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Legacy Junker Space Pirates - Printable Version

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Legacy Junker Space Pirates - SlaYoR - 08-06-2009

[Image: logolegacy1.jpg]


Legacy has been pirating for centuries before 2100 AD, it had started off as a ragtag group of modern independent sea pirates equipped with light arms, who hijacked trader ships at sea and would take the crew as hostages demanding cargo or credits in order to pay for their countries poverty, to their eyes it was the rich corporations and industrialized countries faults they were underprivileged and lived in junk-yards of peoples unwanted waste.

Legacy had again advanced to new methods of piracy, bribes of corrupted lawfuls paid to turn their back for their usual small cut, so we could infiltrate space transports crews has hired workers with light arms stashed away to later hijack the ship and turning it into underground drug smuggling shipments while away from space ports, no longer were they dirty sea pirates but now were common criminals, rift-rats and thugs who hide away in dark alleys and smelly pubs and bars protecting murderers and smugglers.

During 2100-2200 AD the sol system was in a state of civil war over dominance of Sol, with the imminent danger of constant attacks from the Coalition, in desperation the Alliance decided to flee their homes. Legacy had realized that after the war would be over, there would be nothing but ashes to ashes and dust to dust and nothing left to be pirated or held hostages and killed, they took that risk and left sol system for a new hope without prejudice. They had common goals in mind, smuggling, pirating and the corruption of house corporations but none of them let it be known verbally or out loud for the simple reason of being discovered would mean they permanent removal or even death and never seeing freedom again because of the Coalition. The fact being they were independents and no one had any clue of their true intentions, we had become experts in persuading and manipulating the highest ranked lawful to overlook the past and managed creating fake identifications, and at that moment of their hasty departure in man kinds darkest hour in the middle of war none cared to ask, of their secretive lives before slipping past the guards, and managing to infiltrate the sleeper ships the Bretonia, the Rheinland, the Kusari, the Liberty and the Hispania. Spread out through each sleeper ship was a small contingency of Legacy Pirates none of them knowing their destination but it was their only hope for survival.

It has been 800 years since the sleeper ships first arrived in Sirius to rebuild our lives. Spread out through Sirius each Legacy pirate lived their lives but had now become a new kind of pirate, Space Pirates, owning their own ships to travel freely around all Sirius. They no longer worshiped the seas and the stars under the twilight night that had guided them for so many centuries. So as Legacy evolved with the ever growing Junker population, Legacy multiplied as well, all over Sirius far and wide Junkers took up arms, from as far as Gallia to Sigma-13 there was no stopping these debris field pirates, no longer independents, now formed and united together, they claimed almost all the debris fields in Sirius like it was their oceans from back home, reminding them of their ancient lost world. As it faded through time and space with each passing, leaving no memories for the next generation in the family tree, only dissolved their sea pirate ways.

As time borrowed farther down the lines, of family blood lines, Junkers became empowered with a certain neutrality, unknown to any other faction, maybe it was because the house corporations could never bother to pin point and locate and exterminate them, but because of this Junkers have become wiser manipulating the system and changing the tides, since these Junkers were itinerant kind, nomadic in nature from the time they were brought into this galaxy, thanks to their parents, operating so called underground smuggling runs, obscured from the lawful independents, house corporations, and bounty hunters has they run with their narcotics keep secretly bellow deck in well stashed compartments just incase of military embargoes, and fearing for their childrens future, Junkers had huge families, so they escape just to keep enough food on the table to provide for their young ones. The Junkers had never constructed any of their own battleships or cruisers, because their governmental financial system was flawed although their nomadic life gave them access to other factions warship through very large scrap field salvaging operations this was highly frowned upon, but none the less true. Their nomadic life styles lead to no security and being the victim of discrimination from all lawfuls while on the run meant instability in docking fees and they were overcharged for ship repairs, the price fuel and police brutality bribes.

Legacy has come a long way, we have grown, and we will prosper, they are beginning their new life as a dominant pirate faction ready to thwart house corporations, their nomadic life style makes them intelligent, unpredictable, calm in the worst of moments and they are at their best when on the run. Time will only tell what the Legacy future holds, its in their hands now.


Legacy Junker Pirates goal is to protect the interest of all Junkers throughout Sirius. We are family and we defend each other like our own life blood. Assisting and allying with other pirate factions with the same ideology as us, as to hinder the house corporations, who have allied with lawful independents mercenaries, bounty hunters and freelancers. We are a nomadic Junker with no home system and no main base of operations, we treat Sirius as we would our own children. Pirating is our primary task our second is smuggling, third is protecting Junker bases and forth is salvaging the debris fields for long lost and forgotten lore and aeronautical instruments. Legacy primary duties are to help establish a positive role-play against hostile or non-hostile actions from others. We will rise to the greatest expectations of a pirate Junker. We aim to bring a more organized war fleet to thwart house corporations ever growing fleet size, independent lawfuls, Hogosha, Xenos, Nomads, Kusari, and the Wild.


