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Holotainment Band Programs - Printable Version

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Holotainment Band Programs - kikatsu - 07-27-2009

Comm ID: Geordi Forbes
Subject: Holotainment Programs
Source: Rochester Base

*rummages through her stuff*
Too much junk in my Collectorgo figureAh heres theoh wait, finally its recording. UmmmSo anyways guys, one of my friends turned me onto this Holotainment Band fad thing I must admit its pretty cool stuff, if you dont know what Im talkin about I suggest you go out and buy one of these thingies. Anyways yeahIm looking around to see if some other people have some more of these programsIll send out what programs I have in an attachment and see if people are willing to trade copies with meyeah. I want to know if anyone has some worthwhile onesas you know, business has been slow and Im finding myself with more downtime now. And if it interests you and you dont have a holotainment bandjust buy one on Manhattan for about thirty three hundred credits. Youll have to replace it about every three months though they only last so long.anyways

Heres my collection here.

Program Name: Old Earth
Catalog Description: Enjoy the simple days of old, before the A/C War and before the dawn of spaceships. Set in ancient New York, 1920, the dawn of the internal combustion engine and the illegal status of alcohol make for a memorable adventure.
Comments: Surprisingly interesting one actually. But wicked primitive technology therereally odd but fun to be there. Trust me, youve not seen a party like a twenties party! Phonographs and fancy suits and the first combustion engine vehicles made! Working on those things are soooooooooo cool. But thats the mechanic in me talking. I do like the parties that the richer characters in the program throw as well.

Program Name: Kusari Sumo
Catalog Description: From the cultural elegance and power of House Kusari, the finest and most ancient sport in Sirius is now at your fingertips. Enjoy a quick bout, experience the training without the commitment the actual fighters have to conform to. Your perceived body in the VR environment is subject to size increase according to predetermined settings.
Comments: Okay I swear that this came stock with the holoband! I didnt buy it! I mean sureI like being a three hundred and fifty pound wrestler as much as the next girlheh. But! Butoddly fun. Try the lower difficulty levels if you want to be a huge imposing version of yourself and just beat down tiny people. But seriouslyI think this one is growing on me.

Program Name: Day at the Beach
Catalog Description: One of Orbital Spa and Cruises top selling pieces of software, the Day at the Beach program simulates all the best attributes of all the beaches on record. The temperature of the air and water is perfectly set and preprogrammed waiters and servants wait on you hand and foot. Servants and beach conditions are customizable.
Comments: Oh I love this one man it is so relaxing to just kick back on a nice warm summer day go swimming or just lay out in the sun. Even better when youre stuck on a ship or station for so longclosest you may ever get to the ocean really. And those servants.hehehe. some of them are mighty fine looking yah know!

Program Name: Dogs Day Out
Catalog Description: No cares, no thoughts of any importance. Take on a simpler and far more fun role of a care free dog breed of your choice. A wide variety of options allow breed customization, location, and amount of human interaction.
Comments: This is one of my personal favorites, though I have had my share of problems with it. Heh Be careful with this one though. Its very addicting for some reasonAnd unfortunetly some of the elements of the program can be dragged back into reality with you if you use it too long. I did have trouble with my eating habits after I accidently left the holoband on all nightyou knoweating and sitting like a dogI ate dog cookiesshut up! Its not my fault! It was fun though.dont judge me!justjust try it yourself. My black Flat-Coated Retriever avatar is the default dog in it for now.

Program Name: The Body Image Toy
Catalog Description: Simply put, people like to experiment, and while real change can be hard, this is not at all. This simple program allows you to alter your body image in real time, allowing you to see the changes you program in real time. After a brief scan of yourself and you can make all the changes you want. The basic package here allows you to alter your height, weight, gender, build, and hair color.
Comments: Okay I admit this one is pretty cool! I meanits fun to just mess around withand it gives me a chance to see what Id look like if my hips were not wider than my shoulders *sigh* Not like thats a major problem! (My body was the last one I scannedsooo with no fresh scan, youll think you look like me. So deal with my fat bum.). To reset it, just set the holoband to scan mode and wait about ten minutes, and you should be all set to start messing around.

AgainIm willing to trade copies of mine to other folks if yah got an interestin program. Id want the catalog information and your opinion on it first though.

So uhhhhhh yeah.


Holotainment Band Programs - kikatsu - 08-31-2009

Comm ID: Geordi Forbes
Subject: Holotainment Programs
Source: Rochester Base


I-I'm not the only one addicted to these I? Come on, I know someone has some cool Holotainment Programs out there. I don't just want to sit here getting fat while I wait for more interesting programs to come up. I know someone must have something interesting they're willing to trade with me.

Well...atleast I hope.


Holotainment Band Programs - Tenacity - 08-31-2009

[Image: 2vi33au.png]
...Incoming Transmission...
Source: Christopher Thorn, Junkers

"Well, I've got a particularly good program involving several nekkid Golden C. women, and there's an option to add nomads to the mix as well... but that one's classified as counterfeit software by most. Still, if ya wants to trade, you can have fun all night long with that one..."

-End Transmission-

Holotainment Band Programs - Jack Ryan - 08-31-2009

Comm ID: Francois Cordeaux
Subject(s): Holotainment programs.
Source: Rochester Base

Salut Geordi.

I myself, use these 'olotainment programs, and zey are extremely enjoyable! My personal favourite, is definetely Rigger v.037.
It is still in Beta stage, but basically, you take on the role of an Old Earth oil rig mechanic, and are presented with numerous problems to solve!

Would you be interested in swapping eet for Old Earth?

At any rate-*fizzling, then a loud pop, followed by static*