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Zoner juggy and carrier in Rp questions - Heartless - 08-08-2009

Before anyone thinks I'm going to get a zoner cap like these, I'm not. I need to know some info purely for Rp purpose; actually, my Swiss Rp:)

linky -->

Anyways, so you can read that if you want to know what it's all about, but my questions:

- How many fighters/bombers can a Zoner carrier actually carry?
- Since the Zoner juggy is a "colony ship", how many people can it actually house?
- Can the Zoner juggy carry smaller ships such as fighters/bombers as well?

Thank ye!

edit: and once you're done, you can look at this ingenuity win:

Zoner juggy and carrier in Rp questions - darthbeck - 08-08-2009

for the carrier, i should think something around 70-100. depending on the class of the ships.

and the juggy, maybe 40-60. but without the combat launching systems.

Zoner juggy and carrier in Rp questions - cobraSting - 08-08-2009

The Juggernaut was meant to be a mobile Freeport, so check the population count on one of the Freeports for a close estimate.

Zoner juggy and carrier in Rp questions - Thurgret - 08-08-2009

The smallest Freeports have about 80 or so. Those Freeports appear to be smaller than the Juggernaught - just park your Juggernaught next door - and a lot of the space is taken up by docking bays and whatnot. I'd say the Juggernaught would have about 500 to 900 permanent residents, who would also crew the thing (anyone living on a Freeport is there to help run the Freeport, I think. No retired folks here. That's what GC is for. So the same likely goes for a Juggernaught).

I'd say the Juggernaught would carry a few fighters along with it. Does it have a docking port?

Zoner juggy and carrier in Rp questions - Jinx - 08-09-2009

never thought how many crew members or passengers the juggernaut has - but its not as many as a real space station, cause its a ship. - it cannot offer the same systems to make life comfortable as a station.

so - space for a generous crew and a medium sized freeport maybe. - in terms of permanent duty, i d guess like... - 300 - 500 people max.

the juggernaut has NO quickdock facilities and no launch tubes. its not meant to be a carrier, but it might carry a few small crafts like planetary landing ships and other small shuttles.

the carrier is meant to be a very low grade juggernaut type. - it has a weaker powerplant, weaker drive, less armour and a smaller size. - most of its systems are for ships, repair bays and launch tubes. - it is not meant to be really comfortable - not meant to really "live" on it. - right now, it has 4 launch tubes and one docking bay. - the revised model will have 4 quicklaunch tubes and one huge landing/launching bay for small, medium and even large scale crafts.

crew of the carrier would be rather small - maybe 200 including technicians, pilots and officers. ( not the 3000 of todays carriers ) - its meant to be based on the juggernaut frame but really a lot cheaper.

the carrier is meant to be a battleworthy forward base. - the juggernaut a vessel for the last defense - one of the few "big" weapons when all other things failed. - its also meant to be able to take the whole crew of a large freeport to evacuate it and supply it for a short time ( long enough to get to a friendly base )

Zoner juggy and carrier in Rp questions - Jansen - 08-09-2009

I think the Carrier should be able to carry around 50 ships, compared to its size and the fact that it still needs a crew, which needs some space to live there.
The Juggy can house around 1000 citizens and around 30 ships in my opinion.

Zoner juggy and carrier in Rp questions - Cellulanus - 08-09-2009

You have to keep in mind the size of the ships to, and eyeballing how many could physically fit in the ship if the modeler did decent at all with the scaling.

But... Does the Juggernaut even have a docking bay? And in any case I highly doubt that any ship could hold more then 20 ships. (Unless they were really tiny ships, like Patriots...

Zoner juggy and carrier in Rp questions - reavengitair - 08-09-2009

A juggy...

Dear god. Its bigger than most bases!

100-200 people? maybe 300-400!?

Maybe more!?

It even has biodomes...

Zoner juggy and carrier in Rp questions - cobraSting - 08-09-2009

There should be a dockable Zoner Juggernaut base in some far-off system, just for kicks (far reaches of Omicron-74 perhaps).

Zoner juggy and carrier in Rp questions - Luis - 08-09-2009

Ehh....i had the a ship known as Colony-Auxium - (might do it again) - and i RP it with 560 passengers 120 crew members 36 scientist/researchers. In all = 716 people on board.

Zoner Jugger's dont have "docking bay". Rather a small one that is hidden to launch frieghters for planetary Landing, like Jinx said.