- Trierarch
Initiates into Legacy are referred to as Trierarch, the title of officers who command a space ship. Trierarchs thus have to be men of considerable means, since the expenses incurred could run as high as the costs of a battleship. Their primary duties include transporting commodities, scouting and scavenging debris fields or enemy territory providing intelligence for Legacy.
Players with the rank Trierarch use these kinds of ships: Freighter, Transport and low level ships.

Lochagos is referred to as Captain. The Lochagos takes command a small wing of light fighters, heavy fighters, VHF and SHF into battle to protect allies or harm non-allied fighter ships ranging from LF to SHF, transports ships to attaining cargo shipments and even smaller capital ships.
Players with the rank Lochagos use these kinds of ships: Light fighter, Heavy fighter, Very heavy fighter, Super Heavy fighter.

- Syntagmatarchis
It is translated as "leader of a regiment (syntagma)", Colonel.
Above Trierarch and Lochagos, the Syntagmatarchis will command a Small wing of bombers. Primary duties include defense of Legacy interest, bombarding non-allied enemy capital ships and also escorting during important high security salvage operations where house corporations capital ships might try to intervene.
Players with the rank Lochagos use these kinds of ships: Bomber (X 2T), Gunships.

- Navarch
Veterans of the Legacy are referred to as Navarch (meaning "leader of the ships Admiral), Admiral fleet commanders are tasked to lead warships such as gunboats, cruisers and destroyers with deadly accurate assaults against non-allied enemy structures, capital ships, and defending key positions for Legacy.
Players with the rank Lochagos use these kinds of ships: Gunboat, Cruiser/Destroyer, Light Carrier

- Strategos
The leaders of the Legacy are referred to as Strategos, it is the highest officer rank, Strategos literally meaning "army leader".The strategoi are responsible for calling up citizens and Initiates for military service, and for organizing the maintenance and command of ships in national and international space. When a legal case rises from any of matter, such as a prosecution for desertion or evasion of service, or a dispute over the duty to perform, the strategoi are the magistrates responsible for bringing the case to court and presiding over the trial. The position of Strategos is charged with overall command of solar system defense and responsible for the International Fleet of space warships. These Strategos are also politicians as well as generals who lead other Legacy into battle, and organize raiding parties or escort squadrons.
Players with the rank of Strategos use these kinds of ships: Carrier and Battleship.

- Imperator
The Leader of Legacy is the Imperator (commander General), and there can be only one Imperator. Legacy is governed with the help of a ruling body of Srategos and Navarch. Generals have supreme command over Legacy humanity's space fleets.

SlaYoR - Imperator
Galacius - Navarch
Rho - Navarch
Raptor - Syntagmatarchis/Navarch
Infamous - Syntagmatarchis
Bohemian.x - Syntagmatarchis
DarthRevan - Syntagmatarchis
Cyborg - Syntagmatarchis
Inspace - Lochagos
Nova - Lochagos
Punk - Trierarch
Lockdan- Trierarch
Marauder - Trierarch
Jimual - Trierarch
Ciiscar - Trierarch
Madds - Trierarch
Randomguy - Trierarch
Dent - Trierarch
Shinigami - Trierarch
Decoy - Trierarach
Enigma - Trierarch
GrandBean - Trierarch
GunN'Roses - Trierarch
Nahosew - Trierarch

Diplomatic status



Liberty Police, Inc.
Liberty Navy
Liberty Security Force
Ageira Technologies
Interspace Commerce
Universal Shipping
Deep Space Engineering
Synth Foods, Inc.
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Liberty Rogues
Lane Hackers


Bretonia Police Authority
Bretonia Armed Forces
Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
Border World Exports
Gateway Shipping
Planetform, Inc.


Kusari State Police
Kusari Naval Forces
Kishiro Technologies
Samura Industries
Farmers Alliance
Blood Dragons
Golden Chrysanthemums


Rheinland Federal Police
Rheinland Military
ALG Waste Disposal
Republican Shipping
Daumann Heavy Construction
Kruger Minerals
Red Hessians


Gallic Royal Navy
Gallic Royal Police
The Council
Gallic Metal Service
EFL Oil & Machinery
Ile-de-France Shipping
The Maquis
Unione Corse
Gallic Brigands




Bounty Hunters Guild
Independent Miners Guild
Gas Miners Guild
The Order
Orbital Spa & Cruise

Pirate ID
Trader ID
Smuggler ID
Mercenary ID




The Wild



Faction alignment
Legacy. tag
Junkers IFF
Junker ID/Junker Guard ID
Pirate ID

-Zone of Influence-
Trafalgar Base - New London System (Bretonia Headquarters)
Invergordon Space Port- Inverness System- Bretonia

Rochester Base - New York System (Liberty Headquarters)
Thunder Bay Depot- Ontario System- Liberty
Allentown Base- Pennsylvania System- Liberty
Beaumont Base - Texas System-Liberty

