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Admin Notice: Player banned - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Player banned - Cannon - 08-01-2009

NanoToker has been sanctioned due to a report posted on 1 August for :
3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private, is prohibited under any circumstances.

3.2 Flaming, threats and insulting (in any form) other members, factions, server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.

Consequences :
Fined all credits. Banned for 14 days.

Comments / Instructions :
*sigh* Don't swear and don't insult people.

Read the complete server rules and before anyone else posts here, read this.

Admin link

Admin Notice: Player banned - Chron - 08-02-2009

hello i just got your report for my banning. I guess i was in the wrong. I did not relize what i was doing. It was 2:30 am and i was doing a quest and was killed for no aparnet reason after running from the system.

On a side note you have un-intentionaly banned 4 other players that play from my house on a regular basis. if you could please check and unbann their accounts that would be nice for them.

Ill take the 14 day ban for my actions but it is unfair to my friends to be banned also.

Im very sorry for this and did not relize from all the rule breaking that goes on that i would be punnished so harshly for my actions.

P.S for a first time offence and no warning i feel this was the harshest punishment for my actions, yet i do not see a reason for it i have only been here a short time. If i did not care to check the forums and read the rules as i have, in 14 days i would have possably decided the server was off line? If you dont like new players you should not be open to the public. new players need warnings not instant perma banning for what i could only explain to you as frustrated jibberish as that is mostly what i spammed the person with of wich i only sent possably 6 messages.. lol if you review the SC's im sure you would see this. if there were any supplied. and also to put in to perspective in the time i have plaied i have been "pirated" about 4-6 times per play time. always some one new only reason i have what i have is cause i have 4 other friends who i play with normaly but when ever i solo i get ganked. adding to my 2:30 am jibberish spam.

Again sorry for my actions but dont ban my friends. i can play flash games for 14 days i guess :(

Admin Notice: Player banned - Cannon - 08-02-2009

Okay, I've allowed access to your friends. Please don't abuse this access.

Normally a first time offender would not be banned but the language used was very colorful and continued for some time. A single <insert swear word> will often just get a warning but multiple sentences involving relationships with <strike>people's mothers,</strike> rear ends and female dogs is not acceptable and results in a harsher sanction.

Admin Notice: Player banned - Chron - 08-02-2009

Thank You.:(

May i see the SC i dont even remember what i said i was half asleep doing faction quests at 230 am. Shoot.. teaches me to try and do stuff at times to avoid pirates..... please PM me the link so that i may laugh at why i cant play here any more.

And to the guy that got me banned im sorry i hurt your eye so bad you felt this was the best action. i guess you wont half to see my char again i hope your happy now.

Admin Notice: Player banned - Chron - 08-02-2009

I did not say anything about this players mother this shoould be corrected, cannon even acknowledges it in a pm yet has not corrected it here in my sanction.

Cannon wrote
"Yes you are correct, you sent 4 messages in some period of time. I agree this could be in a 30 second period or perhaps a little longer.

I note that you didn't say anything about anyone's mother - I screwed this up - and will correct the summary shortly. I misread the screen shots (was in a hurry) when writing the summary. You did say:
"f***ed muy mission you f***"
"f*** you ***ch"
"up your a** f*(**)"
"WTF you little ***ch f*** you" (had to interpolate a bit with the last two)."
End of Cannons message part

As that is all i said to receve this harsh punnishment

and to state it was not Some amount of time it was a matter of 7K in cruse speed witch is about 30 seconds i think, I did not go on and on spamming this person for an extended pierod of time. (wich can clearly be viewed from the report SC's the admins have )

I was Frustrated due to the amount of pirates who mess with you and the lack of protection new players have.

Date of my forum account creation is when first started to play here. i did read the rules due to the crazy RP things players had told me in game.

the part in Cannons reply that is
"up your a** **(**)"
was the last message i sent the part in (**) was not even typed out i cut my self short from getting another f*** in ther as it was not called for, i had vented and was ready to go to bed.

the message i sent is out of order too this is how it was sent to the player

"WTF you little ***ch f*** you"
"f***ed muy mission you f***"
"f*** you ***ch"
"up your a** f*"

Becasue it was frustrated jibberish i was mostly jambing the keys it is correct that cannon "(had to interpolate a bit with the last two)." to even understant what was typed.

