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Liberty Salvage event - Printable Version

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Liberty Salvage event - TFinnegan - 08-02-2009

EDIT- Please see post 3 for Operations manual, Reports, and up to date info on the event.
The Following is an open invitiation to join

Ahoy lads an' lasses!

Me an' me crew are undertaking a salvage op that's both sensitive and time consuming.
It has become obviously more'n we can handle on our own and are lookin' ter hire some pilots what can keep thier mouths shut, thier eyes open, and take directions from me salvage staff.
This op will take place in Liberty systems over the next week, beginning monday (Aug 3rd), terminating the following saturday, and will pay rediculously well.
(It should provide some really decent Rp as well!)

The following positions need ter be filled;

- Hauling valuable salvage into the Texas system with and without escort from outlying Liberty systems under the direction of pilot Murphy and his officers.
-Salvagers - Salvaging valuable and secure cargo under the direction of engineer Sinclair and his officers.
-Sentries - Providing security and secrecy for the salvage operation by keeping a secure perimeter under the direction of Gunner Kelley and his officers - some combat required -
-Runners - Providing security and secrecy to the Transportation wing of the operation via escort duty under the direction of Gunner Kelley and his officers - some combat required -

Base pay will be 5 million credits per pilot per hour, wi' bonuses an' incentives fer concerted an' smooth operation o' th' salvage.

//Further explanation of the salvage op can found in post #3 HERE, and appliations for liscensing have been filed with the Lane Hackers, Junkers, and Admins, for those who wonder.//

Please sign th' roster below an' tell us which position(s) ye'd care ter fill.
Our thanks fer yer time an' consideration,
Tim Finnegan and the crew o' the Wake

Liberty Salvage event - Fletcher - 08-02-2009

Ooh, this could give my Junker mining ship some good fun! Also, did you intend to put a link in you 'HERE'. Is there some information missing?

I will subscribe to this thread.

Liberty Salvage event - TFinnegan - 08-03-2009

Salvage Event Operations Manual and Reports
Hoy Pilots!

As this is an ongoing salvage operation, I will posting and editing the daily information in THIS post.
This is a 5 day operation functioning for roughly 2 hours per night.
Again, the Roleplay roots of the operation can be found in post #3 HERE

--Our first night was a resounding success! With the immeasurable help of the JGS-Lobelia, we chased off gawkers, held a sector of the Pittsburg debris field, and even dealt with a Liberty Carrier and a not-so-intelligent pirate!
45 million creds were paid out in commisions and bonuses, and we look forward to our 2nd night!--

--Our second night was another resounding success. The ZEF and AI units came in force to our aid, holding a secure area for two full operations. Aided by our new friend Ak-See/hairy, We have now salvaged the entire frame structure as well as parts of the fuel conditioner and the air recycler. She's starting to take shape there on platform19...Sinclair can't sleep.
61 million creds were paid out in commisions and bonuses.

--Night three found our ragtag fleet working to salvage frozen fuel mix in the Tahoe field, hunted by the VR-Ravager, and discovering fission reactor core parts in the wreckage of the Dallas. The addition of the battleship Cassus.Belli to our fleet helped repel the USI and calm the Ravager, as well as ensure that we had zero problems with Liberty forces. Hull panels, superconductor mesh, interior bulkheads, life support and weapon hardpoints are being installed. Sincalir's still not sleeping.
52 million creds were paid out in commisions and bonuses.

--Night four involved the largest salvage fleet to date. All three engine cores were found in the Copperton field and towed back to Vieques at great risk to the transport convoy. Also the final Pittsburg field operation yielded the high stress plasticenes needed for the interior bulkheads. The size of the fleet alone discouraged most interlopers, however a Lane Hacker with an attitdue needed nudging from the exile, Cassus.Belli, that he wont soon forget. Dock 19 is indistinguisahable from the massive ship growing within and without it.
91 million creds were paid out in commisions and bonuses.

--Our final night. Of course it would be tonight that they come. The Navy dogged our ops all night, the Xenos wanted to be sure that only real Liberty citizens were employed, Legacy wanted to tax us, and gawkers of all colors came to see the sparks of the EVA teams working the field. With quick wit, sharp tongues, and hot cruise engines, we were able to avoid all but a few real conflicts. The AI team as well as the Exile, Cassus.Belli handled the few problems we actually did have, introducing that Legacy vermin to vacuum, and running off the over-zealous Xeno pilots. Sinclair reports all materials present and stored near the yards. I have decomissioned him to complete the project, and am taking the Wake for a final Malta run. I now merely await a signal from Puerto Rico...
55 million creds were paid out in commisions and bonuses.

Operation total cost, with docking, labor, and parts fees, 1,125,000,000 credits.

Info for:

Fri Aug 7th 9:00pm, Mountain Time
(Aug.8, 04:00 GMT)
Wilkes-Barre field , Pennsylvania system
(secondary location; Detroit Debris Field, New York system)

Beginning at 04:00 GMT independent Junkers will begin combing the Wilkes-Barre field for a pocket of specific alloys. Once located, the salvage operation will begin in earnest, with salvaged scrap being transported to a a cargo freighter holding station at the Puerto Rico jumphole in the Texas system. As of now the Zodiac Expeditionary Force and some contracted AI units will be providing security for this operation and will be called in at commencement. As Puerto Rico is controlled by the Junker's Congress, and the nature of the operation beyond the jumphole is secretive, entry to Puerto Rico will be disallowed during and immediately following the operation.

