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Weapon Spam - Demoses - 07-29-2009

Hi, Raisiphus again. After getting really good advice from some veteran players, I got a bottlenose bounty hunter gunship and put on 2 battle razors, 2 pulse cannons, and 2 missiles in the back. So my first fight with an outcast gunship I get the comment.

"//I can't be arsed to fight a battle razor and pulse spammer, bye"

In which I reply

"//They told me this was a skill"

To which he said

"//Sure it is... (Sarcasm)"

Then he leaves into Alaska.

So this leads me to wonder about spamming. Should one always use more than one group of weapons, or is spam a viable choice. Or, is this even spam.

This is a really good community, best I have seen so far, what do you people think?

Weapon Spam - Guest - 07-29-2009

Stupid people do stupid things, smart people outsmart eachother.

Weapon Spam - swift - 07-29-2009

Use what suits you.
I view everything as fair, except maybe having over two missiles, and even that isn't so terrifying, because if you know how to fight a guy like that, he'll lose.

Use what suits you, and don't listen to whining.

Weapon Spam - Implosion - 07-29-2009

Don't listen to those guys.
People whine when they loose.Especially when you loose to two Battle Razors and two Pulses.
Just ignore them to death.

Weapon Spam - Thexare - 07-29-2009

' Wrote:Hi, Raisiphus again. After getting really good advice from some veteran players, I got a bottlenose bounty hunter gunship and put on 2 battle razors, 2 pulse cannons, and 2 missiles in the back. So my first fight with an outcast gunship I get the comment.

"//I can't be arsed to fight a battle razor and pulse spammer, bye"


Then he leaves into Alaska.
I think the bolded parts tell you all you need to know about the guy. Just ignore him.

Weapon Spam - Benjamin - 07-29-2009

Did he really say "(sarcasm)"? What a guy.

Weapon Spam - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 07-29-2009

People who accuse others of spam (of which there can be no such thing, except for having all missiles or such like) are just saying that because they know that they will loose to you, and do not want to harm their ego.

Simply ignore.

Weapon Spam - Unholy1 - 07-29-2009

Spamming ...
This is what the loosing target says when you kill him..
Use what suits you as swift said. If they whine about it, take it as a complement.

Just make sure your weapons are within your characters roleplay

Weapon Spam - agentmike - 07-29-2009

exactly. he was scared of dying. if he knew how dodge correctly, that OC gunship would be a formidable opponent. they have 8 guns, and i'm pretty sure they all face forward. missiles wouldnt bother his shields, all he would have to do is dodge....

Weapon Spam - Ayem - 07-29-2009

Six of the outcast gunship turrets face forward, six backwards. I don't see what his problem with a pulse/razor set up is though. I spam outcast turrets, i iz ebil, k?

Keep doing what you're doing and don't fret.