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Sirius Cruise - Printable Version

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Sirius Cruise - Asbestos - 07-16-2009

[Image: rhodes_vinceh.png]

Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the Ultimate Cruise Experience in Sirius!
For the first time ever, the state-of-the-art Luxury Liner
Rhodes will be embarking on her maiden voyage across the entire Sirius Sector in an extraordinary cruise-trip.
Visiting 28 systems in total, many with beautiful vistas such as the Nomad City in Newcastle, the paradise of Gran Canaria, the beautiful planet of Hiran, the man-made wonder of Augsburg Orbital Colony and the eerie nebulas of Sigma-13. Along with many more other beautiful systems and historical locations.

Welcome aboard!
[font=Garamond]- Captain Goddard Quinn

Many improvements

The Rhodes has been in dry dock and you can rejoice in a series of renovations. Here are the biggest changes:
  • Arch Buffet is total renovated and has received a number of U-shaped serving lines and in the middle a dessert table.
  • The top floor of the Phun Club (nightclub) smokers can rejoice in a new smoking lounge. The Rhodes also has a couple of new smoking rooms which are equipped with high-efficiency ventilation.
  • The Tapas & Grill Wine Bar in connection with the Phun Club has been restored and boasts a new design.
  • Tax-Free department is upgraded to a more boutique-like style that harmonises with famous brands from all across Sirius.
  • 45 new large display screens have been installed, all of them interactive, to better provide information on programs and activities on board.
  • External camera remote control systems* have been installed in all Luxury Cabins, to allow passengers a more extensive view of the cruise.
  • Permission to visit Newcastle Nomad City: Documents & Details
  • Age restriction of 20 years has been introduced on the Rhodes (Previously 18).
Recently signed a deal with the DynoXe International for their escort services and protection.
[Image: cruisetour.png]
Sirius Cruise information

Detailed cruise:
  • Cortez > Inverness > Newcastle > Tau-31 > Tau-29 > Kyushu > Hokkaido > Tohoku > Nagano > Okinawa > Honshu > Sigma-19 > Sigma-17 > Munich > Frankfurt > Sigma-13 > New Berlin > Stuttgart > Omega-11 > Omega-41 > Omega-47 > Omega-49 > Dublin > New London > Manchester > Magellan > California > New York.
Price ranges:
  • B-class Cabin Tickets. Inner cabin. 4 berths, intercom, internal radio system and interactive display. Area 22.9 m2. 249 000 Sirius Credits. SOLD OUT!
  • A-class Cabin Tickets. Outer cabin. Separate living and bedroom. Fixed double bed, intercom, internal radio system, interactive display, refrigerator and hair-dryer. Area: 49.0 m2. 749 000 Sirius Credits. SOLD OUT!
  • Luxury Cabin Tickets. Outer cabin. Separate living, bedroom and lounge (including bar). Double bed, intercom, internal radio system, several interactive displays, remote system controls for external camera*, refrigerator, various accessories and personal host/hostess. Minimum area: ca. 95.0 m2. (The suites vary in size). All inclusive in the price. 4 999 000 Sirius Credits. Available until 25th of July.
  • Refund Guarantee. You can now opt to purchase our Refund Guarantee in appendix of your ticket. You will recieve full refund excluding the price of the Refund Guarantee should you be prevented from boarding the cruise for any reason. 499 000 Sirius Credits. Available only for Luxury Cabin Tickets.
Cruise date:
  • Preliminary time and date. The Rhodes will leave port of Curacao on the 31st July Friday, at 20:00 GMT. Please arrive early to make sure you have enough time to check in.
  • Sales closes: All sales of tickets will close at the 25th of July. Make sure you purchase your ticket in time!
* = Passengers in Luxury Cabins will receive complete remote control of an external camera outside the Rhodes. From that camera, passengers can view the vistas and surroundings of the cruise in a much greater detail. The tiny camera vessel is inconspicuous but relatively sensitive to outside use of force.

Please fill in this form and send it to us for your ticket purchase.

Purchase of Rhodes Sirius Cruise ticket Wrote:All fields are required.
Date of birth:
Place of birth:

Refund Guarantee:


Don't hesitate to contact us directly with any questions you may have regarding the Rhodes and the Sirius Cruise.

