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LPI vs LR (With allies to balance if required) - Printable Version

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LPI vs LR (With allies to balance if required) - Fletcher - 07-31-2009

Sorry for the last minute of this event, but I recently learned about the things that happened with LPI and LR. On that note, I know we all want to vent a little steam and have some fun.

To make sure that Capitals cannot be overly used, I chose the Badlands as a decent staging and combat point.

In RP:
From Professor Farnsworth:
Good news everyone! It seems that those asses in the Liberty Rogues, are planning some sort of raid on West Point Academy from somewhere in the Badlands! I know the station is well fortified, but we cannot allow those Liberty Rogues to damage any stations or affect morale in the civilian populace.

We got this intelligence after Sentinel 301 intercepted a communique from the Rogues that they'll be staging an attack tomorrow. We must intercept them with fighters immediately!

I shall send Sentinel 101 into the battle.

Out RP:

I think we should have the LPI vs LR in the Badlands somewhere, that is for the LR to decide since they're the ones staging the attack.

If there is an imbalance, the side with lower numbers can call upon independents or allies to jump into the fight.

I ask that the only rule is that no gunships or higher be brought into the fray. Make it a fight of skill, in which I'll lose straight away :lol:

So, if anyone wants a date reschedule or something, tell me. I'll call on Sindroms now. OI CRAZY DRAGON AVATAR MAN!!

LPI vs LR (With allies to balance if required) - tansytansey - 07-31-2009

Don't worry, the only Gunboats in the LR- are under Dels name. Sindy has access to them I think, but they are never used.

What time/timezone is this event in?

Last time we had an LPI/LR event no LPI Showed up...

I can come, but I can't fight. My Video Card is on the fritz, so I'll end up freezing in the middle of the fight. I'll observe in my P-Transport I guess.

LPI vs LR (With allies to balance if required) - Fletcher - 07-31-2009

' Wrote:Don't worry, the only Gunboats in the LR- are under Dels name. Sindy has access to them I think, but they are never used.

What time/timezone is this event in?

Last time we had an LPI/LR event no LPI Showed up...

I can come, but I can't fight. My Video Card is on the fritz, so I'll end up freezing in the middle of the fight. I'll observe in my P-Transport I guess.
Ah sorry, I plan the timezone by the UK timezone.

If its 11pm here, its 5pm in EST.

LPI vs LR (With allies to balance if required) - Tomtomrawr - 07-31-2009

God damn it, be good to your fellow Welsh man for once and give us a 6 or 7 pm!

Do your country proud son.

Edit: Forget it, my parents would probably finish making my tea just as it starts anyway. It's like them to do that, trust me.

LPI vs LR (With allies to balance if required) - Canadianguy - 07-31-2009

There is one little RP problem in this, the LPI has a procedure of not pusrsuing in more than 5K deep in the badlands.

LPI vs LR (With allies to balance if required) - tansytansey - 07-31-2009

Doesn't matter where it takes place, it's an event. With good enough reason I'm sure the LPI could think of a reason to pursue deeper than 5k.

LPI vs LR (With allies to balance if required) - hack - 07-31-2009

heh, make it so that the LR are attacking the Penn gate and have an ambush force hiding behind Ithaca

LPI vs LR (With allies to balance if required) - Guest - 07-31-2009

I cannot guarantee that there will be many Rogues showing up. Most of our members cannot be bothered to play anymore due the sudden decrease in intellectual in Liberty.

LPI vs LR (With allies to balance if required) - Fletcher - 07-31-2009

' Wrote:heh, make it so that the LR are attacking the Penn gate and have an ambush force hiding behind Ithaca
That is actually a better idea!

' Wrote:I cannot guarantee that there will be many Rogues showing up. Most of our members cannot be bothered to play anymore due the sudden decrease in intellectual in Liberty.
Oh come now Sindroms, give this a chance :crazy:

LPI vs LR (With allies to balance if required) - Guest - 07-31-2009

' Wrote:That is actually a better idea!
Oh come now Sindroms, give this a chance :crazy:

We have only 2 members currently active. One of which is a newcommer.