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Zoner ships - Asymptotic - 02-17-2007


Zoner ships - Mickk - 02-17-2007

Hmmm, I don't understand what you are talking about, mostly because your initial post just says..."Post", which isn't a lot of information to go on.

However, if I'm reading the description correctly, you want to see more "Zoner" ships.

I personally can't see what the problem is, but then I'm also not with a clan.

Technically speaking, anyone with a Zoner tag should be able to fly any ship that can be bought at a Zoner base.

As an example, at Freeport 9 (Omicron Theta) they sell the 'Eagle' and the 'Cylon Raider', while across system you have the 'Colonial Viper' (a VHF) and the 'Juggernaught' battleship.

Having flown both the Eagle (an original FL ship) and the Viper (although not in this version of the mod) I can say they are both excellent and deadly fighters in the right hands.

In Omicron Delta on Freeport 11, they sell the basic 'Battlestar' battleship, the Dromedary Freighter and oddly the Nomad Fighter, although I'm pretty sure a Zoner would not fly one of those. Maybe it's just there as a conversation peice?

Plenty of ships for the Zoners to fly around.

Of course you may be looking for a 'Zoner Only' kind of ship.......

Zoner ships - Asymptotic - 02-17-2007

I meant Zoner-only ships. Something cool.

Zoner ships - endlessvoid - 02-17-2007

The "Juggernaut" is a Zoner Battleship, right? Seems fair enough, since (I think) Corsairs doesn't haves Battleships, and the Zoners only enemy are the No-No's.

Zoner ships - Craines - 02-17-2007

Since the Zoners have neither allies or enemies (Nomads not included. That seems a given.) they don't spend a lot of resources on making a wide variety of ships. Now, mind you, as endlessvoid has said, the Juggernaut is a Zoner-only ship. And it's a darn battleship. Be content, lad, with that.

And you really shouldn't be engaging in any PvP battles, considering that, as I stated above, the Zoners have no enemies that can be played (i.e. Corsairs, or Liberty Navy, just as examples). So it shouldn't matter about whose ship your driving, but rather, whose ship your attacking.

Hope that helps.

Zoner ships - Commodore - 02-17-2007

' Wrote:Since the Zoners have neither allies or enemies (Nomads not included. That seems a given.) they don't spend a lot of resources on making a wide variety of ships. Now, mind you, as endlessvoid has said, the Juggernaut is a Zoner-only ship. And it's a darn battleship. Be content, lad, with that.

And you really shouldn't be engaging in any PvP battles, considering that, as I stated above, the Zoners have no enemies that can be played (i.e. Corsairs, or Liberty Navy, just as examples). So it shouldn't matter about whose ship your driving, but rather, whose ship your attacking.

Hope that helps.

what about the nomad ID?

Zoner ships - marauder - 02-17-2007

Not available to players, if you see anyone sporting a nomad ID or tag screenie it and tell the admins.

As for the actual topic here:- Seems to me that your not happy with the mod asymptotic.

You dont seem to have gotten the point of 'no unessecary or illogical' changes and 'keeping the original' feeling of FL.

You just want to have uder ships with little or no RP reason.

If your a zoner then you don't need combat ships, unless you spend your entire time killing nomad NPCs.

If your just after the biggest and the best... good luck on finding it, let alone an RP reason for a zoner to have whatever it is.

Zoner ships - Fellow Hoodlum - 02-17-2007

I believe the AW have a pretty comprehensive ship restriction list, which as a member of that faction, you
should have read up on.
'Cool' is not a word used in roleplay a lot.
Maybe you should have thought this through a little more, before posting about ships you can fly, when you
have already joined the faction.


Zoner ships - gezza999 - 02-17-2007

Why don't you just add Dab or Korrd to XFire. They'd tell you what you CAN and CANNOT have. If you make a decent (and believable) RP, then you could have ships that they don't normally allow. But there's a limit to that ofcourse.

And can you stop posting all these questions, you could have just PM'd Dab OR Korrd to ask them insted of posting...

Zoner ships - Commodore - 02-17-2007

Just read the goods.ini, youll find nomad ID there