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LN/LNS and RM/RNC Event - Contaan - 07-17-2009

-Liberty Navy High Command-
--Briefing and overview--
---Location: Unknown--

Commander Anderson walked up toward the podium, facing the officers of High Command.

"We have drawn up a plan, which hopefully with success, can take over the apparent research system of Bremen from Rheinland. For this mission, we will need a complement of 2 battlegroups, Alpha and Beta respectively."

On the overhead projector, systems were marked blue for Liberty, green for Rheinland.

"For battlegroup Alpha, it is my suggestion that we bring in several fighter wings of Guardians to draw ships away from Rheinland's defence, preferrably in Bering or Hudson. It is their objective to keep Rheinland forces occupied, while our other battlegroup moves into position. If, territory superiority is won in either systems, that will be a bonus."

The projector began zooming in towards Bremen, with several darkened areas marking the system.

"Lieutenant Commander Casero will continue with his report..."

Casero stood up, with datapad in hand and began reading sensor readings.

"We have little to no information regarding this system, as our probes have been destroyed as soon as it jumps in system, which suggest strong defences that are put in place. Unfortunately, we have no information on patrol routes, ships on station, or any anomalies that would reside there."

The overhead switched to each of the Liberty ships available for this mission.

"Thank you for the tactical update, Casero", Anderson replied.

"If I may, Commander?" Captain Seth Karlo asked.

Anderson nodded, giving Karlo center stage.

"This has been discussed, and we believe that our primary strike battlegroup be composed of several battlecruisers and its compliment of cruisers with gunboats if necessary. If assets are not available, a squadron of Avenger class fighters will do as well. We will also need several troop transports in order to storm any satellites that the Rheinlanders may be using as a base."

The overhead refocused itself, as it followed a trail from Quebec to Bremen.

"We believe that our force shall muster at Planet Houston, then divert to Quebec where we begin our assault onto Bremen. That is all."

With that, the Captain nodded to the officers nearby and the lights flickered on.

OOC: Was doing missions and noticed an interesting little news bulliten. Here is the ingame news story:

Long story short, Rheinland Military capture a Liberty gunboat, and finds out a plan that Liberty had in store to take over Bremen. Liberty was to distract Rheinland Military forces away from Bremen by deploying forces in Hudson and Bering, while transports filled with troops and capital ships move in to attack Bremen and find a supposed "Research Station".

For this to be organized, I suggest this mission be comprised of 2 groups from each side, Liberty A, Liberty B, Rheinland A, Rheinland B. Liberty A will be composed of 3-6 fighters, and its mission will be to skirmish Rheinland forces in Hudson or Bering.

Rheinland A will also be composed of fighters of equal force and its mission is to skirmish with Liberty fighters in either Hudson or Bering.

These groups are purely to "distract" the main force which will follow.

Liberty B will be composed of 2-4 LNS, or capital ships (gunboats, cruisers) along with the 2 troop transports for the takeover. Also, to complement, 3-6 fighters. This group will start in Quebec and head to Bremen.

Rheinland B will also be composed of RNC capitals (gunboats, cruisers) along with fighters and bombers to repel the Liberty attack. They will stay in Bremen for the supposed attack.

The numbers might be a little large, or small but I think this will be a great way for LNS and RNC to learn and have teamwork for the sake of roleplay. Hopefully, all of this can be arranged and both sides having equal numbers so it'll be fun for all involved.

LN/LNS and RM/RNC Event - Benjamin - 07-17-2009

OOC: just throwing this in here. The Bundschuh own a base in Bremen. So far, all of these rheinland vs liberty punch-ups have been purely military affairs. I see you're trying to bring LNS and RNC in to this one, which is a good move imo. And since I can see you're a nice open minded guy, I'm going to suggest maybe involving the bundschuh too? (since really, that base serves no other purpose. and we all feel left out of the war) The absolute maximum Bundschuh you would get is 5, probably more like 2-3, so it shouldn't be a huge pain to balance out if you can work them in. if not, you will be recorded as a big stinker.

