worthy of the path to Avalon, she must continue her path, constantly seeking those worthy to enter the final resting place of the warrior.

Death is not enough, In order to open the path one must die with honor, and live with true fire. Thus is her duty, to weed out those who do not qualify for the path to open. Unless the Zoners who have given her a shelter are under attack, she remains a spectator, always watching events unfold and prosper, or wither, as the course of history continues to run.