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Nomad Harvest (Part I) - Printable Version

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Nomad Harvest (Part I) - majkp - 02-08-2007

<This is a part of CST internal information system>

Project Nomad Harvest (Part I)

Approved by:
VP Leech

Background theory:
To cover rising demand for researching alien life forms and technologies we are now building new research and warehouse facilities - The CST Nomad Warehouse (CNW). These facilities will be equiped with top-end technology which will enable storing Nomad life forms for later research. There will be a following project (Part II) in which we will harvest and transport Nomad life forms to the warehouse.

In this project we focus on building Nomad warehouse and preparing for nomad transportation. The location of CNW remains classified. We need blue storage containers, special inside container lighting and adjusted transport engines. There is no special need for container heating.

Materials/Equipment Required:

Equipment: Blue Cargo Pods
Obtainable at: Planet New London
Needed where: Cambridge Research Station
Quantity Needed: 60 for Cambridge RS warehouse and 18 for the transports (Total 78)
Comments: In our previous research we discovered that extracted Nomad lifeforms have 98,76% chance to survive longer than a week if stored in sealed vacuum containers which imitate the environment of Nomad ships including the blue colour. Remember to have at least 10 our technicians (read: passengers) on board for mounting the containers on your large trains at New London and unmounting them at Cambridge RS for further processing. Don't try to mount them yourselfes as you may damage them. Fly with special care, no bumping!

Material: Optronics
Obtainable at: Planet Honshu
Needed where: Planet Cambridge
Quantity Needed: 31 500 units
Comments: To imitate nomad environment we need special container lighting. It will be manufactured by parts by multiple companies on Planet Cambridge then assembled in Cambridge Research institute and then transported and finally mounted onto containers by our engineers at Cambridge Research Station at the orbit. Most parts for the lighting can be obtained locally at Planet Cambridge but there is a massive need for optronics which have to be transported from elsewhere.

Material: Engine Components
Obtainable at: Planet Honshu
Needed where: Planet Cambridge
Quantity Needed: 22 500 units
Comments: Stock ship engines produce sounds with low frequencies which can be dangerous for extracted Nomad brains. To avoid the damage while transposting harvested Nomads we need to adjust stock engines used on transports. Again most parts are obtainable at Planet Cambridge but some engine components need to be imported. Final adjustment to our ships will be done at Cambridge Research Institute at Planet Cambridge.

There is no sequence needed in obtaining which Materials/Equipment but there is one recomendation how to make flying from Planet Cambridge to Planet Honshu more profitable. There is a high demand for Luxury Food at Planet Honshu and they are selling it cheap at Planet Cambridge.

Planet Cambridge & Cambridge Research Station in Cambridge system. Components will be transported from Planet Honshu. Final location of CNW remains classified. All the containers will be transferred there once this project is complete.

Suggested route between Planet Cambridge & Planet Honshu:
Everyone would suggest going through systems Cambridge, New London, Leeds, Tau31, Tau 29, Kyushu, New Tokyo, Honshu. But my calculations show that this way may take less time: Cambridge, Omega 3, Omega 7, Stuttgart, New Berlin (using JH at E5), Sigma 13, Honshu.


Project Status: 81% completed

Materials/Equipment Delivered:
Blue Cargo Pods -> 66/78
Optronics -> 27090/31500
Engine Components -> 22491/22500 [9 units purchased locally]

Info lines:
- We have signed the contract with Cryer Pharmaceuticals which allows us to place 60 storage containers temporarilly at Cambridge Research Station while the adjustment is in process
- First Blue Containers delivered to Cambridge RS. Adjusting started.
- First shipment of optronics and engine components arrived.
- Vendors for manufacturing needed technology chosen, manufacture started.
- First series (26pcs) of nomad containers finished and transferred to CNW for final mounting
- We now have a working prototype of the silent Nomad Thruster. Awaiting further delivery of Engine Components soom.
- Second series (26pcs) of nomad containers finished and transferred to CNW for final mounting
- First Series (10pcs) of Silent engines completed
- Second and last Series (10) of silent engines completed, all CST ships proceed to mounting. (read buy Nomad Thruster)
* Adjustment of transport containers started


Project log entries so far:

* Rick Deckard:
Reporting delivery of 12 blue containers at Cambridge Research Station.

* Rick Deckard:
Blue Cargo Pods: 12
Optronics: 8994
Engine Components: 4497

* Edenist:
4499 Optronics Units

* Rick Deckard:
Blue Cargo Pods: 12
Optronics: 4497

* Blake:
4500 Optronics

* Blake:
4500 Optronics.
18 Blue Cargo Pods.

* Rick Deckard:
Blue Cargo Pods: 6
Engine Components: 4497

* Blake:
4500 Engine Components

* Blake:
Engine Components: 4500

* Rick Deckard:
Engine Components: 4497


OOC: This project was moved from CST Private Forums

Nomad Harvest (Part I) - Firebird - 02-08-2007

Dig a bit into some of RP forum stories in the past, you'll find some info developed for the nomads which should be useful. Around the time of the Magnificent crash and those events.

Rheinland route is likely better right now with Tau-31 being a war zone but to each his own.

Also reminder about the transportation ban:rtfm:. I like the listing of the cargo required and why, very nice:cool:

Nomad Harvest (Part I) - majkp - 02-09-2007

Message to: CST HQ
Comm ID: [CST-L]Rick.Deckard

Reporting delivery of 6 blue cargo pods.

I won't be able to deliver the remaining supplies as I had to cancel my route to Honshu in order to solve some personal issues on Freeport 5 (Omega 41). I'll report back ASAP. Meanwhile I'll be working on details and guidlines for the second part of project Nomad Harvest.

Rick Deckard out.