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A question - Hieggen - 08-01-2009

What does IFF stand for and what does a faction name flashing mean? Thanks.

A question - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 08-01-2009

IFF just means the faction name that is displayed in front of your charachters name to other players, the flashing faction in the rep sheet is the IFF currently being displayed.

A question - Hieggen - 08-01-2009

Thanks for the help. Also, how do I change my IFF? I know I got one with a faction I really didn't mean too and it propably wouldn't be in RP if it's tag showed infront of my name.

A question - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 08-01-2009

You stop a particular faction from flashing on your rep sheet by killing enough NPCs to lower it to neutral, or by using the /droprep command, which costs 375,000 credits. To get a new faction flashing, you have to make sure it has a full 9 bars of positive rep, plus, being the highest on your rep sheet, it will then automatically start flashing when you next are in space (you'll also get a little 'New Afilliation:' message).

A question - Hieggen - 08-01-2009

Alright, thanks again for your time and help. I'll need to start working on that ASAP. On an unrelated note, what does the faction Guard ID mean and what are Guard systems?

A question - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 08-01-2009

Guard factions are an 'elite' of a regular faction, and are defulted to be hostile to everyone. The only way to become guard repped is through bribes or missions (you have to do a LOT of missions). Guard systems are the systems owned by a factions guard, populated with high level NPCs and the only places to get high level equipment. Guard systems are restricted in that only the base faction and its guard have access (without being shot).

A question - Hieggen - 08-01-2009

Ah, thank you. I'm sorry I think I should have titled this "Several questions". But anyways, this explains a lot to me.

A question - Hieggen - 08-01-2009

Sorry, just one more question. Would it be best to not get any IFF untill your part of that official player faction?

A question - crimecities - 08-04-2009

The vast majority of the ID's and IFF's are free for anyone to use, regardless if they are in a group. There are a handful of ID's that are restricted to a group of players, but those will say that on the ID.

All the ID's belonging to vanilla freelancer factions are free to use.

A question - Hieggen - 08-05-2009

I see. Well you guys have all been really helpfull. Thanks.