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Outcast Gunship - Shryke - 07-20-2009

Since the Border World ships can be reasonably used by freelancers and mercenaries in the lawful sectors of space, how about the Outcast Gunship? It's the same 'series' of ships, so would this be ok or would it require approval?

Also while were on the topic, which gunboats would a freelancer/merc be within reason of using? Clearly not the faction specific ones but I'd like some ideas.

Outcast Gunship - tansytansey - 07-20-2009

Even though the OC Gunship follows the same design pattern as the Borderworld ships, it is an Outcast ship.

Refer to this spreadsheet to see whether or not your ID is compatible with the Gunship.

Also read the ships info card. If the infocard states the ship is sold exclusively to Outcasts, then even if the technology chart reads green, you may not use the ship.

Outcast Gunship - reavengitair - 07-20-2009

Freelancers and merc...

Most people use Corsair/Outcast... though I wouldnt reccomend it.

Don't use the bretonian... just don't..

You could try the zoner...

Outcast Gunship - Guest - 07-20-2009

I would suggest the zoner GB. 3 razors 1 pulse. Fly it as a large bomber.

Outcast Gunship - reavengitair - 07-20-2009

Quote:I would suggest the zoner GB. 3 razors 1 pulse. Fly it as a large bomber.

Just a pointer - apparantly, this gunboat rapes.

Outcast Gunship - JakeSG - 07-20-2009

Its shape makes up for lack of guns, if it's the one I'm thinking.

There are way too many Tridents as is. And I used to think that about the Rogue GB's.

Outcast Gunship - Shryke - 07-20-2009

Thanks for that spreadsheet. The Merc ID is green to both Outcast and Corsair technology but I'll read their infocards first like you said. What's interesting is that Lane Hacker tech is white, but that makes sense since they are a tight knit group as opposed to the Outcasts.

The only problem I have with the Zoner gunboat is that it doesn't really fit into my RP image of the Mercenary I'd like to play, Zoners being peacenik diplomats and all. I'd like something more aggressive. Without giving too much away he's going to be a lot of talk and very little walk, which is why he needs the security of a gunboat rather than, say, a bomber.

Outcast Gunship - Eppy - 07-20-2009

Do not use the Outcast Gunship with a non-Outcast ID, please. Some IDs allow it, but we are trying to get that changed rather soon, and it was never my intent as the ship's designer to see its widespread use anywhere but the Omicrons, Taus and military raids into the houses (key word: MILITARY). The ship is new and expensive to produce, and we ARE at war.

Outcast Gunship - Shagohad - 07-20-2009

Try the LR ones. They are much more common and look as though they are mass produced.

Outcast Gunship - Elsdragon - 07-20-2009

Eppy Designed the trident? I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!