Security will be tight throughout the op, and will perform as follows, focusing on two key locations;

ONE - The transfer point, the jumphole to Puerto Rico will be especially sensitive as scrap will be being dumped into space to be tractored in by the freighter holding station there. Any pilots not specifically engaged or cleared by Cap'n Finnegan must be held at +5 kilometers from the hole, or be destroyed.

TWO - The salvage operation in the field must be protected from pirates and Liberty authorities as follows...
-Pirates are to be warned ONCE to leave the area or risk vaporization.
-LNS, LPI, LSI and other authorities are not to be interfered with except that they MUST NOT BE ALLOWED CLOSE INSPECTION OF SALVAGED SCRAP. Scans of the cargo are to be allowed*, but if the Liberty authorities request closer inspection this will trigger a withdrawal from the field to the transfer point in Texas.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES CAN LIBERTY AUTHORITES BE AWARE OF EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE DOING, NOR ARE THEY TO BE ENGAGED IN COMBAT. Lie, cheat, run, whatever, but if they catch wind of the operation's true nature, it will be catastrophic. Not only could we lose the current op and all ships involved, but it is likely that further salvage in the other 4 fields will be vaporized before we can begin our work there. In the case of withdrawal, we will rendevous at the transfer point, then relocate the op to the secondary location listed for the day.

*note to transfer pilots;
The route you take to the transfer point is yours to chose, however, if stopped by authorities or pirates, your cargo is to be treated as ordinary for the sake of scans. Surrender of cargo is not aceptable. Pirates who would tax shipments must be quickly paid, and you will be immediately reimbursed by Tim Finnegan upon notification.

Once 25,000 units of scrap have been delivered, or the two hour timer runs out, our man in the Puerto Rico system will begin assemblage, and the operation will wrap for the night, and be considered a success. We will then re-conviene the following night, at the same time at the next location, which will be announced above.

Pilot pay packages will be dispursed at close of day (or at termination of pilot's tenure in the op) as follows;
Standard pay = 5 million creds per pilot per hour
Bonus- 15+ million creds per hour paid to faction leaders whose groups participate in the operation. (based on # of pilots)
Bonus- 5 million creds per ship destroyed in defense of the operation, paid to the pilot that logs the kill.
Bonus- 2 million creds per load succefully moved into Puerto Rico, paid to transport pilots.
Bonus- 2 million creds per load harvested, paid to salvager pilots.
Bonus- (TBA) for exceptional roleplay and misdirection of navy/police vessels, as well as peaceful removal of gawkers.

Upon succesfull completion of the 5 day operation, all pilots involved for any amount of time will recieve shares of any remaining funds allocated to this event. (currently this number stands at 400 million creds, and rising)

Please Contact Finnegan's Wake in-game or post here with any further questions. this operation will not be shadowed on Skype, so please prepare to communicate clearly and quickly during the op.
An' here's to ye lads and lasses, Good luck, good flying, and thanks!

Tim Finnegan,
Captain, the Wake

Liberty Salvage event - Cyberanson - 08-03-2009

I would be REALLY pleased, if you would support the original Pittsburgh Salvage Event idea and build up this thing, as it was intended with DSE, ALG, Junkers, LPI and LR.


Liberty Salvage event - TFinnegan - 08-04-2009

Aye lad, I'm afraid that ye've either:
A) misread my intent. This is a one time event not meant to usurp or interfere with the Original Pittsburg Debris Field Event in any way.
B) failed to read the details of this event before you posted your passive-agressive opposition to it.

EDIT- Sincere aplogies, people that fail to learn about something before they speak of it get deep under my skin and i have a rough time controlling myself. However, out of humility i will keep my OWN passive agressive response here, to remind me of my frailties-

Liberty Salvage event - TFinnegan - 08-08-2009

Operation Closed.

Salvage complete. Now simply awaiting word from Puerto Rico.

Operation notes and storyline will appear tomorrow as post #4 on my bio, the top link of signature.

Special thanks to those who helped (and will recieve bonus pay);

The AI units
A.R.C.H-1.12.73 and

Zodiac Expeditionary Force, ZEF
Admiral Tarsus Larx
Battalion Commander AcidRain
Commander Cortez
Trademaster Ardennoch

The 'Big Boys'
the Exile, Cassus Belli, and her fine and honorable crew
the JGS Lobelia, and her fine and disciplined crew
the Manhattan Express, and her roughneck crew of miners
the "Fair Trade" and her wierd crew

The Independents
Ak-See - salvage2
Hairy - transport1
Knife - security2

Also, big thanks to those who inadvertently became part of the roleplay, and played along. Your willingness to join in and your creativity is the big reason many of us stay around and deal with the lolwutters. It's gems like this event and those that turned out for it that reaffirm my belief in humanity and keep me off of a clock tower with a high powered rifle....

Many Many many many, and a few more too, THANKS!
Tim Finnegan, (his tired fingers -talk about tell-pounded!-) and the bonny crew of the Wake.