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To: Colonial Remnant, Indep. Miners Guild (added) - Printable Version

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To: Colonial Remnant, Indep. Miners Guild (added) - DAnvilFan - 07-23-2009

.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Colonial Remnant
Comm ID: Shipmaster, (]c[)
Location: Freeport 15, Omicron 74
Topic: Zephyr Purchase

To all members of the Colonial Remnant,

The Zoners Consortium (]c[) is in the process of developing a very large facility to be used as an extension of the Corinth Research Station in Omicron-74. Due to a number of complications, our shipyards are currently busy with other constructions and will not be able to begin work on our facility for another few months. As such, we are interested in using one of your shipyards to develop our science station so that production may start sooner. Our request would be to use one of your Zephyr designs and modify it. In the past, your people have done a wonderful job by designing the Aquillon Carrier, and we have full confidence that you will be able to construct our research facility with superior craftsmanship.

Our estimators indicate that in order to modify one of the Zephyrs that you currently have in stock would cost about 80 million credits, a sum which the Zoners Consortium will gladly provide. The Admin Sirius Banking Inc. informed us that they will be happy to rewire the money to you. Please tell us what you think.

the Zoners Consortium (]c[)

To: Colonial Remnant, Indep. Miners Guild (added) - Niezck - 07-23-2009

####Incoming Transmission####

Comm ID: Java Station
From: Guildmaster David Masterson
To: Zoner Consortium

I do hope you realise that the Zephyr Carrier is an IMG vessel, not a Colonial Remnant vessel?

####End Transmission####

To: Colonial Remnant, Indep. Miners Guild (added) - DAnvilFan - 07-23-2009

.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Guildmaster Davis Masterson
Comm ID: Shipmaster, (]c[)
Location: Freeport 15, Omicron 74
Topic: Zephyr Purchase

Dear Guildmaster Masterson,

We are uncertain how you managed to intercept this message as it was e-mailed to another party entirely. Do you and the Colonial Remnant share the same e-mail account?
Allow us to apologize anyway. We understand that the Zephyr Carrier was developed by the IMG, however, as it is being sold on a Colonial Remnant shipyard, we were under the impression that they would be the primary party in dealing with such a purchase.
If the IMG would like to participate in the remodeling of the Zephyr Carrier, we will be more than happy to open negotiations with both parties.

the Zoners Consortium, (]c[)

To: Colonial Remnant, Indep. Miners Guild (added) - swift - 07-23-2009

[font=Palatino Linotype]Yes, thank you very much, Mr. Masterson, for your continued patronage in many of our communicays. How joyous indeed.
To dissolve any dilemmas, Singapore Shipyard is in one hundred percent ownership of the Colonial Republic and it will dispense it's products depending on it's wishes.
Thank you for sharing your opinion with us, nevertheless.

As for the matter at hand. Mr. Lightwing, as we have already spoken previously, and having in mind that the Zephyr would not be used for military purposes, but for science, which ultimately benefits us all, and also keeping in mind the amiable relations between the Zoners as a whole and the Colonial Republic, I do grant you one modified Zephyr Carrier vessel, to be used as per the specifications you provided.
We trust that what was put here on paper will be followed to the letter accordingly.

Contact me in here or in private for further communications, regarding payment to Singapore Shipyards, that is, the Colonial Republic's monetary funds, the desired specifications of your vessel, additional equipment, etc. etc.

Prime Minister Lampkin

To: Colonial Remnant, Indep. Miners Guild (added) - DAnvilFan - 07-23-2009

.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Colonial Remnant
Comm ID: Shipmaster, (]c[)
Location: Freeport 15, Omicron 74
Topic: Zephyr Purchase

Dear Prime Minister Lampkin,

We appreciate your swift reply and look forward to further negotiations. Our current goal is to have a Zephyr remodeled by August 10th of this year (Gran Canaria stardate). Please tell us if this deadline is feasible for such a project.

The Zoners Consortium is now in the process of contacting our lawyers regarding the registration, pattent, and overall ownership rights to the Zephyr. It appears that the IMG is claiming certain rights to the Carrier's destribution and we would like to avoid any lawsuit. If you have any additional information regarding the ownership rights of the vessel, please forward it to us.

If all goes as planned, we will also be sending a number of schematics that display how we want the interior rooms of the Zephyr reconstructed. Thank you for your cooperation.

Best Regards,
the Zoners Consortium (]c[)

To: Colonial Remnant, Indep. Miners Guild (added) - swift - 07-23-2009

[font=Palatino Linotype]
As for the proposed deadline, it is a bit steep, but is nothing that Singapore cannot handle. I believe that, with a stroke of luck, that is doable.

