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Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Printable Version

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Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jihadjoe - 08-03-2009

Arnaud.Pengrass has sanctioned owing to a report posted on the 2nd August 09 for:

Quote:6.2 Out of Roleplay (OORP):
In-game tag seen before the name must match the ID as closely as possible. It is not allowed to have the tag not match ID category. For example, it is prohibited to have 'Police' tag and 'Pirate' ID.

Equipment used must match tag and ID as closely as possible. For example, it is not allowed for Corsairs to use Outcast ships and guns.

Consequences: Fined the 13million credits on that ship.

Notes: Gallic Brigands may not dock on police bases. You should be hostile to the police. You reps have been adjusted as well.

Admin Link to Report