LN/LNS and RM/RNC Event - jimmy Patterson - 07-17-2009

-Liberty Navy High Command-
--Briefing and overview--
---Location: Unknown--

Captian Patterson Liberty first special operations Detachment stood up at the end and aproched commander anderson he had one simple question" commander this is a big operation it seems like your gonna assault the base from outside and inside Delta could asist you in that im sure we can come to some sort ofa battleplan if not the Ft louisbourg wil lasist in the beseigeing of the base,weve run simulations to the best of our ablity of rhineland tacticas and such based on skrimishes and logs from boardings of various vessels jetasoned before either autodestruct or outright capture,the rhinewehir is cocky,arrogant they wil lgo into it thinking because there"battle hardend" they will have an easy victory while oureselfs commander, we wil lfight like dogs every parsec of space every meter of the base we wil lfight and die for overwelm the rhineweir with our sheer determination and supurb tacitical planning

//ooc: figured id get the chance for if not a ingame fight mabye an rp story as well as theres only like 2 [1st] people (that i know of add me to group b please in the event the ft louisbourg is disabled(as im not destroying my own ship)mabye another rp story could follow of her being boarded insted of her boarding the station or something)

LN/LNS and RM/RNC Event - Bauer - 07-17-2009

OOC: I may be able to come, depending on the time. I could either bring the LNS-Calypso (BC) or the RNC-Leipzig (Cruiser). If I get some Cap Armour for the LNS-Dawn, I may be able to bring it instead, though it's unlikely.

LN/LNS and RM/RNC Event - stahu456 - 07-17-2009

.............Incoming Transmision
........From : Wyoming Spacecrew
...Location : Norfolk Shipyard

This is a Big operation dear High Command. Our Crew is ready to assist. LNS-Wyoming will get special repairs, modifications and paints for this. Let's show this Rheinlanders where is they place.

//OOC : I can be on event with my Gunboat LNS-Wyoming, so you can sign me in to Group B. And please write on what time i should be ready (hour,GMT,etc.) Cheers.

>>>Transmission End<<<

:::Loggin Out:::

LN/LNS and RM/RNC Event - Dashiell - 07-17-2009

Captain Virgil redline was standing in the back of the briefing room, next to his 2nd in command, Cloud McGennon.

"seems like this could work. if we can break through the Rheinlandic defenses at get a footing in Bremen, we can really stick it to them" Virgil whispered to his trusted 2nd in command.

"Care to enter the Fires for the Beta battlegroup sir?" Cloud replied

"hm, I guess we will. Beta will need al the firepower they can muster I think..."

//ooc: sounds like a very good idea. I`m in with my Siege cruiser if there`s a vacant spot.
date? time?

LN/LNS and RM/RNC Event - Donutman - 07-17-2009

.............Incoming Transmission
........From : LNS Sacramento
...Location : Norfolk Shipyard

If needed, the Gunboat LNS Sacramento is available for Beta group. She's an Anvil-class gunboat, though she needs some reenforcement of the armor.

//ooc:I could come, but I need a armor upgrade.

>>>Transmission End<<<

LN/LNS and RM/RNC Event - Contaan - 07-17-2009

OOC: Time and date are still to be determined by the leaders of RM/LN. And yeah, I'm sure we can put in some Bundschuh into the mix there in Bremen. I'll start up a list so we can keep the numbers on both sides fairly even.


Battlegroup A: ---

Battlegroup B:

[1st]Ft.Louisbourg (BC) Jimmy Patterson
LNS-Wyoming (Gunboat) Stahu
LNS-Fires (Siege Cruiser) Dashiell
LNS Sacramento (Gunboat) Donutman
LNS Iowa Lancer-X
LNX_ThunderBay (BC) mb52
LCSV Victorious (Transport 1) Nathrael
CA-44:Vincennes (Siege Cruiser) Agmen of Eladesor


Battlegroup A: ---

Battlegroup B:

RNC-Leipzig (Cruiser) JBauer


VF)Kaspar.Keitel (Switchblade or a Falcata) Benjamin

LN/LNS and RM/RNC Event - jimmy Patterson - 07-17-2009

i just hiope the rhinelanders pick a group b simmiler to ours or were gonna get smashed
only two heavy caps

LN/LNS and RM/RNC Event - Donutman - 07-18-2009

Calypso, Dawn and Leipzig are all the same person.......

By the way, Iowa is a baddaboat.