As for the "legal" problematic, the ownership of the actual plans of the Zephyr Carrier is in dispute, due to the not so long past separation of the IMG and the Colonial Remnant.
As previously stated, the IMG has absolutely nothing to do with Singapore Shipyards, and as such, do not have a say in whom it distributes ships to.
And also, sadly, or fortunately, there is no authority of law that is able to settle disputes against a sovereign nation like the Colonial Republic, other than the laws of it itself. I think we all know the outcome of that trial.

And yes, we will be expecting the equipment draft soon. Also, for future reference, the official monetary account of the Colonial Republic is coded in the following way:


Until we speak again, Mr. Lightwing.

Prime Minister Lampkin

To: Colonial Remnant, Indep. Miners Guild (added) - DAnvilFan - 07-24-2009

.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Colonial Remnant, Independant Miners Guild
Comm ID: Shipmaster, (]c[)
Location: Freeport 15, Omicron 74
Topic: Billing Dates

Dear Prime Minister Lampkin and Guildmaster Masterson,

Our lawyers have looked over a number of case studies regarding the Zephyr pattent and have determined the following:
  • Destribution rights belong to the Singapore Facility, which is owned and operated by the Colonial Remnant (Republic)
  • Original design was drafted by the Independant Miners Guild, which is entitled to a 3.24% royalty fee for Singapore destributed vessels
Singapore station's Vice-President of Sales contacted us this morning with an updated grand total estimate for the purchase and remodeling of the Zephyr Carrier:

Singapore Station: 670.000.000 credits
=CR=Colonial.One: 80.000.000 credits
Indep. Miners Guild: 25.000.000 credits
Grand Total: 775.000.000 credits

All fees will be paid on the day of completion. Guildmaster Masterson, please provide us with your Guild's banking account information at your earliest convenience.
Interior Design specifications have been forwarded to the Singapore station. They will be posted to Prime Minister Lampkin upon approval from Singapore's Vice-President of Technology. Please be forewarned that certain areas of the Consortium Research Facility are marked as top-level classified and will be consealed during public blue-print viewing.

We have already informed your Zephyr remodeling team that the vessel is to have no weapons or armor upgrades installed. This should speed up Singapore's construction process in time for the August 10th deadline.

the Zoners Consortium, (]c[)

To: Colonial Remnant, Indep. Miners Guild (added) - DAnvilFan - 08-04-2009

.::Incoming Transmission::.
Message to : Colonial Remnant, Independant Miners Guild
Comm ID: Shipmaster, (]c[)
Location: Freeport 15, Omicron 74
Topic: Billing Dates

We received this letter from the Singapore Station's Vice President of Technology:

Quote:To members of the Zoners Consortium,

On behalf of the remodeling team in charge of developing your Research Station, I regret to inform you that we are running behind schedule. Your proposed deadline for compeleting the project by August 10th is rather probematic. As someone who has worked in this industry for over 20 years, I can tell you that based on my proffessional opinion this task is too ambitious to meet the said date. We require an extended deadline of at least one month to complete all of the remodeling you need as per the specifications you delivered to us.


John Wondersnaut,
VP of Technology.

The Zoners Consortium has hereby extended the deadline to September 4th. We have also changed our specifications to exclude the development of shields. Does this mean that our station will depart from Tau-44 without shields, armor upgrades, or weapons? Yes it does, but we're willing to make this sacrifice in order to speed things up.

Best Regards,

Zoners Consortium (]c[)

To: Colonial Remnant, Indep. Miners Guild (added) - Seth Karlo - 08-05-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Research, Development, Mining and Trading Director Syana Kyan]
[[Image: morena_baccarin_18.jpg]]
[Location: IMG ship Comoros]

Hello there,

Whilst Masterson might have done, I really don't care what the colonials sell. My only issue is that the deisgners of said vessel were both IMG and Colonial in origin. Even still, I'm sure the Colonials know and recognize this, and at some point I'm sure they would have been kind enough to inform us of this purchase, had our ex-guildnaster not hacked the channel.

If you would like to donate to the development of advances in ship building, a gift to IMG|GuildFunds is welcome. This however is completely optional.

Enjoy your day.


[Transmission Terminated]

To: Colonial Remnant, Indep. Miners Guild (added) - finaldragons - 08-05-2009

***incomming transmission***
****upload station:Battle Ship Valkyrie ****

I can asure you Research and Development Director and Economics Syana Kyan.
We the Colonials had every intend to share this info with your guild.
Only the news of your ex guild-master hacking our channels..
This left us in a not very good mood to be said carefully ...
We believe this kind of practice wont be happening in the future ever again..
Seeing latest development we hold no grudge towards the IMG .

Commander James Fossil.