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Request Skin Modification - Printable Version

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Request Skin Modification - Fletcher - 07-30-2009

This is a very simple modification for the skin, can the font colour go from light grey to white?

It will be easier to read.

Thanks for reading.

Request Skin Modification - teschy - 07-30-2009

Nah, grey is good, white burns your eyes.

Request Skin Modification - sean24 - 07-30-2009

' Wrote:Nah, grey is good, white burns your eyes.

Agreed, anything just awfull.

Request Skin Modification - William Frederick Cody - 07-30-2009

' Wrote:Nah, grey is good, white burns your eyes.
/signed, please no...

If you need better contrasts, choose IPB 2.1 Default.

Request Skin Modification - Capt. Henry Morgan - 07-30-2009

It's too bad we don't have the option to use a custom skin that's stored on our end or something, that way people can have it how they want it.

Request Skin Modification - stardust47 - 07-30-2009

' Wrote:It's too bad we don't have the option to use a custom skin that's stored on our end or something, that way people can have it how they want it.
/signed and not3d.

Request Skin Modification - captainjack - 07-30-2009

' Wrote:It's too bad we don't have the option to use a custom skin that's stored on our end or something, that way people can have it how they want it.

If you have Firefox and the Stylish Add-on you can use that to change colors and other elements inside the page.

Request Skin Modification - Fletcher - 07-30-2009

Too bad I no longer use Firefox... I use Chrome now since its much more efficient for my PC. If I had a more power or Firefox becomes a bit more efficient, I'll switch back.

Request Skin Modification - captainjack - 07-30-2009

' Wrote:Too bad I no longer use Firefox... I use Chrome now since its much more efficient for my PC. If I had a more power or Firefox becomes a bit more efficient, I'll switch back.

Ah, that is unfortunate. It actually looks pretty good with white text, I did a quick stylesheet for it - see here and here. If anyone wants the css I used you can grab it here. There may also be something like Stylish for Chrome, I'll look around.

Request Skin Modification - Fletcher - 07-30-2009

' Wrote:Ah, that is unfortunate. It actually looks pretty good with white text, I did a quick stylesheet for it - see here and here. If anyone wants the css I used you can grab it here. There may also be something like Stylish for Chrome, I'll look around.
Thanks for the previews for white text, I still think its easier to read than the grey one right now, but that is my preference...

If there is a way to customize Chrome more, I'd be very happy. I miss my StumbleUpon integrated tool bar and flexible plug-ins. :unsure: