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Formal Renouncing of Action - Printable Version

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Formal Renouncing of Action - lw'nafh - 07-22-2009

<//Comm ID: ReLIC/
//Location: Unverified/
//Signal strength: 237%/
//Begin Transmission...../--

Greetings, "Little Ones" and "Glowworms" of Liberty, on behalf of the Commander, we hereby renounce our anti-military like activities throughout Liberty, you are... "In luck" as it were, you won't see -us- again, the only vessel you WILL see is the Free Trade, which we assure you, is harmless.

Regardless, we'd love to hear from you. This is an open-band transmission to which anyone can respond. Questions should be directed here, and -I- will try to answer to the best of my ability. Good day, good luck.

ReLIC Out.

--/Signal lost//
//Trace...... Unattained//>