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To Gamma population - Printable Version

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To Gamma population - Exsiled_one - 07-30-2009

**incoming transmitting from Cadiz, Omega 5**
**recognised connection**
**Accepting data transmit, ID - Ivan - OPG**

Dear Gamma pilot population. As I am transmitting this, I am reading the news update from the Corsair latest sentences we issued to our own people. And I feel responsible to send a word, from OPG, from another Corsair, to you all.

Perhaps it will help you in your future missions. Perhaps you already understand my words and follow them, but it doesn't hurt to make it public.

So, I'll start with Order pilots.
We were in progress of hunting down a pilot of ours, a Corsair. Who has wronged another Corsair. I do not care how good friend he is with one of you, or maybe a member of your family, or maybe doing your sister, you will not interfere in Corsair politics. Especially threatening to shoot down a Corsair for interfering with other Corsair.

In these dire times of Nomads, Wild, and other scum in the space, you must understand that allies are hard to come by, and they are rare as... *cough*.. whats rare? Skilled Outcast pilot.
Since I see Order pilots in Gamma daily, and they come to no harm. I expect to see same hospitality in your systems.

Now for my brethren.
And this is important.
Know your rights hermanos. Know what you can do. And what your privileges are, being a Corsair pilot.
Use them to your advantage. But know that they also draw out responsiblities.

On one of my trips to Gamma, I came across a slave liner ship with a Junker in it. No specific junker faction, one would call him independent Junker. He was en route to dock to Crete. "Just for exploring he says"

Is there a reason he should be in our Gamma without your permission? He was carrying an piratable ID, why didn't anyone pirate him? Just because ships are neutral colours to your ID interface, that does not grant him docking on our capital planet, don't you think?
Get involved. It's a privilege and obligation. Scan the ships and make sure they are not smuggling our technology out of the system unless they are our allies.

Approach the Corsair factions, they are there to guide you if you do not understand something. If you are unsure how to proceed, you should be whipped to death! *snicker* But you should also contact someone who will answer your question hermano.

I have an example right here, with an independent Corsair who turned this file to OPG in desire to set things straight.
It appears he has been threatened by Ghost Ship Spagna, and forced to obey him. Just because you, and by you i mean all of you Corsair Captains with your cruisers and legates, have those ships does not mean you can boss people around just because you feel like it.
Or I will start digging trough your private history just exactly to see where did your money come from.

There have been alot of accusations about some Corsairs acting as spies. Whats the worst, those acusations have been issued by independent Corsair captains and without having any proof. They proceed to open fires on fellow Corsair ships and threaten them.
OPG will withdraw from Gamma, leaving the Council and other Corsair factions to deal with this, with help of indies, but I pray that things do not get worse. Because tragic times call for tragic actions, and the next time a Corsair fires on another without a right cause, there will be actions taken against him.

Where's my drink.. My mouth are dry. Cadiz out.

**Connection terminated**

To Gamma population - Quorg - 07-30-2009

Comm ID: Phunk AI
Ship ID: {SU}Soul.Train

Hi there. I noticed that you have implied that the Slaver ID is "piratable" and that "carrying your technology" out of Omicron Gamma is illegal if you are identified as a Slaver. Now, the Slavers Union does not consider the Corsairs to be a hostile faction, since we do conduct trade with Crete. Our IFF's identify us as Freelancer faction, but we are identified as Slavers.

I do not speak for the Union as a whole, but am curious to hear official word on Slavers' Union ships operating within Omicron Gamma, particularly if the Union ships are carrying Superconductors, food, or any other commodity in high demand by the Corsair people. Thank you, amigo.

Phunk out, and party on.

To Gamma population - Exsiled_one - 07-30-2009

Comm ID: Ivan
Ship ID: Mentira
Location: Omega 3

By our technology i was aiming more at tizonas and coladas that have been known to disappear from gamma and find themselves in the hands of the people where they don't belong.

About your ships as whole, I don't see where have I posted that we should pirate ships that are bringing commodities we need to Crete. By commodities I aim and food and pharmacy, because, if I'm not mistaken, if something is worth alot of cash to unload on Crete doesn't mean Crete needs it. So it's a thin line on where people want to walk.

People that aren't corsairs or allies of corsairs, and are not cominig to gamma to offer aid, have nothing to look for in our system.

To Gamma population - Black Widow - 07-30-2009

' Wrote:**incoming transmitting from Cadiz, Omega 5**
**recognised connection**
**Accepting data transmit, ID - Ivan - OPG**I have an example right here, with an independent Corsair who turned this file to OPG in desire to set things straight.
It appears he has been threatened by Ghost Ship Spagna, and forced to obey him. Just because you, and by you i mean all of you Corsair Captains with your cruisers and legates, have those ships does not mean you can boss people around just because you feel like it.
Or I will start digging trough your private history just exactly to see where did your money come from.

