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Volksfront revolutionary party towards The Liberty Navy HC - Printable Version

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Volksfront revolutionary party towards The Liberty Navy HC - Eternal - 08-04-2009

[Image: pick1a.jpg]

Tracking Transmission : Luneburg System

Communications Identification : Oberst Lyubomir Gechevski

Directer Towards : The Liberty Navy High Command

" Guten tag ,

Leaders of the Liberty Navy.

I wish to begin zis message by introducing myself and the group , which I represent , because I trust zat you are not well familiar with neither me , nor the people I lead.

I am Oberst Lyubomir Gechevski , of the Volksfront Revolutionary party. We are those who fight for the freedom of our Fattherland , for the freedom of our people! We fight to bring democracy , we fight to bring zose fascist swines to their knees , we represent the beating heart of Rheinland! The Bundschuh wish to educate the people of Rheinland , to show them a new world , a world where every man and woman can speak freely , without fear of punishment !

Our operations , our goals and our entire mission have been endangered by this war Liberty rages. Do not understand me wrong , I trust you fight for your ideals , for democracy. However , you must understand zat this fight has already begun! Long before ze first warships of libertorian design crossed the borders uf our Fatterland , our blood has been spilled to bring freedom in the hearts and minds of the people!

Zis "war" , brings nothing but death und unfortunately , it brings death not only to ze Rhenish totalitarismus , but to ze innocent men , women und children uf Rheinland! Attacking the Rheinland Military and weakening their strength is one thing which we can look away from , but dealing such a devastating blow to the civilian population uf our Fatterland , we will not allow!

For this reason , I now ask of you this. All Libertorian hostilities towards Rheinland cease immedietly and all warships of libertorian design are to be called back to Liberty!

In time , the Rheinland Revolutionary Alliance will strip the fascist swines from their power. We shall bring peace , harmony and democracy to Rheinland and its people. This process has already begun and we do not need aid from Liberty to deal with problems within our own home!

If you choose to follow reason and cease all hostile activities directed towards Rheinland , The Bundschuh , with the help of the Alliance , shall deal with any and all Rheinland Military ships which choose to threaten Liberty.

Let us cure the disease which plagues our own home and let us bring freedom and democracy to the people of Rheinland! "

Volksfront revolutionary party towards The Liberty Navy HC - Eternal - 08-09-2009

"Shameless Bump"

// LSF and LN , where are you ? Joe said he would answer.

Volksfront revolutionary party towards The Liberty Navy HC - Spear - 08-09-2009

[Image: carpenterm3byinternity.gif]

Tracking: @#!{*%$... Scramble $$@#: (Secured line established...)

Destination: Oberst Lyubomir Gechevski

Herr Gechevski, while I sympathise with civilian casualties in any conflict the LSF nor the Naval High command does not dictate war policy to the President or the Senate. I would like to personally salute your organisation's brave effort's to restore democracy to your great nation and wish you success in your operations, be assured civilian casualties are avoided at all cost's by the Libertonian Forces.

However you should note that Liberty has largely maintained a defensive posture in this sad conflict and has no plans to launch a large scale invasion of Rhienland at this time, as I understand current Liberty policy, we plan to maintain a war of attrition, given our perceived superior economic wealth, this strategy should be effective in slowly grinding the military forces into submission.

At least that is our hope, while I cannot endorse the end of the conflict, I can perhaps offer you some assistance as a gesture of friendship and goodwill. For example we may be willing to supply Liberty grade weapons to your revolution plus some small financial gesture. Consider even several highly trained Agents within your organisation providing not only invaluable intel to Liberty regarding Rhienland fleet movements, but also intel to your organisation regarding battle plans allowing your brave operatives to disrupt supply lines and harass the RM's exposed rear.

I look forward to hearing your thought's on this proposal on a secure line, there is perhaps much to discuss.

Daniel Carpenter, Deputy Director of the L.S.F

***This communication will delete upon reception, any efforts to trace will result upon a destructive virus delivered to your computer system***

Volksfront revolutionary party towards The Liberty Navy HC - Eternal - 08-12-2009

[Image: pick1a.jpg]

Tracking Transmission : Luneburg System

Communications Identification : Oberst Lyubomir Gechevski

Directer Towards : Daniel Carpenter, Deputy Director , L.S.F.

" Guten tag ,

Deputy Director Carpenter. I apologies for this late transmission , but it was not easy for us to successfully send zis transmission towards your channels. As you well know , zey are very well guarded and secured.

I thank you for your kind words and well wishes. Ze revolution is doing what it can to bring freedom and democracy to the people of Rheinland. Und zat is enough , for now , our ways do not harm the general population and instead of fear and terror , bring hope and light into the hearts of our people. Unfortunately , ze same cannot be said about your tactics and about zis war in general.

Despite the way you choose to fight zis war now , we cannot overlook the fact that it was non other then Liberty , which started it in the first place. I am pleased to hear that the libertorians are trying their best to limit civilian casualties , but you must understand that we simply cannot allow any innocent people to loose their lives , because of the actions taken by Liberty. The life of one person is just as important for us as the lives of ten! The population of Rheinland is frightened as it is , Liberty only increase zat fear and makes our efforts to bring change and democracy only harder. But who can blame ze people ? If zey only see death and destruction from a group which also follows the path of democracy.

Furthermore , even though you believe that your side is limiting civilian casualties by not firing at civilian installations and ships , the sheer fact that there iz a war , brings death and fear into the hearts and minds of the people. Zose beasts at Daumann are using slaves are labor tools and now , because of zis war , the life span of the free minded people used as slaves has drastically decreased , because the Rheinland Military is demanding more and more ships on a shorter notice. We have nearly no time to free the people trapped by Daumann , they are nothing but shells of men and women after spending time as tools!

I'm honored by your offer to share technology with us , but I must refuse. Our equipment is perfectly suited for the environment we live and fight in. Regarding the matter of bringing your fellow operatives into our organization , I believe it is way too early for zat , Herr Carpenter. Zo far , our group has seen only ze bad aspect of Liberty. I was hoping zat by communicating between one-another , I might be able to change that. If you allow some of my fellow revolutionaries into the ranks of the L.S.F. and LN , I might reconsider.

My previous statement stands , Herr Carpenter. I wish Liberty to end zis war. If you are not authorized to do what I ask , zen I humbly ask to be heard by someone who has zat kind of power und authority. "