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Council of Dons, Luisa Dejesus to Maltese Warship Captains. - Printable Version

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Council of Dons, Luisa Dejesus to Maltese Warship Captains. - Exile - 07-20-2009

[Incomming Transmission]
[Communications Identification : Luisa Dejesus, Council of Dons.]
[To : Maltian Warship captains. Wing-affiliated and other.]
[Subject : Overuse of Warship class vessels]

Gentlemen. Enough is enough. We, of the Council of Dons have agreed that Maltian affiliated Warships orbit Malta way too frequently. These beasts suck way too much resources from our coffers to be used for no good reason. Beasts such as the Dreadnaught and the Sarrisa have become the welcoming commitee of Omicron Alpha and the terror of Maltian resources.

There when you want them gone, and never there when needed. Why, is this? Well, I'll tell you. You drag out a warship for no propper reason at a random time and land it afterwards, it's going to need slight repairs, it's going to need new fuel, it's crew is going to need a breather. All that and more. How does this affect Malta? Firstly, it's a waste of resources. Secondly, what happens when hostile warships attack? From for example the Corsairs? That's right, the ships can't launch because they're stuck in drydock. What happens then? Maltian pilots start to die and Malta gets pretty close to the center of the enemy targeting radar.

In short, Captains, please don't force your crew to launch the Warships when - IT IS NOT NECESSARY -. Maltian warships are required for the defence of Malta -ONLY-. When danger is spotted and an alert is given, use your whips and get the crew to fly those beasts into space. Else, please, keep them grounded.

Buona notte,

Council of Dons, Luisa Dejesus to Maltese Warship Captains. - Thexare - 07-20-2009

Incoming transmission...
Sender: Don Emilio Santini
To: Warship Captains
Subject: Knives and guns

To borrow a phrase from one of my associates, you are using a cannon when a dagger will suffice. A Scimitar or a Sabre uses very little fuel, inexpensive ammunition, and is far cheaper to repair.

There's also no crew to pay.

We are giving you a chance to fix this situation on your own. If you do not take this chance, we will.

End of transmission.

Council of Dons, Luisa Dejesus to Maltese Warship Captains. - Lohingren - 07-21-2009


From: Don Lohingren Rala'state, Archon of the Reapers
To: Warship Captains

*Lohingren bows*

I would also like to add to my fellow Dons statements, with my own little statement.

Any man, woman or child caught wasting Omicron 81's resources shall be punished severely by me and my men.

The Outcasts have to many enemies surrounding our borders to be launching your ships so frequently. If we don't start acting professional you can say good bye to Malta, And we can all be enslaved to the Corsair armada who breath down our necks constantly.

Your choice friend's, i leave this to you.

Lohingren Rala'state Out


Council of Dons, Luisa Dejesus to Maltese Warship Captains. - Jamez - 07-21-2009


To: Warship Captains
From: Evangeline Knight - 101st Outcast Guard Squadron
Re: Series Z 'Sabre'

Please excuse me for joining in this discussion uninvited, but I'd like to make known that which may be beneficial.

The Series-Z is, contrary to the belief of many, the toughest ship in Border and Edge World space. It's small frame may look flimsy, but believe me when I say it is not. Its compact frame and agile handling ensures that you will never get into a situation you can't get out of, something a capital ship will not always guarantee. Also, with only one person to sustain, and the reliability of the Sabre means that this comparatively tiny ship will outlast any capital ship in deep space reconaissance missions. The shielding and armor plating on the Sabre is balanced to ensure the ship can evade fire as much as possible, but will take a pounding if outnumbered and give the pilot the time to take action. The heavy armor on a warship is no substitute for the survivability of a Sabre.

If there is one machine that has earned the title of 'The only ship to take to the Border Worlds', it is the Series Z, make no mistake.

Thank you for your time.


Council of Dons, Luisa Dejesus to Maltese Warship Captains. - obnoxious1 - 07-21-2009

**Incoming Transmission**
Comm ID - Don Varraco De la Vega
Target ID - Maltese Warship Captains
Subject: Wasting resources & making fools of yourselves.

Hola Brethren,

As it has been said by my respected fellow Don's, The wasting of men, technology & resources on these "Warship Parades" has got to stop. Three times today alone I have received reports of not 1, not 2, but over a half a dozen large scale capitol ships blocking the docks of Malta. This insanity must discontinue at once! the flow of transports taking Cardamine to our customers is whats supports all of us, & seeing those mighty warships are scaring away potential business.

If these ego showing parades do not stop immediately, The Council of Dons along with the support of the major factions may have to step in with a registration of these ships & deal with them accordingly.

Use your ships wisely Captains.

Don De la Vega
Council of Dons

Council of Dons, Luisa Dejesus to Maltese Warship Captains. - Boss - 07-21-2009

[Incoming Transmission
[Comm ID - Don Rafaele Giacomo
[Target - Maltese Warship Captains
[Subject: Overuse of capital craft for inane duties

Greetings, my friends. As have been pointed out by my esteemed colleagues, this use of capital craft--destroyers, battleships, and Dreadnoughts--is absurd. After all, just because it has a 100% chance of killing the mouse does not mean that a nuclear warhead is a better mousetrap.

Think about it, please, and give the right answer.

Don Giacomo out

Council of Dons, Luisa Dejesus to Maltese Warship Captains. - Eppy - 07-21-2009

***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm ID: Ammiraglio Santiago Barilla***
***Target ID: Broadband***
***Re: Assorted***

While I would disagree with my colleague that the nuclear warhead might not be the best solution for one's mice problem (I have indeed used a small neutron bomb to exterminate a severe infestation over my family's home plantation) I am also perhaps the strongest proponent of restrain in employing our capital ships. I remind all captains that they are directly answerable to me, and that anybody abusing their privileges will be dealt with severely. Possibly by cleaning up my plantation's next mice infestation.