Junker Guard*
Arecibo Base- Puerto Rico- Liberty
Carolina Outpost- Puerto Rico- Liberty
Culebra Smelter- Puerto Rico- Liberty
Vieques Shipyard- Puerto Rico- Liberty (Liberty Junkers Guard Headquaters)

Kreuzberg Depot - New Berlin System (Rhienland Headquarters)
Yanagi Base - Sigma 13 System

Bourg-en-Bresse Space Port-Burgundy System (Headquarters Gallia)
Lodeve Space Port- Languedoc System- Gallia
Lixheim Base- Lorraine System- Gallia

Bornholm Depot- Omega-15 System- (Border Worlds Headquarters)

Ships and weapons that Legacy are allowed to use:
Civilian Bretonian
Civilian GallicMust remain in Gallia
Civilian Liberty
Civilian Rheinland
Civilian (Sirius-wide outside Gallia)
Independent Miners Guild
Lane Hackers
Liberty Rogues
Red Hessians

If anyone has tips or oppinion will be appreciated, please help me out, first time faction maker on Discovery. We are new give us time to familiarize ourselves. Don't be so hasty to judge we are really good people in real life, we are merely playing the role. And thank you, to all who contributed in helping us become a better faction.


Legacy Junker Space Pirates - Guest - 08-06-2009

Set LR- to neutral/unfriendly till you have repaid the damage and unprovoked attacks on me and my pilots alike.

Legacy Junker Space Pirates - Malaclypse 666 - 08-06-2009

Ho ho ho!

Wanna explain why TAZ, a Zoner Faction, is hostile, while you don't even mention Zoners as a whole?

Then explain how you think you'll get access to Zoner weaponry, let alone Zoner bases, if you declare a Zoner Faction as an enemy?

And finally explain that screenie where one of your ships had a mixed loadout of Bretonian Splitters and Corsair Shieldbusters?

Sorry.. I didn't read the wall of text proposal thingie.. but I do have a barrow full of carriage returns I'll provide you free of charge.


Legacy Junker Space Pirates - Weedalot - 08-06-2009

' Wrote:Ho ho ho!

Wanna explain why TAZ, a Zoner Faction, is hostile, while you don't even mention Zoners as a whole?

Then explain how you think you'll get access to Zoner weaponry, let alone Zoner bases, if you declare a Zoner Faction as an enemy?

And finally explain that screenie where one of your ships had a mixed loadout of Bretonian Splitters and Corsair Shieldbusters?

Sorry.. I didn't read the wall of text proposal thingie.. but I do have a barrow full of carriage returns I'll provide you free of charge.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: I like it.
i mean mal's reply

Yea guys you should make good with all those factions you aggravated.. You worked hard to get your rep.. i know i read all about ti:P

Legacy Junker Space Pirates - Cosmos - 08-06-2009

You're not use any corsair ships/weaponry without permission from the Corsair Council.

Which I would assume you would be denied because You're affiliated with the Outcasts.

Legacy Junker Space Pirates - Linkus - 08-06-2009

Avoid using Corsair technology or Outcast technology if you want to remain friendly to them both.

You probably won't be friendly with them anyway depending on actions with the player factions.

Also, where are the resources for these battleships and various other capital ships coming from?
And where are the ships themselves coming from?

Andddddd break up that wall o' text. No one likes to read them and I lost my place far too many times.

That's from a skim over it all, I'd suggest making sure there are no holes in your presentation, people will eat you alive if there are too many.

Legacy Junker Space Pirates - Implosion - 08-06-2009

Pretty mean setups you Sabres with Corsair Tizzies.
Also,there nothing about the Gallic factions in your rep sheet.

Edit:Oh,you'll find it really hard to maintain good relations ship with the said above pirate factions.
You can't be friendly to all o' them you know.

Legacy Junker Space Pirates - kikatsu - 08-06-2009

I suggest talking to the Junkers Congress before making all these connections... you draw alot of attention to yourselves... Us Junkers usually try to lay low

We (Junkers) are tollerated by the law for a few reasons, cleaning up their messes mostly, even keeping the Xenos entertained in Liberty...but also...mainly because we don't go and openly rob people...some people THINK that the Junkers are involved in smuggling and piracy, but really...Junkers are just civilians in a social class

In my opinion, your faction dynamics will be changing soon...with or without your approval

my two cents

Legacy Junker Space Pirates - Weedalot - 08-06-2009

yep the Congress try to be as neutral as possible, if they pirate they do it far from anyones eyes and do it with a smooth way to it.. so there will be no evidence

Legacy Junker Space Pirates - DeathsOverture - 08-06-2009

It looks like he took the official tech use chart and put down every green/white square for the Junker ID...

Just a tip; don't mix equipment from factions that are enemies with eachother... i.e. using Splitters and Tizzies.

Edit: Come to think of it... using Splitters while being hostile to the Bretonia Armed Forces is quite a stretch...