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Breakdown in Communication leaves LPI in Shambles - Printable Version

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Breakdown in Communication leaves LPI in Shambles - Beagle23 - 07-19-2009

This Highland News Network report is proudly brought to you by our sponsors, Highland Security.

[Image: steelewolffe.jpg]

SATURDAY, NEW YORK - Libertonian law enforcement was dealt a savage blow by Liberty Rogues yesterday, after a breakdown in intelligence resulted in Liberty Police fighters being sent to combat a Rogue Gunboat. The engagement, described by LPI Chief Riker as "a gross chain of events", left over half-a-dozen fighters wrecked - none of them criminal casualties.

The LR Gunboat, Steele Wolffe, was attempting to pirate the trade lane between Fort Bush and Planet Manhattan, when a fight broke out with Xenos Alliance ships. According to eye-witness accounts, the Xenos then broadcasted the location of the fight on a system-wide frequency and asked for lawful assistance with the gunboat.

"Sadly, we went in without the facts" continues Riker. "Instead of our gunboat, the Leavenworth, and two SWAT bombers, we entered range with two Liberators and the Guantanamo, our Grizzly used for small interdiction."

"Once we realised our mistake, it was too late to withdraw" said Riker. "We were woefully outmatched."

The gunboat only fled after the arrival of the Liberty Navy Battlecruiser, LNS-Blueridge. However, despite chasing the Steele Wolffe all the way to the Badlands, LNS-Blueridge was unable to bring down the Rogue.

Regardless, the captain of the Blueridge remained adamant that the engagement ended in favour of the Libertonian government. "This was not a victory for the Rogues at all! It was a loss for them."

Conflicting with reports from the LPI and local Freelancers, the captain stated that "only 3 lives were lost during the battle, and they were hostiles."

In an exclusive interview, I asked the captain of the Steele Wolffe about the role played by Xenos terrorists in the engagement.

"It was interesting, yes, the Xenos and the LPI seemed to team up against me... Nothing was stated, but that was the impression I got from the fight."

"As the fight progressed, more and more fighters joined in..."

When asked if he had a message for Liberty, the captain of the Steele Wolffe had this to say:
"Navy, Police, anyone resisting the pirates and their cause, know this; Your time in Liberty is over. The pirates will rise..."

Regarding the assistance provided by LNS-Blueridge, Chief Riker was less than flattering.

"The Blueridge, well... let's just say his that his gunners are cross-eyed... As a matter of fact, our LPI ships probably dished out more damage than he did."

"His 'overwhelming force' simply served to force the Wolffe into a retreat."

Pressed on the cause of the intelligence failure, Chief Riker cited the presence of the two Xenos Alliance ships at the battle. "When they're around, fights are mainly fighters."

"This mistake will make us better able to respond to similar situations in the future. In the LPI, we rarely make the same mistake twice."

Reporting from Fort Bush, NY; Scottish McHaverty, Highland News Network.

Breakdown in Communication leaves LPI in Shambles - Donutman - 07-20-2009

**News report the day after the previous one**

We have received a statement from LPI Lieutenant Joe Smith regarding the incident.

"I firstly was one of the two fighters dispatched, along with Chief Matt Myers. The only LPI casualty was the Guantanamo, which was crippled. the other destroyed fighters were four Xeno ships and a few Freelancers. Yes, there was an unspoken agreement to ignore the Xenos and focus on the Gunboat, at least until it was destroyed, at which point we'd take out the Xenos, though the gunboat did that for us.. The only damage I took in the engagement was from friendly fire from the Blueridge. So, the blow was not nearly as "savage" as depicted. The Guantanamo was salvaged and is being repaired in the LPI hangar bay on Fort Bush."

Now, in other news today.....