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this noob - cobraSting - 07-24-2009

I know there isn't a real answer to this question, but, on average, how long does it take for faction leadership to respond to your application after you have posted the frst step?

this noob - kindred - 07-24-2009

Depends on the Faction, on how active the Faction leader is, if they are in need of new members or just picking those applicants they like.

this noob - cobraSting - 07-24-2009

I applied to SCRA, if that is a clarification...

this noob - kindred - 07-24-2009

The SCRA has a long recruitment process, you will need patience but be assured they are a good bunch of people. You can also PM Blodo on the forum at last resort.

this noob - Tomtomrawr - 07-24-2009

' Wrote:I applied to SCRA, if that is a clarification...

Well, I applied on the 14th of July. It is now the 24th of July. I have not yet recieved a response.

Just be patient like me, I don't care, I know that the people who manage recruitment for that faction are busy people.

this noob - cobraSting - 07-24-2009

Ok thanks for the answers.

this noob - Guest - 07-24-2009

Depends, I have the topic send me an email to my handheld when someone posts.

You can apply at 4am, ill be up and swearing at you while I type out the answer.