// Feedback? Drop me a PM, they are always welcome!

[Image: top.png]
[Image: left.png][Image: right.png]

Sirius Cruise - Neronian - 07-16-2009

--Incoming Transmission--
--Signal Stabilized--

ID: ---- Rockwell

Hello Capt'n Quinn, I'd just like to make two reservations for me and my dearest Ariana. She's been looking forward to this for a while it seems... Anyways, I'd just like to make sure there won't be any "interruptions" during this trip. The money should be wired to you within the hour.

I guess I should fill out this form then...

Name: Sipher Rockwell
Date of birth: 4.11.796
Place of birth: Planet Stuttgart

Cabin: Luxury
Refund Guarantee: Yes

Other: First Vacation for a while. Don't Let me down if you wouldn't mind?

Sipher Rockwell

--End Transmission--

Sirius Cruise - Asbestos - 07-16-2009

To: Sipher Rockwell
From: Captain Goddard Quinn
Location: Luxury Liner Rhodes, Cortez

Good day Mr. Rockwell!

I'll personally prepare the two tickets for yourself and Ariana Winston. Just make sure she fills in the form and send it back to us. And do not worry about petty interruptions, the DynoXe Intl are quite capable of protecting us, so there is absolutely no need to be concerned about our safety.
Your total will be 5 498 000 Sirius Credits. Please forward the payment to Luxury.Liner"Rhodes" and your tickets will be sent to you momentarily.

[font=Garamond]- Yours truly, Captain Goddard Quinn

Sirius Cruise - OldTimerAL - 07-20-2009

[font=Lucida Console]Incoming Transmission....
Source: Jamestown, Curacao, Cortez
Source ID: Evan Collier

[font=Century Gothic]Good day Captain Quinn, I must say I have been looking forward to this cruise ever since I heard rumors of it being prepared back on the racetrack in Dublin.

It'd be great if you were to prepare a ticket for myself for a Luxury Cabin. The credits will be wired to you at once.

[font=Garamond]-Yours truly, Evan Collier

[font=Lucida Console]Message ends...
Receiving data...

Evan Collier; Personal Data Wrote:Name: Evan Collier
Date of birth: 04.10.799
Place of birth: Jamestown, Curacao, Cortez

Cabin: Luxury Cabin
Refund Guarantee: Yes/No

Other: N/A

[font=Lucida Console]Transmission Ends...

Sirius Cruise - DeathsOverture - 07-20-2009

[font=Lucida Console]Incoming Transmission....
Location: Freeport 4, Magellan
Com ID: Ariana Rockwell

Here is my personal data, as requested.

Sirius Persona Database Wrote:Name: Ariana Rockwell
Date of Birth: 21 October 791 AS
Place of Birth: Great Plains General Hospital, Planet Cambridge

Cabin: Luxury
Refund Guarantee: Yes

[font=Lucida Console]End Transmission

Sirius Cruise - Asbestos - 07-20-2009

To: Sipher Rockwell; Ariana Rockwell; Evan Collier.
From: Captain Goddard Quinn
Location: Luxury Liner Rhodes, New York

Good day dear guests!

Your purchases have been confirmed and all payments have been received. Your boarding passes and instruction manuals on how to use the external camera device are being sent to you with this transmission. If you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to contact us.

[font=Garamond]- Yours truly, Captain Goddard Quinn

Sirius Cruise - Asbestos - 07-25-2009

Good day everyone!

Don't forget to purchase your Sirius Cruise tickets today! There are still a few vacant rooms, and they're available for you to rent, sales close at midnight! So, don't miss the chance of a lifetime! Welcome aboard!

[font=Garamond]- Yours truly, Captain Goddard Quinn

Sirius Cruise - Asbestos - 07-31-2009

Good day honoured guests!

We're preparing to embark on our journey throughout Sirius! We will wait for at least thirty minutes after our scheduled departure before we ship out, if some of our more important guests are running late. So, hurry to your designated transport shuttles and come aboard the Rhodes!

[font=Garamond]- Yours truly, Captain Goddard Quinn