Admin Notice: Player banned - Cannon - 08-02-2009

A couple points.
- When I said "I was in a hurry" I wrote that when re-reading the sanction to write the summary to explain why I would not unban you. This had no relationship to the sanction itself.
- Generally speaking it's considered a breach of forum rules to publish private messages in public without the consent of the other party. I'll include the other part of my private message to you. I've highlighted the bits that are most relevant.
- Sorry about the delay in correcting my post. I was sleeping. It is done now.


Swearing, threats and oorp insults are not permitted in any form. Kids play here. The youngest I know of is 10. Even more serious is doing so in private chat to someone you don't know. It's one thing to say something in system chat when something annoying happens - sometimes this is ignored. To goto the effort to send an insult by private message is another.

You may appeal your ban to Igiss at

I'll just include a snippet from the rules (see for the complete set).

3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private, is prohibited under any circumstances.

Sanction: no less than 7-day ban.

3.2 Flaming, threats and insulting (in any form) other members, factions, server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.

Sanction: no less than 14-day ban.

3.8 Sanctions for violating conduct rules range a credit/equipment fine to placing inside the prison system, unless specified otherwise in the appropriate rule. Sanctions for violating rules of conduct (other than 3.1 and 3.2) can be used only after the player was warned about the violation, but ignored the warning.
Loss of all credits and equipment will result from any infractions of rules 3.1 and 3.2 in all cases.
3.4 comes with an automatic fine.

Admin Notice: Player banned - Chron - 08-02-2009

so then shouldnt i be releaved of the sanction for rule-

3.2 Flaming, threats and insulting (in any form) other members, factions, server administrators in chat, public or private, is prohibited on server and on forums. RP-related threats are allowed on the server.

As i did not flame ( , and i did not insult anyone i mearly cursed a few times? 5 times by the SC evedence.

i did not read a rule about personal messages i will not post any information from any message sent to me again.

in turn making it that i only broke rule-

3.1 Using coarse language, posting abusive, hateful, racist content in chat, public or private, is prohibited under any circumstances.

Sanction: no less than 7-day ban.

Of wich i only used course language. inturn should i have not gotten, a removal of money if i was transporting goods wich i was not or removal of equiptment of wich i dont really have as im a new player, and a referal to the rules with a final warning?

possably Sanction: no less than 7-day ban.

I really want to play here and im doing all i can to show i did not mean to do as i did, it was just a heat of the moment thing. Seeing how many have viewed this post. i can say im sure as soon as im able to return to game if ever i will be closely watched by everyone and more targed by pirates as i will have to do as they say or die wich i do most offtenly.

Admin Notice: Player banned - xxrockstar992xx - 08-02-2009

Quote: i was doing a quest and was killed for no apparent reason after running from the system.

It wasn't that you were killed for no apparent reason. i was pirating you, gave you a well amount of time to pay, you refused so i blew you out of Sirius. I believe that is no apparent reason, and i accept your apology.

Admin Notice: Player banned - Chron - 08-03-2009

Wow, way to treat new members. in all the sanctions i didnt see anyone get banned for saying 5 swear words, you guys are too much and i wont play here any more if thats really how you all feel as a community.

14 days is half a month and i havent been here more than 6 days . what a shame i thought this would be a cool server but i guess its just a bunch of high and mighty, mean people who asbuse there power and pirates who pick on the little people to f-up there game and get them pissed so they can get you banned and take your money equipt ment and what ever the rest of the admin team feals like doing
I was wrongly persicuted for failure to read the Screen shots properly and it was never corrected.

Chron -out

Admin Notice: Player banned - Chron - 08-03-2009

people dont pm me, your minor in the hole view of things this was an unfair punishment to a new community member. If everyone i saw swear on this server in the 6 days i was here got this same punnishment there would be but a few Elite players who are most likely affiliated with the dev team and there holy power.

I have messaged who i could including Igiss to get this resolved. i was in the wrong but as stated the SC's were reviewed wrong Ill even post them here so you all can see that i did not Flame or insult this person i mearly said f-u a few times in frustration and then i said up your a-hole.

I was pissed, i was not having fun and if thats the way the community wants there new members to feel they have done a good job of it.

