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Zoner question regarding the Whale - Printable Version

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Zoner question regarding the Whale - lordtarl - 08-06-2009

So if you have a Zoner ID mounted it says you can not pilot any ships with cargo greater then 3800. But yet the Zoner Whale Freighter has a cargo of 5k. How am I supposed to pilot this ship legally if the faction it is made for is not allowed to pilot it due to its cargo size?

And in the description of the whale it says no one but zoners should be piloting it.


Anyone else see an issue?

Zoner question regarding the Whale - n00bl3t - 08-06-2009

Zoner Guard ID allows 5k transports.

Zoner question regarding the Whale - Weedalot - 08-06-2009

and if you already bought the ship with your zoner ID and zoner IFF without fixing your Guard IFF you are in a little problem.. You have no other way but selling the ship and workign on the rep first.

Zoner question regarding the Whale - Jinx - 08-06-2009

no - a guard IFF is not mandatory. - only the ID counts.

Zoner question regarding the Whale - Weedalot - 08-06-2009

' Wrote:no - a guard IFF is not mandatory. - only the ID counts.
yea i mean if he doesnt have the IFF full so he can buy the ID.

Zoner question regarding the Whale - Gemini893 - 08-06-2009

The powers that be did this to help silence all the complaints about Zoner power traders. Now we have Zoner Guard power traders.

I really don't see much of a difference as far as it being a solution to what some considered a problem, but it does make sense too. Would you sell a Zoner Whale to a brand new Zoner that just walked in the door? The Zoner Guard ID is akin to having papers that show you as a dedicated and trustworthy Zoner.

Except you need to kill GMG NPC, an ally, to gain it. That part does NOT make sense.

Zoner question regarding the Whale - lordtarl - 08-06-2009

Ahhhok I did look at the guard ID but I didnt think it worked that way..I'm not sure why a guard would be trading and not..well..guarding..or something but ok. That gives me the answer I needed.

I do like the idea of the outside the hub-bub loner zoner and I was thinking abuot working on it. Can someone point me in the direction I need to go to work on the faction? Wheres a good base to work out of?

So the one I saw was being piloted by someone without a zoner tag. Is that considered against the rules? I forget what they were, but it was one of the big corps like alg or universal shipping.. i just cant remember sorry. Its what got me started on this whole thing,, I was like "They can't pilot that...Well I can't either...wait what? ZONERS can't pilot it either? what the..? who the heck can fly the dern thing??" heh heh

Zoner question regarding the Whale - Janus - 08-06-2009

As has been said before, Guard in the context of IDs doesn't necessarily mean "Guardian."

Zoner question regarding the Whale - Malaclypse 666 - 08-06-2009

' Wrote:So the one I saw was being piloted by someone without a zoner tag. Is that considered against the rules? I forget what they were, but it was one of the big corps like alg or universal shipping.. i just cant remember sorry. Its what got me started on this whole thing,,

You just point me at any non-Zoner flying a ZBT 100Z.

I will take great delight in seeing it ripped from his hands.

No foolin'.


Zoner question regarding the Whale - Turkish - 08-06-2009

' Wrote:You just point me at any non-Zoner flying a ZBT 100Z.

I will take great delight in seeing it ripped from his hands.

No foolin'.


So long as he has a Guard ID can you really rip it from his hands for the lack of IFF?