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Hello - Ashitaka - 08-09-2009

I am fed up with The Void and it's lack of structure and changing rulesets. Rogues and Pirates can run rampant and pretty much kill whomever they like without regard to sportsmanship or fair play in general. I like to explore, I don't and can't pvp... connection is just a bit too laggy to stay on target. I was trying to map The void when I decided to quit. Will I be able to do that here? Or is this another blow-em-up if you see them server? It suggests it's heavy RP and people are limited to a few systems that belong to thier factions... if that's the case then this isn't the place for me... I like to wander, make friends, and do missions. If that's not possible here can someone at least point me towards a server where I can have fun? Or am I going to be stuck alone doing single player over and over again?


Hello - Ayem - 08-10-2009

Hallo there, welcome to discovery. While many factions stick to their own zoi (zone of influence), they also nip across to meet other factions, engage in diplomacy, etc. But factions are only one option for the player. We have "independent traders", "freelancers", "mercenaries" and "researchers", all of whom can visit wherever the hell they want.

Those people who join factions, willingly restrict themselves because it adds a certain something to their character, or they have friends there, or someone begged them to join.

Factions have differing sizes of zoi as well. Zoners can go just about anywhere, Corsairs have southern Sirius and Outcasts have northern Sirius (that's a rough description, there is a lot of overlap). The bounty hunters can also hunt wherever they like. Junker zoi is just about everywhere that Hogosha are not.

Your average faction (House) trader (ALG, BMM, Bowex, Interspace, DSE etc.) will visit three Houses out of four on their trade routes. Many run the blockade and visit that fourth House anyway.

Another reason people are happy to join factions and lock themselves to a small zoi, is that it is only one of their characters. They will have other characters with a differing zoi, and can always log onto that when they tire of another.

Anyway, I hope you decide to try it out.

Hello - Ashitaka - 08-10-2009

' Wrote:Hallo there, welcome to discovery. While many factions stick to their own zoi (zone of influence), they also nip across to meet other factions, engage in diplomacy, etc. But factions are only one option for the player. We have "independent traders", "freelancers", "mercenaries" and "researchers", all of whom can visit wherever the hell they want.

Those people who join factions, willingly restrict themselves because it adds a certain something to their character, or they have friends there, or someone begged them to join.

Factions have differing sizes of zoi as well. Zoners can go just about anywhere, Corsairs have southern Sirius and Outcasts have northern Sirius (that's a rough description, there is a lot of overlap). The bounty hunters can also hunt wherever they like. Junker zoi is just about everywhere that Hogosha are not.

Your average faction (House) trader (ALG, BMM, Bowex, Interspace, DSE etc.) will visit three Houses out of four on their trade routes. Many run the blockade and visit that fourth House anyway.

Another reason people are happy to join factions and lock themselves to a small zoi, is that it is only one of their characters. They will have other characters with a differing zoi, and can always log onto that when they tire of another.

Anyway, I hope you decide to try it out.

My concern is that on void I had terrible ping times, 170 usually was the best, so that and my old and worn hands don't have the fastest reaction times on the planet for pvp. I prefer to not get vaporized when already engaged in fighting whatever npc hostiles are around as is frequent on the Void. Essentially Rogues and Pirates on that server can kill whomever they want whenever or wherever they want. Since I have a hard time fighting other players due to lag, it made me an easily stalked and harassed target to get thier kill counts up. I'm not looking for PVP, just a star cluster I can swim around and get lost in and some cool people to interract with.

I remember from the Rifts RPG there was a character named Erin Tarn, an explorer. She would travel the globe writing about what she had seen and what the people and places she visited were like. Even the most evil races left her alone out of respect for her neutrality in all matters. That would be the ideal archetype for my fighting capabilities and connection speeds. Would researcher be close to this? Or is there an actual tagged explorer class that doesn't get gunned down on sight by everyone?


P.S. I do like to pvp, but unless you're going below 50k, you'll just be a flicker across my screen most of the time. It may be better if the server is hosted close enough to Colorado, USA... but my luck in finding those servers has been... less than adequate.

Hello - Ayem - 08-10-2009

We have a large number of Americans who play on this server, but there is also the Discovery USA server, which is hosted much closer to you. Smaller population, but the RP seems to be going well.

On this server, if you are a trader the pirates have to demand credits or cargo before they can destroy your ship. If you pay up they have no justification for killing you (This is under server rule).

Most pirates will leave Zoners alone, because zoners are the primary source of supplies for most of them. Junkers are the same. This is not to say that all will, just most.

Also, if you're in a gunboat class vessel or higher, npcs very easy to deal with (apart from in some notorious systems).

There is no "explorer" class, but there is the "freelancer" tag/ID or as you say "researcher" ID. Freelancer will have you ignored by just about everything except Nomads and Wilde, but researcher might fit better in terms of RP. Remember that so long as you can talk in a calm and polite manner, 97% of the time people will give you the benefit of the doubt and let you go.

That is a made up statistic, but from my experience it is about right.

Hello - Birdtalon - 08-10-2009

Try it and see:D

Hello - Ashitaka - 08-11-2009

' Wrote:Try it and see:D

Already downloaded... patching it in with the FLMM... and see you on the inside.


Hello - darthbeck - 08-11-2009

welcome to discovery man.

i suggest getting double freelancer bribes, and then a junker bribe. should make you neutral to almost everyone.

Hello - Dejavu - 08-11-2009

Welcome to Disco!
Good luck on the server.

Hello - Ashitaka - 08-11-2009

' Wrote:welcome to discovery man.
i suggest getting double freelancer bribes, and then a junker bribe. should make you neutral to almost everyone.

yeah... but not the nomad player camping the tradelane from west point to manhattan... only trade route I know.. spent everythign on a new ship and some cargo to get some cred flow going... blew me away twice in a row without a word. No RP, no engagement, and I never fired a shot...

C-ya'll... you got the same gameplay ruiners as every other server. And now with no money and nothing left I can viably sell to get cargo... I ain;t spending another 4 hours on a new character only to get overpowered by a nomad in New York that none of the local forces can deal with.

Goodbye. Serious game balance issues. Griefers camping the lanes most newbies would travel on day 1, not fun. and I got better things to do other than delete/start over every time I run out of money because of some griefer.

:nono: Not good enforcement... since he's been there a while now. and since I had no other system to go to that I had found... I wasn't going to sit in Pennsylvania for 4 hours, new character or not.

Hello - Death.RunningVerminator - 08-11-2009

just cause your new you wont be off the hook. Read the rules, know them, and have fun!

oh and we are way better than "the void"