**Connection terminated**

Opening Telepathic Channel
Attempting Communication Channel to Mortal Realm
Source : Underworld

***Tis True I did indeed Hail Orders at this Said 'Corsair' named "Arion" who was flying a CV-1 class Osiris without the Proper Paperwork! All Corsairs Mortal or otherwise are required to have Guard ID Papers before flying one of our More Powerful Vessels! This Traitor ''Arion'' who I believe to be
[OPG]-Karolis did not Have a Guard Transponder Flashing from his battleship but instead a regular Corsair ID Transponder! This was not acceptable so We demanded that he turn his ship around and Dock at Tripoli Shipyard til he had the Correct Guard ID papers to fly said Battleship.***

***Arion like a Fool refused to follow the orders of a Corsair Guard I warned him to either Turn his ship around or prepare to be Fired on, again he refused to Follow orders.... Believing him to be a Spy attempting to Steal one of Our Capital Vessels, I Put him in the Ground and Took his Soul for Safekeeping!!!!***

***Tis a Shame but whether your an Independent Corsair or Apart of a wing like (VV, HAF, TBH or OPG) does not give it members any rights above other Corsairs / Corsair Guards. I or any other Ghost.Ship will show no Mercy / special treatment to any of these Corsairs who do not act within the Law!
I tell you wise words now Mortal Ivan your wingman Karolis is a loose Cannon put a leash on him before you attempt to Put a Leash on other Corsairs that do follow our Law!***

***Even more Alarming when I was within my Right as a guard to deal with the Traitor Arion, another OPG who was in Official Tags decided to take it upon him self to open fire on Us, when this had nothing to do with him other than that Arion was an Off Duty OPG aka Karolis. Deciding that his Clan loyalty was stronger than his loyalty to fellow corsairs he Fired on me as he was Angry I put Arion Down! I warned to ceasefire he said No, so I was forced to kill another of your OPG Men. If such actions from other OPG continue Unprovoked on other Corsairs or Ourselves! We Ghost.Ships will deem OPG Traitors and Execute all On-Site!***

***Since you are an OverPirate "Mortal Ivan", I await your word on the action of some of your men and how we can resolve this Situation, Do not mistake what I have said to be final words. No Ghost Ship for now will fire on OPG unless fired on first and All incidents will be recorded to Provide proof of their wrong Doing!***

//If you do not Believe what I say is True contact us via Private Mediums and I will be happy to Show you the Whole Event Which I recorded!


*** The Ghost Ship "Spagna" OUT***

Communication CEASED

To Gamma population - Exsiled_one - 07-31-2009

**incoming transmitting from Cadiz**

So let me get this straight *chuckle*
You recognized an independent vessel with the pilot ID Arion. You suspected that he is, in fact, Scourge of OPG, Karolis, and then under a suspicion that he is a spy, you killed him, and, to top it off.. Collected his soul?
And second, don't you dare to put yourself in the higher place than any OPG pilot with your blurry visage and banshee sounds amigo. OPG are far from mortal, the people risking their neck daily on the borderlands, raiding, invading and defending the Corsair borders. They are heroes.
So before you decide to enforce your ruling on another, because your ship is flying under Guard colors and his is "just" under regular Corsair tag, make sure you have all the facts straight.
Or maybe it's the fact that incorporeal have less connection with their brain?


OPG traitors..

**connection terminated**

To Gamma population - Gentle - 07-31-2009

Get this straight you babbling ghostie. If they are OPG pilots they fly OPG colours. GOT IT! If they dont then they are independant. Now is that clear to your vaporous brain or do I need to insert a bomber squadron in you.

Sparta OUT!

To Gamma population - Black Widow - 07-31-2009

Opening Telepathic Channel
Attempting Communication Channel to Mortal Realm
Source : Underworld

***HAHAHA foolish words from a Mortal! Respect for those who Died for Crete long before you were even Born ''O King'' is a Must!!!

//Right Karolis changes to Arion attempts to Attack me with his Osiris even though he had no Corsair Guard ID Mounted, Given he has it in for me I decided to RP this one out Rather than "Report Him" which Im sure he would do if I had No Guard ID. I told him to return to Tripoli and remained docked till he had his Guards ID Papers... He Refused on multiple occasions thus I deemed him a thief / spy and put him Down!!

Since he is also an OPG, the OPG he was grouped with who was in [OPG] Tags decided to OORP attack me along with 2 other OPG bombers!!!! Thank Yourself Lucky I didnt Report 4 of OPG members for the BullWhack OORP Attack they pulled on me in gamma!! But instead I shrugged it off as RP!!!
Get your Facts Straight just coz your OPG dont make you above the RP or Server Rules//


*** The Ghost Ship "Spagna" OUT***

Communication CEASED

To Gamma population - Exsiled_one - 07-31-2009

//yeah ok, i'm cutting this nonsense out right now. If you have any problem and evidence of OPG players doing things that are caused for sanction you do them.

do not pretend that your rp is holier than ours and you certainly didn't give a guy option to earn the guard tag by sending him to dock to tripoli, or there's a purchase there called "GUARD TAG FOR FREE" right under those ship hull panels there. I did not make this post to mock you or to do anything with you but use you as a bad example while i address few more issues that are concerning entire Gamma space. I swear, if at least one of those miners that are just floating trough gamma to reach delta - got pirated, then this post did it's job.
It's pretty unfair what you did here, hiding under the veil of roleplay until you got bested in it, and then turning it to OORP discussion, because this is your reward now.