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The Heart Of Zion - Printable Version

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The Heart Of Zion - Sarawr!? - 07-20-2009

Audio Entry One.
Manhattan General Hospital.

"Well...I'm not exactly the Captain but, since she's in the hospital, Well I figured I'd do this entry for her."

He draws in a long sigh.

"Right, Where to start? Well, My name is Ari Miller, I'm the Helmsman aboard The Heart Of Zion, one of the best kept Yachts in all Sirius."

"But right, onto more pressing matters...Today, alot of people...alot of people died today, We were caught in an Ion Wave that hit without warning, When it passed, we discovered all sorts of internal problems, The oxygen system was acting up, the engine reactor was acting up...power was fluctuating, and the Navigation system was out, so we tried to limp to Manhattan, That didn't end well either..."

Ari pauses briefly.

"Right...So when we tried to head for Manhattan...there was a critical engine failure, almost without warning, the engine crew didn't have time to react..And now, Now they're all Gone..Thankfully the LPI, and a Bounty Hunter happened upon our ship...and called in the Navy, who towed us to Norfolk Shipyard after evacuating most of our crew, Lilith, The Captain, insisting on staying aboard until the ship reached port..."

Ari lets out another sigh, followed by a soft chuckle.

"That woman, I swear, she's just so damn stubborn, yet so loyal, and tough as nails too, our crew wouldn't be half of what it is, if not for her...I just can't believe I let her stay aboard, I should've made her evacuate with the rest of us, instead she stayed aboard and damn near died right off of Norfolk, when 'The Heart's' remaining power supply failed, and it's oxygen systems along with it. Damn! I'm such a fool, I should have grabbed her by the damn collar and dragged her rear aboard that Navy shuttle... I...Oh screw this I'm gonna go check on her!"

A loud bang followed by brief static and the click of the recorder turning off could be heard as Ari slammed it off the tabletop.

Entry End.

The Heart Of Zion - Sarawr!? - 07-29-2009

Audio Entry Two.
Texas System.

"Finally! I'm out of the damn hospital! damn place was so stuffy and sad, I don't know if I would've survived another week in that place...too depressing!"

She laughs softly.

"Oh Right, after the last audio-log entry you're probably wondering who I am, Well I'm Captain Lilith David, and I'm the one in charge aboard The Heart Of Zion, So, I purchased a Kingfisher from a ship-dealer that I know, we christened it this afternoon, The Hand Of Zion, a personal craft to be used by any of the members of the Bridge Crew aboard The Heart. She's a fast little fighter but she's damn nice, I like speed...hopefully I'll never need to use it to fight with though."

" other news, Our crew grew by five this week, Five more of us, Exiles, without a home, I think this ship will become a safe place for others like us, This could turn into something beautiful...if we play our cards right."

"Right, time to shut this thing off, Captain David, Out."

A soft click could be heard as the audio recorder turned off.

Entry End.