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Signature for Pitchfork - Printable Version

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Signature for Pitchfork - BaconSoda - 07-20-2009

After some deliberation, I've finally decided to ask for a signature for Pitchfork, my Phantom. Regardless of what you think of me, I think 80 million credits is a good compensation, yes? I don't really think this would be an easy sig to make, as the character is odd and there is no real unified symbol for the Phantoms. I also wouldn't be surprised if I was proven wrong.

Pitchfork is a Phantom. Her signature ship is the Praetorian. However, she does have both a Penumbra and a Shadow. Yes, I fly them quite often.

Story can be found here:

To summarize the story:
  • Shiraishi was separated from her quaint Junyo family by an accident. She was then taken by the Hogosha and trained as a killer employed by Samura to dissuade foreign companies from trading in Kusari. She was stripped of her morality and humanity and has one last emotional crutch: the only other survivor of the accident, a gray tabby cat with black stripes named Jin.

    Later in the story (this is really just proof that I need to keep working on it) Shiraishi is allowed to be taught how to fly in space to openly fight foreign powers in Kusari. She is only given such an opportunity to act as a scapegoat for the authorities in an attack on an important shipment by Universal Shipping. Thinking that she was soon to be removed from his life altogether, Nakajima, her doyen (boss) who had never enjoyed the thought of Jin living, decides to remove the small cat from its skin the night before the operation while Shiraishi is sleeping.

    When Shiraishi awakes in the morning to find Jin gone, she is enveloped in a great torrent of sorrow. Not wanting to dishonor herself, she enters the docking bay of Kagoshima to find she is to fly a Praetorian Corsair Bomber, a supposed gift of her graduating from a simple ground agent. Still enveloped by sorrow, she undergoes her mission as intended until Nakajima makes a joke about killing rats (what he often called Jin). Now filled with fury at the knowledge that her only friend was now dead, Shiraishi leaves the last vestiges of her sanity and humanity behind and opens fire on Nakajima, killing him and subsequently killing the other Farmer's Alliance (who was under equipped for fighting as Shiraishi would be the only one actually fighting in this operation while Nakajima and the other guy made a silent escape to leave Shiraishi to the authorities) pilot in the Seiran Dust Cloud.

    Over the next few days Shiraishi wanders the Shikoku system destitute, and killing anyone who could not answer her nonsensical and insane questions regarding Jin and other pets. With their ever watchful eye, the Phantoms had noticed this violence, and met Jin in one of the nebulae (the one between the other two) in Shikoku. In the Phantoms she met Dark Blossom, who has more or less become her mentor and role model.

    Her favorite color is purple and she is quite insane.
A few phrases Pitchfork would utter:
  • Do you want to play? I want to play! What games do you like?
    Come play with me! Blossom calls my game "kitties and vacuum"...
    Do you know where Jin is? I miss Jin...
    But we can't play. Blossom told me not to play with pets like you.
She has a dictionary of different "pets":
  • Pets = Pirates
    Kitties = Traders
    Snakies = Kusari
    Birdies = Liberty
    Crabbies = Bretonia
    Turtles = Rheinland
The concept art from the character which inspired Pitchfork is here: Specifics about the Contest:
  • Size: ~620-650 x 200
    Color: Have fun
    Shape: Solid box (like all my other sigs are solid)
    Compensation: 80 million credits
    Contest Ends: August 1st
Feel free to post questions or comments about the contest here. Any questions about the Story, FA RP, or Phantoms please direct to either my inbox, the inbox of the head of the faction, or the appropriate feedback thread. Thank you for reading and participating! Good luck, I look forward to seeing the submissions!

EDIT: I made it readable

Signature for Pitchfork - Calego - 07-20-2009

*Evil/deranged Laugh*

Indeed this does appear to be a challenge... I like challenges...

I don't suppose there's a name for the character in Guildwars that you are using for Pitchfork? That would be handy.

I'll try this one for sure...

Signature for Pitchfork - BaconSoda - 07-20-2009

Here is Nika's Guild.Wiki page. Quite the opposite of the character here, having a very benign path instead of the malicious one I portray for Pitchfork, so I didn't include it, but if it helps, there it is.

Signature for Pitchfork - Calego - 07-20-2009

' Wrote:Here is Nika's Guild.Wiki page. Quite the opposite of the character here, having a very benign path instead of the malicious one I portray for Pitchfork, so I didn't include it, but if it helps, there it is.

Turns out i didn't need it... at least not yet. But thanks anyhow

EDIT:OK *pant pant*
Here they be
Two choices, one that is immensely crowded and about as insane as "pitchfork" and one that is graphically sound (not cluttered):
[Image: 294qxx3.jpg]
[Image: 25fkmqx.jpg]

I like the less crowded one better just because it is less confusing for the eye. But the other one fits your character's theme of insanity. So I leave it to you. If you don't like either, tell me what to do different.

Signature for Pitchfork - Leo - 07-20-2009

That's sexy. Very nice Calego.


Signature for Pitchfork - farmerman - 07-20-2009

[Image: p_792046.jpg]

How about that? :crazy: (Does Google Images give you weird photos or what!?)

Of course, maybe I could make a real one in a couple minutes. Especially if I get Baconcash from doing so!

On a serious note, I messed around and came up with this:

[Image: bacon_pitchfork.jpg]

Signature for Pitchfork - Ximen_Benitez - 07-20-2009

I suppose I'll take a shot at it.

Hmm.. I dunno. It might be to busy.

[Image: 4tkrpf.png]

Changes? Thoughts? Throw it out? What do you think?

Signature for Pitchfork - BaconSoda - 07-21-2009

Hrm, Calego, I didn't quite mean for the dictionary to be used directly in the Signature, just as a little help if anyone wanted to be creative. Though, I really like the clutter. It's a nice metaphor. If the dictionary parts could be removed and replaced with some of the other phrases, that'd be great. I like to use paint, so I made a diagram of what exactly I mean. >.>

Onto Ktayn's, I like it. The shadows in the background are a very nice touch. It looks nice and chaotic/shadow-ey. Even got the most uttered phrase. :P

Onot Ximen's submission! It looks very clear. Now I realize, I like the clutter for Pitchy. Anything you could do to make it more chaotic?

Signature for Pitchfork - Exile - 07-21-2009

On a completely random note, Baconsoda's phantom reminds me offa Malkavian O.o.

Signature for Pitchfork - Ximen_Benitez - 07-21-2009

Well... he's a little more chaotic version:P

I haven't got the art of chaos down to well though...

[Image: 2v9z0n7.png]

Whatchya think?