If i stay banned for the full 14 days i will not return, nothing any of you say will change that its not in your control.


P.s this has nothing to do with this situation but I know how Big communitys work. I lead one that was really big over 4 years ago we still have community members that frquent the forum after 4 years even, this is cause we had a fun and friendly enviorment where the little people had a chance to be as good as the big players if they put in the time . We had rules they look like this.
the simple rules
1. Be Cool.
2. Mind your language.
3. Have respect for all other members of the BongLords community.
4. Respect BongLords Staff members decisions.
5. No adult content outside of appropriate topics.
the Full rules
All hackers need not apply and are not welcome!

To play on our server there are certain rules you must follow. If you are found not following the rules you will be subject to an appropriate punishment.

These rules apply to both the forum and the server.

Punishments include, but are not limited to:

● A warning with a referal to this page.
● Your character being killed.
● Your character being mass killed.
● Your character being kicked from the game server.
● Your character's honor ranking being removed.
● Your character being contained within the server jail.
● Your account being banned, locked or removed.
● Your IP address being banned. (In extreme cases complete IP ranges will be blocked)

You may not even be warned apon punishment. You know if you are doing something wrong.

The following rules are enforced regularly by our many GM's:

● Be cool.
● DO NOT flame anyone on world chat.
● The only client versions we support are Located in our Download Section of the forum.
- The use of any other client version will now result in an instant ban. No exeptions!
● Whilst playing our server, the main language is english.
- This means that in ALL public chat chanels you must speak english. If you wish to use your native language keep it to private chats.
● Other than the required and default blizUI, all addons must be removed from your client.
● A player must not use any 3rd party applications to give themselves an advantage over other players.
● A player must not exploit any bugs within the game.
- This includes AFK attacking npc's.
● A player must report any other players who they see not following the rules to a GM.
● A player must not ask a GM for anything that would give them an advantage or better them in any way.
- This includes but is not limited to, Items, Gold, Levels, To be resurrected outside of an event.
● A player must not ninja loot.
- This is the act of waiting for a player to kill a mob then running in and looting it.
● A player must not kill steal.
- This is the act of waiting untill a player has lowered a mobs health enough for you to take the killing blow and gain the exp.
● In the event of a crash, no items, money, levels or anything lost will be restored for anyone.
- The reason for this is simply crashes only occur due to players attempting to cheat, hack or generally break the rules depicted in this topic.
● If you leave a guild or are removed from a guild you MUST return the guild items (all of them) to the guild master or a GM.
- This should be done as soon as possible apon your departure from a guild.

PvP Rules Ingame:

● A player must not engage in PvP Combat whilst in the Winterspring HUB town. This is the Only safe town, The starting location and is concidered a safe location for all races and classes.
- There is a Large PvP Platform, clearly identifyable by the signs and sky lift, This is where you may have PvP duels.

● A player must not grief kill or corpse camp another player.
- Grief killing or corpse camping is when a player kills a player more than 3 times for no apparent reason or without justification.
● This is a PvP server, you may be killed or attacked at anytime by anyone.
- Applies in accordance with the above rules.

These rules are subject to change and may be done so without any notice. To avoid any of the mentioned punishments check here regularly.


● If you loose or forget your password, or need it changed you must ONLY send a pm to Chron containing the account name and the names of the characters within the account and the information you would like to retrive or change..

● If you think you have been banned for something and can not connect to the server, Please Message Chron with your acct name and your Ip address and you will be contacted.

Thank You and Enjoy the Server
Team Bonglords

This was augmented to remove server account creation rules

I never had to ban anyone for swearing sure people did swear and flame and that got them jail time a referal to the rules page and some time they just got a gm telling them dude Be cool and chill out .

As our #1 rule was to be cool this means keep your calm dont act like a jerk and chill out its just a game.


Sure i should have shown more reguard here with my outburst at this pirate but after getting slammed every time i play how do you keep your cool when you cant just play a game and have fun ?

P.s how do you expect a new member to follow your crazy rules anyhow, i have read them over 4 times fully now and i still dont understand several of the. By all rights everyone on this server breakes your rules every day.

Its a shame you need to pick on me to get your point accrost its not a very good method.