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Just a suggestion! - Printable Version

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Just a suggestion! - -EZ- - 02-16-2007

Ok...the first thing I want to say is this is my first post on this Forum and I'm pretty new to your server and the Discovery Mod, so please be kind with your replies. I have played Modded versions of Freelancer on RP servers for 2 or 3 years...mainly the Freeworlds Mod (don't yell at me...I hate trade lanes). All of the RP servers I've played on seem to have had many of the same ship/weapon problems and concerns that you've all mentioned. I'll briefly mention some of the faction rules they've come up with. Before I start I also want to admit I didn't read every single post on this topic, so let me appologize in advance for any reppatition and I also want to state these were their rules and I'm not saying I think you need the same rules, these are just possible solutions.

SHIP LISTS - All factions as well as all nonfaction players must fly a ship that is on their factions or the nonfactions ship list. The ship lists would be decided by the faction leaders as well as the server admins and they must be relatively equal except for the nonfaction ship should be believable. There's nothing more irratating than seeing an unclanned player flying a CAP ship...and this statement is being made by unclanned player that's flying a mining ship that isn't far from being a CAP ship. There could also be a limit made on how many Heavy Fighters, Very Heavy Fighters and CAP Ships that each faction can have or can have on the server at any one time.

WEAPONS LISTS - Pretty much the same as above, although I haven't played on any RP server that had a true weapons list, but I always thought it could be an interesting idea. I have played on servers that had weapons that were considered illegal in certain faction's space which made for some interesting confrentations. To make it simple...if you are a pirate you may only have pirate weapons...etc...etc.... What ever is decided it is very important that the Server Admins and Faction Leaders are in agreement.

UNDOCKABLE PLACES - Could a Pirate really dock on a military battleship? Just a thought I thought I would throw out there. that you are nodding off I'll quit rambling on about all this "this is how they did it" crud and finish by reminding you that this is your server and whatever you decide on this subject everyone that comes here to play will not agree with, but thus is life. If they or you or I don't like it...well there are other servers out there.

Good Luck,
p.s. come and shoot me...if you can find me

OOPS...Sorry...I meant for this to be in the FACTIONS and SHIPS section but I hit the wrong button....DARN ROOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a suggestion! - Craines - 02-16-2007

That's sounds like a challenge, Herr EZ! We may take you up on that...


But I joke...or do I? My namesake, the Harlequin, was a joker, no?

Now, you said that there wasn't anything more annoying than seeing an unclanned fellow piloting a capital ship. Well, what if, perchance, said person acquired it through RP means? Pulling strings, calling in favors with those in power, etc? Wouldn't that make sense and allow someone to write an RP story without being confined to lowly (I use that term loosely) ships?

However, I stray from the target idea here. That sounds good, but there would be opposition to it as some would argue that it would be conceivable that someone like, say, Drake Thastus, would be able to have a Liberty BS or Cruiser (I can't remember which, so TankTarget, feel free to correct me! Thanks!) because of his backstory.

Nonetheless! Good ideas, and it would be interesting to see this come into effect. Oh, and welcome to the forums.

Fiona "Harlequinn" deLuna

Just a suggestion! - -EZ- - 02-16-2007

' Wrote:That's sounds like a challenge, Herr EZ! We may take you up on that...

That did sound a little bit like a challenge, but it wasn't meant to be cocky. Some of us out there aren't any good in a fighter, so we fly freighters. We freighter captains get our glory by evading the predators and deliverring our freight. I just don't want everyone out there to forget about us.

Quote:Now, you said that there wasn't anything more annoying than seeing an unclanned fellow piloting a capital ship. Well, what if, perchance, said person acquired it through RP means? Pulling strings, calling in favors with those in power, etc? Wouldn't that make sense and allow someone to write an RP story without being confined to lowly (I use that term loosely) ships?

However, I stray from the target idea here. That sounds good, but there would be opposition to it as some would argue that it would be conceivable that someone like, say, Drake Thastus, would be able to have a Liberty BS or Cruiser (I can't remember which, so TankTarget, feel free to correct me! Thanks!) because of his backstory.

Ahh Fiona...there are always exceptions. If this person has earned the right and the faction leaders and server admins have agreed to it then so be it. I was on a sever where an indavidual was given a planet do to his daring deads in combat as well as his service to the RP server. (some may argue both those points, but it doesn't matter...he was given a planet either way)


Just a suggestion! - TankTarget - 02-16-2007

Ah Madame Harlequinn, you are right about both (I have both) But some factions like my own are basically unlawful military and steal ships from Liberty because Drake Thastus stole many command codes from liberty (And they do not know all of them)

Just a suggestion! - Craines - 02-16-2007

As Sherlock Holmes once said...

"An exception to a rule makes the rule void."

And I want a planet now. I won't get a planet, mind you, but I still want one.

A girl can dream...

And the [KNT]_Harlequinn is a trader, as well, so I know the feeling, EZ. Container ships aren't as agile as Large Trains, sadly. A pity, really, since I once had the latter, and settled with the former. After, of course, having a Whale. Those were sad times.

Anywho, why the Admins and clan leaders would need to agree seems a tad bit pomp and circumstance, in my opinion. Perhaps just posting a reasonable RP tale explaining how you came to acquire the ship would work. The validity could be questioned, and the judges, who aren't necessarily Admins but still have some power, could be called in if need be. I dunno.

Just thought I'd give my 2 credits worth. Sadly, inflation has caused my two credits to be worth less than a Corsair's life. HA! Silly Corsairs, tricks are for children who have an addiction to sugar and toxic byproducts!

By the way, I am not one who cares for Corsairs, thus the joke. (Can't be too careful these days, what with satirists being misconstrued as pessimists and mockers. Is that a word? It is now!)